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Youtube达人“独奏”电影原声 致敬John Williams

已有 333 次阅读2008-11-21 00:57 |个人分类:动态的视觉|

Youtube达人Corey Vidal是歌手出身,他的最新视频“星球大战-向约翰·威廉姆斯(John Williams)致敬”以一个人的“合唱”精彩地呈现了作曲家约翰·威廉姆斯的几首经典的电影原声音乐。不过他加入了歌词,而整个视频的创作灵感完全出自于2005年Moosebutter喜剧合唱团自编的一首“星球大战”的歌曲,只不过这次是他一个人演唱并后期合成。




第三类接触[Close Encounters of the Droid Kind]
You must use the force (repeat ad nauseum)


夺宝奇兵[Raiders of the Lost Wookiee]
Long time ago, far far away (repeat)

Kiss a wookie, kick a droid
Fly the falcon through an asteroid
Till the princess is annoyed
This is spaceships, it's monsters, it's Star Wars, we love it!

Come and help me, Obi Wan
X-wing fighter and a blaster gun
Dance with Ewoks, oh what fun!
This is spaceships, it's monsters, it's Star Wars, we love it!


超人[Super Man]
Get in there you big, furry oaf
I couldn't care less what you smell
I take orders from only me
Maybe you'd like it back in your cell
Your Highness, your worshipfulness, your highness, your worshipfulness

No one cares if you upset a droid
(nobody cares if you upset a droid)
That's because droids don't tear your arms out of socket.
(nobody cares)
I suggest a new strategy: let the Wookie win
That's because nobody cares if you upset a droid.


ET外星人[ET the DiscoTerrestrial]
Now we listen to Luke whining:
One more season... One more season... One more season... One more season...

I was gonna go to Tashi Station for power converters
Now I guess I'm going nowhere.
It just isn't fair.


大白鲨[Jaws: the Wookiee]
Wooookie (repeat)

Someone move this walking carpet (repeat)

Kiss your brother, Kiss your brother (repeat)

Princess Leia
Well I guess you don't know anything about women.

Who's your daddy? (repeat)


侏罗纪公园[Jurassic Darth]
Luke, I'm your father
(That's not true!)
It is useless to resist
(My hand!)
Come with me my son, We will rule
(I'll never join you!)
Search your feelings it is true

So you have a twin sister
Who Obi Wan was wise to hide
(Is that Leia?)
If you will not turn
Then perhaps she will
Give in to your hate
You are mine

Long Long Long Time ago... Far Far Far Far Away

Long Long Long Time Ago, Far Far Far Away (repeat)

Kiss a wookie
Kick a droid
Fly the falcon
Through an asteroid
Till the princess is annoyed
(She's annoyed!)
This is spaceships, it's monsters, it's Star Wars, we love it, it's true

Episode 3
Coming to you
In 2005

So Let's go
(go go go to the movies)
Stand in line
(buy buy buy me some popcorn)
Cause it's al-
(please I'd like extra butter)
most the time
(Join the dark side...)
May the Force be with you all




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回复 酸枣树310 2008-11-21 10:19

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