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[五花八门] 气候大会 - 何亚非发言谴责Stern (加评论翻译)

发表于 2009-12-25 05:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Chinese official: Stern “irresponsible”
中国官员称Stern “不负责任
AP/Marianne Bom 11/12/2009 20:20

In unusually blunt language, China’s Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei said on Friday that he was "shocked" by US climate envoy Todd Stern's comments earlier this week that China shouldn't expect any American public climate aid money, and that the US was not in any debt to the world for its historically high carbon emissions.
用异于平常的语言,中国外交副部长何亚非在周五说他惊讶于美国气候外交使者Todd Stern的发言。 Stern中国不应该期待任何美国的公共气候赞助资金,并且美国并没有就历史上的严重二氧化碳排放量而欠下国际债

"I don't want to say the gentleman is ignorant," He Yafei told reporters at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen. "I think he lacks common sense where he made such a comment vis-a-vis funds for China. Either lack of common sense or extremely irresponsible."


The world's two biggest greenhouse polluters have been exchanging barbs this week about the sincerity of their pledges to fight climate change.


China is grouped together with the developing nations in the climate talks. But Stern said that when it comes to financing to help poor countries deal with climate change, the US doesn't consider China one of the neediest countries.


"I don't envision public funds — certainly not from the United States — going to China," he said on Wednesday. "China to its great credit has a dynamic economy, and sits on some two trillion dollars in reserves. So we don't think China would be the first candidate for public funding."
我并不能想象公共基金 - 尤其是来自美国 - 到中国手里,Stern星期三说道。中国拥有众所皆知的经济实力,并且坐在2兆美金的储备上。所以我们不认为中国是在需要公共资助的国家里占首要对象。

The Chinese official said that China wasn't asking for money, rather that the US and China had different responsibilities in dealing with global warming.


 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-25 05:44 | 显示全部楼层


Steven Douglas

12/12/2009 13:25

OK, I have to say that I'm shocked myself, and for the same reason as the Vice Foreign Minister. But not just toward the U.S. negotiator, Todd Stern, whom I believe did lack common sense. It's to those who still report this and think of it in the way that Todd Stern did, even though Vice Minister He Yafei explained himself quite clearly.

OK,我得说我自己都很震惊,并且和外交副部长一样。但并不只是对于美方的谈判者,Todd Stern,虽然他确实缺少常识。更多的是对于那些还报道这件事情并且在副部长何亚非这么清楚的解释后还能和Todd Stern 持一样观点的人,

"I don't envision public funds — certainly not from the United States — going to China," He Yafei said on Wednesday.

DID ANYONE HAPPEN TO SEE THAT PART? Is there a mental disconnect somewhere?

我并不能想象公共资金 - 尤其是来自美国 - 到中国手里,

有任何人看懂那部分了么? 还是那里(脑子)短路了?

He Yafei continued, "China to its great credit has a dynamic economy, and sits on some two trillion dollars in reserves. So we don't think China would be the first candidate for public funding."

Now that didn't seem too vague to me. What Todd Stern did, knowingly or not, was to insult the Chinese, by treating them condescendingly , and trying to position them verbally as if the Chinese motive was to somehow position themselves as standing in line for a carbon handout, when that was not, nor is it to this moment, their position at all.


在我看来这段话可一点也不含糊啊。Todd Stern确实,无论故意与否,侮辱了中国人;应为他用高人一等的态度和语言表示的好像中国人的动机是给自己在炭汇排队中找个位置。

To put it bluntly, Todd Stern showed a gross lack of understanding, if not outright incompetence. But that doesn't surprise me, as this whole Cirque du Copenhagen appears shrouded in lunacy and ridiculousness at some of the highest levels.

直白的说,Todd Stern展现他若不是出奇的毫无能力,至少也是严重缺少理解能力。

"The Chinese official said that China wasn't asking for money, rather that the US and China had different responsibilities in dealing with global warming."

But Todd Stern still doesn't get that, and the fact that he doesn't get it is frankly an embarrassment to me. WHO PICKED THIS IDIOT?

但是Todd Stern还是不明白(愁人。。)而就因为他不明白,在我看来很丢人。谁选了这个白痴?

There, rant over. Now we return you to your regularly scheduled round of people saying that "The Chinese shouldn't get US Money" --- AS IF THEY ACTUALLY LISTEN TO OR COMPREHEND A SINGLE THING ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-25 05:47 | 显示全部楼层

Steven Douglas


12/12/2009 23:01

kingmf wrotekingmf写到: 你们应该学学汉语了,老兄!

英文翻译: "You should learn Chinese in school, buddy!"

I agree. And too funny. I've lived in China for the past three years, and know, from firsthand observation and experience, how conscientious (AND SENSITIVE) the Chinese people are, generally speaking, when it comes to the environment.


I know kingmf only meant "Chinese" as a language, but truth is, it would benefit everyone to learn Chinese as a culture. Even an environmental one, all mantras, myths, preconceptions and misconceptions notwithstanding.

