Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-30 22:19


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-1-30 22:36 编辑

【中文标题】乌克兰冲突:欧盟扩大对俄罗斯的制裁【原文标题】Ukraine conflict: EU extends sanctions against Russia【更新时间】29 January 2015 Last updated at 22:27【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Fighting has been raging near the town ofDebaltseve in eastern Ukraine战斗已经接近至乌克兰东部城市德巴尔切夫。 EU foreign ministers have agreed to extendexisting sanctions against Russia until September.欧盟各国外长已同意延长对俄罗斯现有的制裁到九月。
At an extraordinary meeting in Brussels,they also agreed to discuss names to add to the list of individuals targetedfor EU travel bans and asset freezes.在欧盟总部布鲁塞尔举行的特别会议上,他们也同意讨论将部分俄罗斯官员的名字添加到欧盟旅行禁令和个人资产冻结的名单中。
However, they did not agree on imposing neweconomic sanctions against Russia.然而,他们并没有在对俄罗斯实行新一轮的经济制裁上达成一致意见。
The ministers met as fighting raged ineastern Ukraine. Moscow denies any involvement in the conflict.因为在乌克兰东部的冲突部长们才进行此次会面。莫斯科否认这次冲突和自己有任何牵连。
There has been further fighting in easternUkraine near the town of Debaltseve, the location of a strategic railwayjunction between Donetsk and Luhansk.在乌克兰东部靠近德巴尔切夫,顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克之间的战略铁路枢纽重镇又有了新的战斗。
Thursday's meeting was called after thegovernment-held port of Mariupol was shelled at the weekend, with the deaths ofat least 30 people. Ukraine blamed rebels for the attack.周四的会议称马里乌波尔政府持有的港口上周末遭到炮击,至少30人死亡。乌克兰指责这是反政府武装的袭击。
There was uncertainty over the position ofthe new Greek government - a Russian ally which says it wants to avoid a riftbetween the EU and Russia.俄罗斯的盟友-希腊新政府的立场并不确定 ,他们希望避免欧盟和俄罗斯之间产生新的裂痕。
Nato says hundreds of Russian tanks andarmoured vehicles are in east Ukraine.北约声称,数百辆俄罗斯坦克和装甲车在乌克兰东部集结。
Moscow denies direct involvement but sayssome Russian volunteers are fighting alongside the rebels.莫斯科否认直接参与了乌克兰东部的武装冲突,但表示一些俄罗斯志愿者们正和反政府武装一起并肩作战。
The US, which has co-ordinated sanctionmoves with Brussels in the past year, said it was not planning an immediate newannouncement itself.在过去一年里美国和欧盟一起既有协调的意向也有制裁的动作,美国声称暂时不打算发布新的公告。
Russian press eye Greek change俄罗斯媒体眼中希腊的变化
Under the headline "Moscow findsdefender in EU", centrist daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta hopes the new Greekgovernment may come to the Kremlin's help over sanctions.“莫斯科找到了欧盟中的拥护者”,俄外交官希望希腊新政府能接受克里姆林宫的帮助来度过难关。
But writing in popular tabloidKomsomolskaya Pravda, Andrey Baranov suggests that instead of riskingconfrontation over Russia, Athens "may trade its loyalty to Brussels forthe write-off of part of its foreign debt".但是在流行小报共青团真理报上,安德烈·巴拉诺夫警告道:希腊可能冒着和俄罗斯对峙的风险“向欧盟表示忠心来抵消部分外债。”
State-owned daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta arguesthat EU plans to step up sanctions are a continuation of war on Russia and havenothing to do with resolving the situation in Ukraine.俄罗斯国有日报认为,欧盟计划加强对俄罗斯的制裁是一种战争的延续,对解决乌克兰的局势没有任何帮助。

These houses in the eastern city of Donetskwere hit during an artillery exchange这些在东部城市顿涅茨克的房子在炮火中被击中
Many civilians in Donetsk are living inunderground shelters to escape the fighting在顿涅茨克的许多平民生活在地下庇护所,来躲避战火。
Greece's new foreign minister, NikosKotzias (left) said the government wanted to bring the EU and Russia closertogether希腊新外长,Nikos Kotzias(左)表示,政府希望欧盟和俄罗斯双方关系走得更近些。

Tank assault坦克突击
On the ground in eastern Ukraine, rebelscaptured the town of Vuhlehirsk near Debaltseve. Ukrainian defence ministryspokesman Vladislav Seleznyov was quoted by AP News agency as saying governmenttroops were trying to drive them out again.在乌克兰东部,叛军占领了乌格列戈尔斯克附近的德巴尔切夫镇。美联社引述乌克兰国防部发言人弗拉季斯拉夫·谢列兹尼奥夫的话说,政府军试图重新把叛军赶出去。

Speaking from a hospital bed in the town ofArtemivsk, Ukrainian army soldier Vadim Pugovetsa told AP the attack onVuhlehirsk had begun with an apparent tactical feint.Artemivsk镇医院的病床上,乌克兰军队士兵Vadim Pugovetsa告诉美联社记者:在乌格列戈尔斯克的攻击以明显的战术佯攻开始。
"Some tanks tried to break through butwe repelled the first attack but that was clearly a probing move," hesaid.他说“有些坦克试图突破,但我们击退了第一轮进攻,但是这显然是一个试探性的举动,”
Armoured vehicles and tanks then chargedtowards the town through fields in a fresh assault two hours later, he said.两个小时后装甲车和坦克通过田野向城市发动新一轮的攻击​​。
More civilians were killed by shelling inDonetsk region on Thursday. While overall figures could not be verifiedindependently, at least three civilians were killed in Debaltseve and two inDonetsk city.在星期四炮击顿涅茨克地区的事件中更多的平民被打死。尽管确切数字无法核实,但至少在德巴尔切夫有3名平民死亡,在顿涅茨克有2名平民死亡。
More than 4,800 people have been killed andsome 1.2 million have fled since rebels took control of parts of Luhansk andDonetsk regions in April.自去年四月份以来,叛军控制了卢甘斯克和顿涅茨克的部分地区,有超过4800人丧生,大约120万人流离失所。
It followed Russia's annexation of Crimeain March after a referendum which was not recognised internationally.去年三月克里米亚全民公决并入俄罗斯没有被国际公认,后来引发了乌克兰东部的武装冲突。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-30 23:22

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