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热度 1已有 371 次阅读2009-12-31 05:09 |个人分类:参考

Added: Wednesday, 30 December, 2009, 16:03 GMT 16:03 UK
No one makes this much of a ruckus when a Brit is executed in the United States? Whats the difference? The USA shoots down drug traffickers (suspected) with no trial whatsoever. No one would have batted an eyelid if this chap had been given the lethal injection in the states

[Gavvas], Dartford (英国)

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Added: Wednesday, 30 December, 2009, 16:00 GMT 16:00 UK
The British Government once again showed its inconsistency and hypocrisy over this matter. Not many days ago the Home Secretary refused to prevent Gary McKinnon, who suffers from Aspergers Syndrome, from being extradited to the United States for a crime that had no wrongful or injurious intent. Yet Mr McKinnon might die early through being unable to withstand the treatment he is likely to get if convicted in the US courts.
He deserves much more support than a drug smuggler in China.
在这个事情上,英国政府再一次表现出它的矛盾和伪善。前不久内政大臣刚刚拒绝采取措施阻止美国因为一件没有恶意的犯罪而引渡格雷。格雷患有Aspergers 综合症,并且可能因为受不了因美国法庭判刑而遭受的待遇而早死。他才应该得到比在中国的贩毒者更多的支持。

Giles, Richmond  (英国)
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Every time when a Brit breaks law abroad and gets prosecuted, he/she is treated like a hero no matter what he/she has done. If this is what human right means, I would rather not to have one.

[Wd0819], Brighton 英国
Added: Wednesday, 30 December, 2009, 14:26 GMT 14:26 UK
The BBC was so misleading and biased. It played again and again the Chinese won't let the body go home. The fact was he is the muslim and need to be buried within 24 hours. And China respected this. Come on, BBC, show some useful and important details which were deliberately missed in your reports.

YH, London  伦敦
Recommended by 11 people
Added: Wednesday, 30 December, 2009, 12:59 GMT 12:59 UK
Well they wouldn't murder the smuggler- thats for sure. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this case, executions are barbaric. But since when did China respect human rights?
Les H, US/UK 

some would say that they were repecting the human rights of the 2000 odd prople who this man would have killed from selling the drugs in china, but hey, that OK in your book as long as they are not british right. Let look after our own drug smuggler and bring him back here.
John, Brit (英国)
Recommended by 15 people
Added: Wednesday, 30 December, 2009, 12:53 GMT 12:53 UK
What would you have done to a psychotic drug dealer who causes the death of your child?

1. Let him go scot-free.

2. Imprison him for life (while being taxed for his medical treatment and imprisonment)
将他终身监禁(同时你被课税去付他的医疗费和入狱费) (译注:有报道说关一个囚犯一天的费用是40到300英镑。100多英镑可以住伦敦的5星级大酒店了)。

3. Lethal injection
Would it be wrong to do that to the dealer before he actually contributes to the death of the child ?

PS: Most probably the drug dealer is psychotic since he uses his own drug anyways and every person has family, even rapists, taliban etc.

Biswajit, Minneapolis (美国)
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