我知道kingmf “Chinese”的时候说的是语言,但是事实是,学习中国文化会有益于每一个人。

For example, the Chinese give new definition to the word "recycle". It's not just a conscientious move - it's part of their very culture, and even has an under-society of people who are dependent on recycling for their living -- people we in the U.S. would consider "unsightly", and most definitely unwelcome (picture a shopping cart full of junk being pushed by a homeless person - we want to confiscate their shopping cart and "save them" - but fail to see the larger implication in what they're doing).


In the apartment that I live in, which is typical of those found in the average Chinese city, all the lights, air conditioning, heaters, etc., are all OFF when people are not around, and OFF when they're asleep. They don't have MASSIVE garbage cans and recycle bins. People who rely on recyclables for the livings come to their doors and PAY them for their recyclables - then turn a profit from them by a) reselling some of it to other people, and b) reselling the rest to the recycling centers.

在我住的公寓,就是那种中国普通城市里的典型住宅,所有的灯,空调,加热器等等,在没有人,或者睡觉的时候全是关着的。他们没有巨量的垃圾桶和回收桶。那些依靠回收来生活的人到他们的门口并且收购可回收物。 然后通过1)再卖给其他人 2)把这些卖到回收厂来赚钱。

Not us. And that's just the tip of the Chinese iceberg. I could write volumes about the environmentally impacting differences between the east and the west. Staggering. Anyone who doesn't bother to learn, and retains the western arrogance that somehow we're the leaders and saviors, exemplars worthy of emulation, and the sole source of handouts in the world -- will only end up sounding like Todd Stern, who really, truly does lack, both information and common sense with regard to the China HE HAS NOT BOTHERED TO LEARN ABOUT.

而我们并不这样。这还只是中国的冰山一角。我可以就中西方环境理念不同写上无数卷书。难以想象。任何人懒得去了解、学习,还继续保持西方那种“我们是领袖和救世主,值得效仿并且是世界主宰者”优越感的人,只会最终下场和Todd Stern一样,真的特别缺少对于中国的知识和常识。他根本就没有尝试去了解。

Know thine enemies? How about first learn to recognize and properly characterize your STRONGEST POTENTIAL FRIENDS AND ALLIES FIRST. Or, you can just remain ignorant, and arrogant, and continue insulting, and see where that leads.

知己知彼?还是先学着去正规的认识和辨别你最有潜力的朋友和同盟。 当然,你可以保持无知,自大并继续侮辱别人,等着看你的下场如何把。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-25 05:50 | 显示全部楼层

Kuntu Zangmo (歪歪名字不会译)

14/12/2009 23:58

Dear He Hai and Ryan Ji,


I so hope you're correct about China only wanting trust.


But honestly, how can you expect America to trust China when they are occupying and destroying Tibet and hack into computer systems all over the world?


Granted, America also takes dubious actions in our world....so let's bring all these truths to the negotiating table and talk honestly and openly about them?


I very much agree that all the countries need to take responsibility....our planet needs and deserves no less.


Lets get Stern and Yafei together to discuss all these issues before Obama and other Heads of State arrive later in the week.


最后补一下原帖地址: http://en.cop15.dk/news/view+news?newsid=2942

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发表于 2009-12-25 07:25 | 显示全部楼层
China is grouped together with the developing nations in the climate talks. But Stern said that when it comes to financing to help poor countries deal with climate change, the US doesn't consider China one of the neediest countries.

"I don't envision public funds — certainly not from the United States — going to China," he said on Wednesday. "China to its great credit has a dynamic economy, and sits on some two trillion dollars in reserves. So we don't think China would be the first candidate for public funding."
我并不能想象公共资金 - 尤其是来自美国 - 到中国手里,何亚非星期三说道。中国拥有众所皆知的经济实力,并且坐在2兆美金的储备上。所以我们不认为中国是在需要公共资助的国家里占首要对象。

darkapril 发表于 2009-12-25 05:39
个人觉得public fund 译为公众基金更好一些。




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-25 07:30 | 显示全部楼层
个人觉得public fund 译为公众基金更好一些。 ...
听学英语 发表于 2009-12-25 07:25


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发表于 2009-12-25 07:55 | 显示全部楼层

但是貌似这个主帖我编辑不 ...
darkapril 发表于 2009-12-25 07:30

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发表于 2009-12-25 08:08 | 显示全部楼层

但是貌似这个主帖我编辑不 ...
darkapril 发表于 2009-12-25 07:30

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发表于 2009-12-25 10:43 | 显示全部楼层
Kuntu Zangmo昆圖桑嫫,藏传佛教中的一个神。

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发表于 2009-12-25 11:02 | 显示全部楼层




  相关文章连续发问,现在发达国家人口占全球20%,其排放量却占75%,发达国还对开发中国家说三道四,这公平吗? 发达国家掌握了环境保护及新能源开发技术,但却以此作为开拓发展中国家市场的商品,鼓动发展中国家向其订购,准备大大地赚钱,它毫无无偿转让技术之意,另一方面又压迫发展中国家快速进行环保,这公平吗?
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-25 16:47 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-12-27 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-9-15 11:57 | 显示全部楼层
真是过分啊。。。 其实我们生活还是比较环保的
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