lt630 发表于 2015-1-7 19:24


【原文标题】Chinese tech firm Xiaomi's revenue doubles in 2014【中文标题】小米公司2014年收入翻倍【原文链接】【更新时间】5 January 2015 Last updated at 02:22【正文】Chinese handset maker Xiaomi said itmore than doubled its revenue in 2014, just a week after it was named theworld's most valuable techstart-up.中国手机制造商小米称2014年收入翻了超过一倍,仅一周后,它被誉为世界上最有价值的创业公司。
The firm said it made 74.3bn yuan(£7.8bn; $11.97bn) in pre-tax sales last year, up 135% from 2013.该公司称其去年实现税前销售额达人民币743亿元(78亿英镑;119.7亿美元),较2013年增长了135%。
Now the world's third largestsmartphone maker behind Samsung and Apple, it sold over 61 million phones lastyear, up 227% from a year earlier.如今小米是仅次于三星和苹果的全球第三大智能手机制造商,它去年售出了超过6100万部,较上年同期增长了227%。
Last week, Xiaomi received $1.1bn infunding that valued the firm at $45bn.上周,小米集资11亿美元的资金,公司市值达到了450亿美元。
That figure surpasses the $40bn valueof taxi booking app Uber, which previously held the title of the most valuableprivate technology company.这一数字超过了出租车预定应用软件Uber打车的400亿美元,在此前Uber被称为最有价值的私营科技公司。
The firm also surpassed its target ofselling 60 million phones in 2014, up from less than 20 million a year earlier.该公司还超额完成了2014年的销售目标,,从一年前的不到2000万到现在的超过6000万部手机。
Looking forward, the company said itplanned to unveil a new flagship device in January.展望未来,该公司表示,计划1月发布一款新的旗舰产品。
'Starting from scratch'“白手起家”
In a translation of a post on chief executive LeiJun's Sina Weibo microblog on Sunday, the co-founder said the company had comea long way since starting "from scratch" in April 2010.在一篇首席执行官雷军周日发布的新浪微博的翻译件里,联合创始人表示, 自2010年4月“白手起家”之后,该公司已经走了很长的路。
"2014 is a year of importantmilestones for Xiaomi. We came from behind and became market leader in China,"he said.他说:“2014年对小米来说是一个重要的里程碑。我们后来者居上,成为中国市场的领导者,”
With its business model of producingcheap smartphones, the fast-growing firm overtook global market leader Samsungin sales last year in the world's largest smartphone market, China.在全球最大的智能手机市场--中国,该公司以其生产廉价智能手机的商业模式、快速增长的销售额取代了三星成为全球智能手机市场领先者。
Mr Lei, however, does expect growthin the Chinese market to ease this year and plans to enter more overseasmarkets.不过雷先生预计今年在中国市场的增长会减缓并计划进入海外市场。
"We have successfully enteredseven markets outside mainland China.“我们已经成功地进入了七个中国大陆以外的市场。”
"In India, we sold over 1 millionsmartphones in less than five months," he said, despite the intellectualproperty challenges it faced in the country last month.他说:“在印度,我们在五个月内售出了超过100万部智能手机”,尽管它上个月在这个国家面临着知识产权的挑战。
Xiaomi sales were temporarily halted in India after Swedish firm Ericsson filed a patent complaintagainst it.在瑞典爱立信公司对小米提起专利诉讼之后,小米在印度的销售暂停。

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-7 20:37


太好123 发表于 2015-1-10 11:26


太好123 发表于 2015-1-10 11:26


无可就要 发表于 2015-1-18 22:26

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