独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-30 23:41


【原文标题】China to expand limited FTZ reforms nationwide【中文标题】中国将在全国推广上海贸易区试点改革经验【文章来源】法新社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/china-expand-limited-ftz-reforms-nationwide-204741590--finance.html
China will expand some reforms from its first free trade zone in Shanghai nationwide, it said Thursday, even as foreign firms show disappointment over the slow pace of change in the FTZ.中国官方周四称,将上海自由贸易区运行形成的一些改革经验向全国推广。但外国公司对自由贸易区改革的进展缓慢显得不太满意。
The Chinese commercial hub set up the FTZ in September 2013, with the promise of a range of financial reforms, including full convertibility of the yuan currency and free interest rates -- which remain unfulfilled.上海在2013年成立自由贸易区,承诺进行大范围的经济改革,包括人民币自由兑换和利率自由化,但这些政策并未完全落实。
The State Council, or cabinet, announced that 22 measures from the FTZ will be "replicated" across the country by the end of June, according to a statement on the central government website.国务院称,上海自由贸易区的22个可复制改革试点经验在6月底前在全国范围内推广。
They include setting up foreign-invested credit evaluation firms and the use of paperless customs clearance, the document showed.内容包括设立外商投资资信调查公司、无纸通关等措施。
The announcement comes ahead of China's annual legislative session in early March, when leaders are expected to proclaim their support for economic reforms.今年的两会将于3月初进行,届时中国国家领导将会发表支持经济改革的讲话。
A foreign business group last week urged the Shanghai government to speed up the pace of development in the FTZ.上周一个外国贸易集团敦促上海政府加快自由贸易区的发展步伐。
"Progress made in the first year is welcome but the measures taken were very much low hanging fruits," the Shanghai chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce said in a position paper.欧盟商会上海分部在意见书上称:“我们对第一年取得的进步表示欢迎,但这些措施是短期内的办法。”
"There has been no significant progress in service sector liberalisation or interest rate liberalisation, areas that are crucial for rebalancing China's economy."“在服务贸易自由化或者利率自由化方面发展缓慢,这些方面对中国经济的再平衡至关重要。”
Shanghai Mayor Yang Xiong on Thursday pledged greater efforts towards financial liberalisation but made clear it would depend on the central government.上海市长杨雄周四承诺,将加大努力实现金融自由化,但同时也声明所采取的措施都要经过中国政府的批准。
"We will continue to carry out the arrangements of the central government... in particular, capital market construction and opening of the capital account," he told a news conference.他在新闻会议上告诉记者:“我们将落实中央政府颁布的政策……其中包括资本市场建设和资本账户开放等。”
China keeps a tight grip on its capital account, fearing unpredictable inflows or outflows of funds could harm the economy and reduce its control over it.由于担心资金出入流的不确定性有可能对经济造成伤害并且不利于对资金流的控制,中国一直对国家资本账户严格控制。
The Chinese government in December announced plans to allow three new FTZs based on the Shanghai model in the provinces of Guangdong and Fujian, as well as Tianjin city.中国政府在去年12月就宣布将以上海自由贸易区为标准,批准广东、福建和天津成立新的自由贸易区。
Shanghai itself plans to expand its FTZ to more than 120 square kilometres from the current 28.78 square kilometres, the city government said late last year.去年上海市政府表示,计划将上海自由贸易区面积从28.78平方公里扩大到120平方公里。

jxu 发表于 2015-1-30 23:56


易八泰 发表于 2015-1-31 07:14

jxu 发表于 2015-1-30 23:56


fourshallot 发表于 2015-2-1 12:03

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