Annie2014 发表于 2015-6-11 10:22


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-6-11 10:23 编辑

【中文标题】剃掉还是保留:你怎样对待你的腋毛?【英文标题】To shave or not to shave: What do you do with your armpit hair?【原文链接】【更新时间】10 June 2015【原文来源】BBC.COM【正文】Xiao Meili is a well known women's rights activistin China.肖美丽是中国著名的女权活动家。
She launched an "Armpit Hair Competition"on China's popular micro-blog service Weibo to get women to take ownership oftheir bodies.她在微博上发起了一场“腋毛运动”,为了让女性自主自己的身体。
The competition attracted thousands of commentsfrom Chinese women.这场运动吸引了成千上万中国女性的评论。
You have been sharing your thoughts via@BBC_HaveYourSay on Twitter. Here is a selection of your tweets:你可以通过推特上的 @BBC.HaveYourSay 来分享你的想法。下面是推特上的一些节选评论:
@jen_vorhaut in Washington DC, US, chooses not toshave her armpits.在华盛顿DC的@jen.vorhaut选择不刮掉腋毛。

@MARKDIDDY from Nigeria and @Jenn_Abrams from theUS share their reasons for preferring armpits to remain hairless.尼日利亚的@MARKDIDDY和美国的@Jenn_Abrams分享了她们喜欢腋下保持无毛的理由。
But not all readers agree that shaving armpits isthe best way forward. @bijubelinky in London, UK, thinks it is down to theindividual to choose.但并不是所有的读者都认为剃腋窝是最好的选择。英国伦敦的@bijubelinky认为这是个人选择。
@YHHSulami from Manhattan, Kansas, US, thinks thatshaving armpits is a way to keep clean.来自美国堪萨斯州曼哈顿的@YHHSulami认为剃腋窝是保持干净的一种方式。
@ennisorca is from Australia and says that shaving,or choosing not to shave, is a seasonal choice.来自澳大利亚的@ennisorca说剃腋窝或者不剃腋窝是一个季节性的选择。
And finally, @WomenAlso_ from the UK raises thepoint that shaving armpit hair has nothing to do with hygiene.最终,来自英国的@WomenAlso提出了一个观点就是剃腋窝与卫生没有任何关系。

sundingcheng 发表于 2015-6-11 11:59

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