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[2008.7.14 澳大利亚 ABC] 运动员收到支持西藏的装备套装

发表于 2008-7-14 21:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Olympians offered pro-Tibet packs
The World Today - Monday, 14 July 2008

EMMA ALBERICI: Pro-Tibetan activists are arming Olympians with the means to raise Tibet and human rights concerns while in China. The Australian Tibet Council has issued information packs for athletes and spectators. But the Australian Olympic Committee says it will breach Chinese and Olympic laws and lead to automatic disqualification. More from our Olympics reporter, Karen Barlow.

Emma Alberici(节目主持人):支持藏人的积极份子正以各种方式瞄上奥运会参赛运动员,希望他们在中国期间提出对西藏和人权问题的关注。澳大利亚西藏理事会已经发放了针对运动员和观众的资料套装。不过澳大利亚奥委会说这将违反中国的法律和奥林匹克规章,并会导致自动取消参赛资格。请听我们奥运记者Karen Barlow的详细报道。

KAREN BARLOW: Athens 50-metres freestyle finalist, Michelle Engelsman, recently retired from competitive swimming. Now an activist with Amnesty International, Englesman is aware that some of the athletes heading to Beijing are concerned about issues beyond their sport.

Karen Barlow:雅典奥运会50自由泳决赛参赛者Michelle Engelsman最近从竞技游泳项目上退役。现在她是大赦国际的积极分子,Englesman意识到前往北京的一些运动员除了体育之外也关心这些事情。

MICHELLE ENGELSMAN: I do know there are Australian Olympians who are interested in what's going on in the world and who are socially aware and politically aware and also interested in human rights. That's not by any means saying that they're going to speak out or voice their concerns at the Olympics, but they are interested.

Michelle Engelsman:我知道有一些澳大利亚奥运会参赛运动员对这个世界上正在发生的事情感兴趣,他们具有社会和政治意识并对人权问题感兴趣。那不一定说他们打算在奥运会上大声说出他们的关心,但是他们感兴趣。

KAREN BARLOW: The Australian Tibet Council is hooking into that interest by providing a resource pack to athletes and spectators who ask for one. The pack contains advice explaining the political problems in Tibet, the connection to the Olympics and how people can stand up for human rights while in Beijing. It also has a bright yellow T-shirt in Mandarin and English saying "I support human rights". The Tibet Council's Simon Bradshaw says it should not be offensive.

Karen Barlow:澳大利亚西藏理事会正通过提供一个用品套装,将这种兴趣与向他们索要的运动员和观众挂上钩。该套装包含了如何阐释西藏政治问题的建议,政治话题与奥运会的联系,以及在北京期间如何支持人权。其中还有一件明黄色的短袖上面用普通话(译者注:相当多的外国人都以为普通话和广东话写出来也是不同的,可想而知外国人是多么不了解中国)和英文写着“我支持人权”。澳大利亚西藏理事会的Simon Bradshaw说这个套装应该不会有什么冒犯的。

SIMON BRADSHAW: We really feel this message is sufficiently generic, positive, non contentious. It's to be very difficult to prohibit people from wearing. It doesn't make explicit reference to Tibet; it well outside of the scope of political and racial propaganda which of course is banned from Olympic venues by the Olympic Charter.

Simon Bradshaw:我们真得感到这种信息是相当通用的、正面的,没有什么异议的。这很难禁止人们穿着。它没有明确指向西藏,它完全不在政治和种族问题宣传的范畴内,当然按照奥林匹克宪章它是不允许穿着在奥运比赛场地内的。

KAREN BARLOW: But the resource pack also contains Tibetan flag stickers, badges and temporary tattoos, which Simon Bradshaw knows is crossing the line.

Karen Barlow:不过这个用品套装也包含了西藏旗帜的粘帖纸,徽章和临时性的纹身图案,Simon Bradshaw知道这些是越线的东西。

SIMON BRADSHAW: As I said, we are aware of the restrictions that have been placed on those going to Beijing and encourage people to be aware that some of the items do breach what are allowed to be taken. But people can of course use their own judgement there.

