满仓 发表于 2015-5-7 08:44

【商业周刊 20150428】简历最好用什么字体

【原文标题】The Best and Worst Fonts to Use on Your Résumé
【原文作者】Natalie Kitroeff

在简历上使用Times New Roman,就等于穿着运动裤去参加面试。




还有其它一些字体也像Helvetica一样,属于“无衬线字体”,也就是说不像Times New Roman字体中的“T”那样下面有个“小脚丫”。专家建议,不要选择廉价的仿制字体。旧金山一家品牌顾问公司柯林斯的创意总监马特•卢克赫斯特说:“如果是我,我会选用Helvetica,这是个美丽的字体,世界上只有一个Helvetica。”


假如你钱多得没地方花,想买一套字体,那就买Proxima Nova吧,霍夫称其为“Helvetica的表兄”,只不过少了一些锋锐的劲头。

霍夫说:“它有一种更加柔软的感觉,Helvetica显得比较僵硬,Proxima Nova更加圆润。它无疑是众多字体中脱颖而出的一个,我从未遇到过不喜欢它的客户。”这种受欢迎的程度让它价值不菲,myfonts.com上一个字型的售价是29.99美元,整套144个字符的售价是734美元。


针对经典的Times New Roman存在着一些争议。柏林一位字符设计师马蒂娜•福勒说:“我对Times New Roman没有什么偏见。”她承认这种字体有一些过于死板的坏名声,但并不是它的责任。“长期以来它一直被用作系统字体,但是正确使用和错误使用的频率一样多。”






我们或许根本不需要讨论这个字体,总之不要使用Comic Sans,除非你是在为国际商业杂志设计一起投资封面。霍夫说,你的简历上不要出现这种字体,“除非你是在申请小丑大学。你还可以买到其它类似异想天开的字体,都有同样的效果和感觉。”霍夫说得比较客气,但是在我听来,就是不要使用Comic Sans之类的字体,让它们自生自灭。




Using Times New Roman is the typeface equivalent of wearing sweatpants to an interview

A résumé, that piece of paper designed to reflect your best self, is one of the places where people still tend to use typeface to express themselves. It does not always go well, according to people who spend a lot of time looking at fonts. Bloomberg asked three typography wonks which typefaces make a curriculum vitae look classiest, which should never, ever be seen by an employer, and whether emojis are fair game.

We went digging for a complete set of professionally fly fonts and returned with just one consensus winner: Helvetica.

“Helvetica is so no-fuss, it doesn’t really lean in one direction or another. It feelsprofessional, lighthearted, honest,” says Brian Hoff, creative director of Brian Hoff Design. “Helvetica is safe. Maybe that’s why it’s more business-y.”

There are other options that, like Helvetica, are sans-serif, meaning their letters do not have the tiny "feet" that adorn the "T" in Times New Roman, for example. Do not choose a cheap imitator, the experts counsel. “If it's me, Helvetica. Helvetica is beautiful,” says Matt Luckhurst, the creative director at Collins, a brand consultancy, in San Francisco. “There is only one Helvetica.”

Unless you're applying for a design job, human resource professionals probably wouldn't notice a knockoff font. But you would be on the wrong side of good taste. Could you live with that?

Say you're a high roller and want to actually purchase a font. Go with Proxima Nova, which Hoff calls a “cousin to Helvetica” with less of an edge.

“It has a softer feel. Helvetica can be more stiff, andProxima Nova feels a little rounder,” Hoff says. Proxima Nova is apparently a hit among suits. “I never met a client that didn’t like that typeface,” he says. That kind of popularity does not come cheap: Just one style of the font costs $29.99 at myfonts.com, and the entire 144-member family costs $734.

If you are very experienced, use Garamond to get your long rap sheet to fit into a single page. “Garamond is legible and easy for the eye to follow,” says Luckhurst.“Garamond has all these quirks in it, so what that does is allow the eye to see where it should go.”

There’s some controversy over the classic Times New Roman. “I don’t have any problem with Times New Roman,” says Martina Flor, a letterer and designer in Berlin, Germany. She acknowledges that it has the reputation of being staid, but says the font is not to blame. “It has been a system font for a long time. It’s been used and misused a lot.”

Using old faithful might send the wrong sign to your future boss, though. “It’s telegraphing that you didn’t put any thought into the typeface that you selected,” says Hoff. “It’s like putting on sweatpants.”

If you want something intentionally upscale, try Didot. “It’s very tall, it’s a little fancy, it’s a little feminine,” says Luckhurst. It’s a good option for a fashion job, but not much else, he adds. “It’s like wearing the black dress to the ball. Do you wear a tuxedo to your job interview?”

It may go without saying, but do not use the flowery Zapfino type on anything you will show an employer. “It's just really swoosh-y. If it’s your wedding invite and that typeface is for you, go for it,” says Luckhurst.

Do not even use anything that looks like Zapfino, says Flor. “All the fonts belonging to this family of connected scripts wouldn’t be right for your résumé,” she says. They are hard to read, she says, and not designed to express anything longer than a headline.

“You don’t have a typewriter, so don’t try to pretend that you have a typewriter,” Luckhurst says. “You have been using a computer to do a handwritten thing. You haven’t used a computer properly, and you haven’t handwritten properly.” Damn. Don’t use Courier, I guess.

We probably do not even need to discuss this, but you should never use Comic Sans unless you are designing the investment issue of a national business magazine. Do not even look at Comic Sans. It should not be on your résumé “unless you are applying to clown college,” says Hoff. “There are other whimsical fonts out there that you can buy that would give a similar impression and feel, but not necessarily be a Comic Sans.” Hoff is being gentle, but take it from me: Don’t look for a Comic Sans-like font. Just let it go.

Should you put emoji in your résumé? Prayer hands, a cat with hearts for eyes, followed by a dress shirt with a gold tie? “I think it’s a great idea. Put a lot of emojis on the bottom. Some chicken wings. They will love it,” says Luckhurst. “Maybe an emoji is your logo. Maybe you just really key in on the 100 logo, that’s your thing, you put it everywhere.”


每天的晨吟 发表于 2015-5-7 08:48

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