满仓 发表于 2014-12-5 12:41

【外交政策 201411】破碎的世界:2014百大思考者 - 保护者

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【中文标题】破碎的世界:2014百大思考者 - 保护者
【原文标题】A World Disrupted: The Leading Global Thinkers of 2014




































Locating promise amid contradiction is the key to environmental progress for these Global Thinkers, who are showing that it is possible for a large, bustling city to be free of cars, for a small tribe to shield its homeland from powerful energy interests, and for trees—just trees—to protect a country from catastrophe. There is much left to learn, and even more to respect, about the natural world. These individuals serve as constant reminders of what it takes not just to live on Earth, but to thrive.

Akira Miyawaki
For planting trees to defend against tsunamis.

The 2011 tsunami in Japan overwhelmed concrete barriers along the country’s coastline and destroyed some 120,000 buildings. Yet nearby coastal Shinto shrines, nestled in forests, remained largely untouched. To botanist Akira Miyawaki, this showed that trees could be the keys to averting future catastrophe.

Miyawaki has been restoring forests for decades and has been involved with planting some 40 million trees in 15 countries. Now, in his home country, he is using tsunami debris to construct beds in which to plant oak and other tree species native to Japan—together the trees will act as a tidal-wave shield. Under the banner of the Great Forest Wall Project, at least one forest has already been completed in a city near Fukushima; and over 10 years, some 90 million seedlings will be planted. Miyawaki also hopes to export the shield model to other countries with vulnerable coastlines.

“Forests are life itself,” Miyawaki told the Tokyo-based environmental group Japan for Sustainability in 2011. “The life for surviving tomorrow begins with creating true ‘forests of life.’”

Ruth Buendía
For saving a homeland by letting a river run.

The Asháninka people have lived in South America’s Ene River valley for centuries, surviving Spanish conquest and civil war. But that nearly changed in 2010, when the governments of Peru and Brazil agreed to build hydroelectric dams that would have produced jobs and energy in the region—and also would have flooded the indigenous group’s homeland.

Enter Ruth Buendía. As president of the organization Central Asháninka del Río Ene, Buendía has united her people in a campaign against the dams. She has filed lawsuits insisting that both national and international law require authorities to consult the Asháninka before starting projects that affect the group—and she has kept the dams at bay for four years. For her exceptional activism, Buendía received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize this year.

Buendía isn’t a lawyer; she only finished high school at age 25. “Anger,” she said after being awarded the prize, “motivated me to defend my people.”

Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Partha Dasgupta, Katharine Hayhoe
Atmospheric scientist; economist; atmospheric scientist
|Lubbock, Texas; United Kingdom; San Diego
For keeping the faith in the fight against climate change.

In fighting the ill effects of climate change, scientists and religious leaders might seem like awkward partners. But for researchers Partha Dasgupta and Veerabhadran Ramanathan, as well as climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, science and religion don’t have to be at odds over global warming. In fact, they may have common cause.

Hayhoe, of Texas Tech University, has been aligning religion and conservation for years. With her evangelical pastor husband, in 2009 she published A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions. Today, she continues to argue that protecting natural resources is in line with conservative Christian values and has emerged as the most prominent religious climate communicator in the United States. Dasgupta, of Cambridge University, and Ramanathan, of the University of California, San Diego, made ripples in September when Science published the duo’s call for religious leaders to evangelize for the planet. Earlier this year, the scientists had met with Pope Francis at a Vatican sustainability conference.

“The transformational step,” wrote Dasgupta and Ramanathan, “may very well be a massive mobilisation by the Vatican and other religions for collective action to safeguard the well-being of both humanity and the environment.”

Ioane Teitiota
Climate change refugee
|New Zealand
For adding “climate refugee” to the lexicon.

Located about 1,200 miles south of Hawaii, the island nation of Kiribati faces a grim future: Composed of 32 atolls and one island—which average only about 2 meters above sea level—it is among the countries most vulnerable to devastation from climate change. Given the impact of rising sea levels and increased danger from storm surges, some have predicted that the country will become uninhabitable in as little as 30 years. But native Ioane Teitiota argues that it is unlivable now.

Teitiota introduced the term “climate refugee” last year, when he requested asylum in New Zealand, arguing that not only had high tides destroyed the fisherman’s livelihood, but unsanitary water and rising tensions among locals had made the island too dangerous for his family. In seeking refuge, Teitiota insistently focused the world’s attention on the victims of rising tides and their need for legal remedies.

Teitiota failed to convince New Zealand to grant him refugee status in 2013 and his appeal was shot down in May of this year, but his quest isn’t over. His lawyer, Michael Kidd, says they are considering taking his case before the U.N. Human Rights Committee in Geneva. If successful, he will be the first climate refugee in the world.

John Kovac
|Cambridge, Mass.
For proving that it all started with a Bang.

At the moment of the Big Bang, the universe suddenly expanded with a massive burst of energy, faster than the speed of light. So goes the decades-old theory of cosmic inflation, for which John Kovac and his collaborators—using a telescope perched on the South Pole—provided hard evidence for the first time this year. They documented traces of that moment in swirls of polarized light in the background radiation that suffuses the cosmos.

If Kovac’s findings hold up—and early indications look good—they will be remembered as one of the greatest achievements in the history of physics. Inflation explains one of the enduring paradoxes of modern physics: why the universe expanded so rapidly and with such a uniform temperature. That the answer lay in swirls of microwave radiation is itself a form of poetry.

Sonja Heikkilä
Transportation engineer
For bundling transit on demand.

What if a city’s entire transportation network—subways and buses, Uber and Lyft, bike sharing and even ferries—could be accessed from a single app with a single payment system? People would have less need for cars, which could mean fewer emissions and a cleaner city, not to mention territory reclaimed from parking decks and street spaces.

Finnish engineer Sonja Heikkilä dreamed up this very transportation infrastructure for the 21st century. Called “mobility on demand,” the 24-year-old’s idea is to bundle various modes of travel and allow customers to compare options with the touch of a screen. In her vision, as she told Business Insider, a city’s transportation market would also be structured to avoid monopolies, with “several private companies running the mobility operator business.”

Helsinki is already moving forward with Heikkilä’s plan, designing pilot programs for 2015 and aiming to have mobility on demand fully in place by 2025.

Aleta Baun
Environmental activist, lawmaker
For moving a campaign off the rocks and into the halls of power.

For more than a decade, Aleta Baun battled marble mining in West Timor. A member of the Molo, an indigenous people who traditionally venerate their natural habitat, she organized demonstrations against the marble industry’s environmental impact. In one protest, more than 100 women—including Baun, who has faced harassment and even death threats—spent a year weaving cloth while sitting on rocks at a mining site. Her campaign was ultimately successful: By 2010, marble-mining companies had withdrawn from four sites in West Timor.

Now Baun, who won a 2013 Goldman Environmental Prize, is moving her fight off the rocks. This April, the woman known as “Mama Aleta” won a seat in the parliament of her home province, which has a wealth of natural resources in addition to marble, including gold, oil, and gas. She hopes to influence policy—and take on other companies if necessary. “I’m quite sure it will bring me much more challenges and threats,” she said of her election, speaking to the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “If anyone kills me, I would accept it.”

每天的晨吟 发表于 2014-12-5 13:05

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