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[网贴翻译] 【VOA 20050401】俄台在最后时刻申请加入亚投行

发表于 2015-4-2 13:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
More than 40 countries have added their names to a growing list of those seeking to become founding members of Chinas multibillion-dollar Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, but the United States and Japan say they will remain on the sidelines. Just days before the deadline at the end of March, Russia added its name to the list that has more than doubled since China announced its plans to build the bank late last year.

The Taiwan bid to become a founding member came late Monday.  It was not immediately clear whether Beijing would accept the application.

Taiwans Premier Mao Chih-kuo says the application to join was sent through channels the two sides use to communicate.  It would suit Taiwans national interests, if it could participate in Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank with dignity,Mao told reporters in Taipei.

China and Taiwan do not have official diplomatic relations, and while the island economy has huge strengths it is not a member of the United Nations or any organization that is similar to the AIIB, such as the World Bank or Asian Development Bank.

Membership in the AIIB requires statehood and Beijing considers the self-ruled island to be a part of its territory.

Shi Yinhong, a political scientist at Beijings Renmin University said it is likely China will not give Taiwans request or other special requests from international organizations high priority.

From Chinas perspective this would show its good will toward cross-strait relations,Shi said.  On the other, if it opposes Taiwans incorporation that would be lost - the opportunity to attract popularity on the Taiwan island.

The key attraction for many of those seeking to join the bank is the massive business opportunities in Asia for infrastructure development.  According to the Asian Development Bank, Asia needs $800 billion each year for roads, ports, power plants or other infrastructure projects.

Beijing says countries that want to be involved include those from Africa, Europe, South America, Asia and the Pacific.  The United States and Japan say they are holding off joining, citing concerns about how the bank will be run and what it will do to guarantee social and environmental standards are upheld.
中国官方媒体说,寻求成为创始成员国的国家涵盖非洲、欧洲、南美洲和亚太地区。 虽然美国和日本两国在欧洲和亚洲的许多盟国已申请加入亚投行,但这两个国家仍然坚持不加入。东京和华盛顿方面表示,他们对亚投行的管理和在保护社会和环境方面的作为表示担忧。

Shi said the rapid increase in the number of those seeking to become members has exceeded Chinas expectations and helped Beijing win diplomatic prestige.  But he said that from Beijings perspective this has benefits and costs.

The membership of European powers, South Korea and Australia will make Chinas leading role much (more) reduced than it otherwise would have been,Shi said.   
“欧洲大国以及韩国、澳大利亚的加入会削弱中国的领导角色。” 他说。

Similarly Shi said Russias decision to become a founding member has risks, noting Moscow has long been suspicious of Chinas Silk Road Initiative and efforts to extend its reach into Central Asia.  Its participation in the bank could help ease some tensions, he said

I dont think Russian membership will add much of a positive element in operation of the bank and in the making of the rules, because Russia generally (speaking) in this field is a maverick,Shi said.

For Russia, it is an opportunity to build investment and business opportunities in Asia while its economy is struggling under the weight of international sanctions over the Ukraine crisis and a slide in oil prices.

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