doraemonls 发表于 2012-2-28 11:18


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 15:19 编辑


【原文标题】Knocking Off Michael Jordan

HONG KONG — Michael Jordan has filed suit in China against a Chinese company that he says is illegally using his name, number and likeness to market its own lines of athletic shoes and sportswear.

In China, Mr. Jordan’s surname is Qiaodan. The company he is suing is Qiaodan Sports, located in Fujian Province, in southeastern China.

My colleague in Shanghai, David Barboza, has a story on the lawsuit here.
笔者的同事David Barboza目前正在上海,他讲述了这起诉讼背后的故事,点击这里

A statement on Mr. Jordan’s Web site said: “The Chinese company has registered and uses the name ‘Qiaodan’ (乔丹), which is the moniker Michael Jordan has been known by in China since he gained widespread popularity in the mid-1980s.’’

In China, knockoff or pirated goods are called shanzhai (山寨), a term that was originally applied to fake cell phones. Nicholas Schmidle explored the athletic-shoe shanzhai phenomenon in The New York Times Magazine.
在中国,“山寨”一词表示仿制或者盗版的商品,最初是用来形容仿制名牌的手机。Nicholas Schmidle在纽约时报杂志上已经探讨过山寨运动鞋的现象了。

“When you have your name, it’s your DNA,’’ Mr. Jordan said in a statement. “Whenever someone takes it, it’s a violation.’’

Mr. Jordan, the former N.B.A. star who now is majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, has long had a line of Nike shoes called Air Jordans. Forbes estimated he made $60 million last year, largely through endorsement deals with Nike, Hanes, Gatorade and others.
乔丹曾是NBA的大明星,目前是山猫队的大股东。他还有一条生产线,专门生产Air Jordan的耐克运动鞋。福布斯估计乔丹去年通过与耐克、Hanes、佳得乐等其他品牌的代言活动赚了6000万美元。

As an indication of the huge financial implications for Mr. Jordan’s marketing ambitions (and potential losses) in the basketball-crazy Chinese market, his legal team has built a Web site to make his case in the lawsuit. It offers examples of Jordan signature shoes and clothing alongside knockoff models from Qiaodan.

Miachel Jordan sues China’s Qiaodan over name use. I would argue Qiaodan has become its own brand with limited relation to MJ.
MJ起诉乔丹体育侵犯了他的姓名权。我更倾向于认为乔丹体育已经和MJ关系不大, 成为一个独立的品牌了。
— TXCapBeijing (@TXCapBeijing) February 23, 2012
--@TXCapBeijing 2012,2,23 在twitter上说

There was no immediate indication of the amount of damages Mr. Jordan is seeking.

“This is not about money,” he said. “It’s about principle.”

“It is deeply disappointing to see a company build a business off my Chinese name without my permission, use the number 23 and even attempt to use the names of my children,’’ Mr. Jordan said. “I am taking this action to preserve ownership of my name and my brand.’’

Messages left by Rendezvous with Qiaodon Sports were not immediately returned.

The company’s Web site makes no specific mention of Michael Jordan, although it says, “As a franchise shop, we mainly sell Jordan shoes. Welcome all the customers!’’

A Qiaodan Sports spokesman told Reuters that he did not have legal details of the case. The company has reportedly become a supplier for the Olympic teams from Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

Earlier this month, a federal court in Chicago ruled against Mr. Jordan in his lawsuit against the Jewel-Osco supermarket chain. He had alleged that the company had used shoes bearing the number 23 in an ad layout in 2009 in a special edition of Sports Illustrated.

Addendum: Nike is creating a special signature shoe for Jeremy Lin, the New York Knicks point guard, according to an athletic shoe Web site, A hypothetical mockup of the shoe can be seen here.

Mr. Lin, who is Taiwanese-American, may face similar challenges to marketing himself in China, where counterfeiting and trademark infringement are common, as David said in his story.

He cited local media reports that said a businesswoman in China registered a trademark there for Lin’s name after seeing him play last year.

lyycc 发表于 2012-2-28 12:50

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李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2012-2-28 13:45

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查看完整版本: 【纽约时报20120223】乔丹起诉中国乔丹公司