Simon Bradshaw:正如我说的,我们知道哪些东西可以带到北京去是有所限制的,并鼓励大家注意有一些物品会违反允许携带的规定。但是在那里人们肯定会做出自己的判断。

KAREN BARLOW: The Australian Olympic Committee is strongly advising Olympians not to take the pack to China. The AOC believes the material in the pack will aggravate Chinese authorities and breach Chinese law and Rule 51 of the Olympic Charter, which outlaws protests and propaganda at the Games. The President of the AOC, John Coates, recently relaxed team rules for the Beijing Olympic Games, spelling out that athletes are entitled to raise human rights concerns. However, they are not allowed to demonstrate or have propaganda on their clothes or equipment as it would lead to disqualification or withdrawal from the Games. Simon Bradshaw from the Tibet Council says the pack is about encouraging constructive negotiations between China and representatives of the Dalai Lama.

Karen Barlow:澳大利亚奥委会强烈劝告奥运会参赛运动员不要携带那个套装去中国。澳大利亚奥委会相信那个套装里的物品将惹恼中国当局并违反中国的法律,也违反了奥运会宪章第51条,禁止在奥运会期间抗议和发动宣传。澳大利亚奥委会主席John Coates最近放松了参加北京奥运会的队规,清楚地说明运动员可以提及对人权的关注。不过他们不允许进行抗议或是利用他们的服装和装备上进行宣传,要是那样做的话可能导致取消参赛资格或是打道回府。西藏理事会的Simon Bradshaw说该套装是为了鼓励中国和达 赖喇嘛的代表进行有建设性的对话。

SIMON BRADSHAW: We haven’t seen the kind of substantive progress that we wanted. We've seen the Chinese government show a complete unwillingness to work sincerely with the Dalai Lama and the central Tibetan administration. So it might seem like tiptoeing around a bit, but I think really, we are looking for any avenues that are left to progress the Tibet issue at this point.

Simon Bradshaw:我们还没有看到我们所希望看到的实质性进展。我们看到中国政府表现出完全不情愿和达 赖喇嘛及西藏中央政府(译者注:即西藏流亡政府)进行真诚协商。因此这就像是踮着脚尖转了转,不过我认为我们确实正在寻找任何途径以确保西藏问题在这个关键点上有所进展。

KAREN BARLOW: If an Olympian or a spectator gets into trouble wearing items from this kit, and that includes the replica of the Tibetan flag, would you take responsibility for that trouble?

Karen Barlow:如果一名运动员或观众因携带这个套装里的物品包括西藏旗帜的复制品而遭致麻烦的话,你会为此承担责任吗?

SIMON BRADSHAW: As I said these resource packs are being given in confidence to people. There are full guidelines in there on what people are able to do. I think though it has to be up to individuals to use their discretion. Of course not place undue pressure on anyone to be speaking up but, you know, to provide them with the support in the systems if they choose to.

Simon Bradshaw:正如我所说的,这些用品套装是给可信赖的人的。里面有完全的指南,告诉人们在那里哪些事情可以做。不过我认为这个取决于每个人他们自己的判断力,当然(我们)不会给任何人过份的压力要他们大声疾呼,但是你也知道,如果他们选择这么做(我们)也会在已有的系统内给他们提供支持。


澳大利亚西藏理事会的Simon Bradshaw             澳大利亚前游泳运动员Michelle Englesman




发表于 2008-7-14 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-14 21:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-14 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-14 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 00:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 00:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 01:02 | 显示全部楼层
发现Karen Barlow十分邪恶,也十分险恶。自己已经从竞技游泳项目上退役了,却妒忌别的运动员,纵勇他们去摧毁自己4年一次的体育生涯,以达到自己不可告人的心理平衡感。
奥运还可以重来,人的良知估计会Karen Barlow等人所葬送,无可挽回。
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发表于 2008-7-15 08:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 09:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 10:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-7-15 10:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 14:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 14:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 16:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 17:11 | 显示全部楼层
If they dare to wear that in Beijing, I think those normal civilian will teach them what is real HUMAN RIGHT and FREE SPEECH.
Well, hope they enjoy it ;)
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发表于 2008-7-15 19:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-15 19:44 | 显示全部楼层
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