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【2010.01.20 印度Rediff】为什么印度不能靠中国太近

发表于 2010-1-27 16:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


【原文标题】Why India should not get too close to China


【来源地址】 http://news.rediff.com/column/2010/jan/20/why-india-should-not-get-too-close-to-china.htm





There is no need for India to club its future with that of the Middle Kingdom, notes Claude Arpi.


Indians are good people, but this can sometimes become a problem, especially in the fields of defence and foreign policy. Why so?


Too often they believe that others are like them. The best example has been the first Indian prime minister's Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai policy. Jawaharlal Nehru [ Images ] believed in the fraternity of nations, he believed in peaceful co-existence, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty; he tried hard to impose these lofty principles on India's neighbours, and particularly on China.

他们经常相信其他人像他们一样。最好的例子是印度第一任总理的Hindi Chini bhai-bhai政策,尼赫鲁相信国家间的兄弟情谊,他相信和平的共同生存,共同的不干涉其他国家的内部事务,共同的对其他国家的领土完整和宗主权的尊敬;他非常努力地用强迫地那些高尚的原则对待印度邻邦,特别是对中国。

A clever Zhou Enlai pretended to agree with the principles, but his mind functioned differently. Zhou, like his mentor Mao Zedong, was a hardcore revolutionary who believed in the omnipotence of war. Is it not the Great Helmsman who wrote, 'Some people have ridiculed us as the advocates of omnipotence of war. Yes, we are: We are the advocates of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war, which is not bad at all, but good and is Marxist.'

There is nothing wrong in believing in the omnipotence of peace, as long one does not forget that others may think (and act) differently.



In the case of Nehru, the result was not long to come; eight years after signing the Panchsheel Agreement, China treacherously attacked India in the North East Frontier Agency and Ladakh. The nation paid a heavy price for not being able to understand the Chinese way of thinking.


The tragedy is that 50 years later, many in India still believe that the priority No 1 of India's foreign policy should be to be friends with China. Once again, there is nothing wrong to be China's 'friend' or even 'brother', but it should not be at the cost of India's interests or by bending backward over each whim and fancy of a single-party regime in Beijing.


In India, you will find different types of apologists. Some could be called 'lackeys' (to use Mao's parlance): They usually have business or academic interests in China and love the reception they get when they travel to the Middle Kingdom. Let us not waste time over them.


Many sincerely believe that India and China are two emerging economies, for a long time under the political and economic thumb of the West (in particular the United States), therefore their destiny is intimately linked.


Their 'logical' conclusion is that Beijing and Delhi  should work in tandem. They give a recent example: the common position at Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change.


I will not go into details but I totally disagree. Although there is one common denominator (the fast development rate), India's case is totally different from China's.


Even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh [ Images ] recently stated in Washington: 'Well, I have no hesitation in saying that I think development in India cannot be a carbon copy of what happens in China. And the Chinese system is very different.'


Speaking to CNN, he reiterated his government's stand: 'There is enough economic space for both our countries to realise the growth ambitions of our respective countries.' He however made it clear: 'We are a functioning democracy. Democracy is slow-moving… I always believed that it may be slow-moving in the short term, but in the long run, an arrangement which has the backing of the people at large will prove to be more durable.'

If one analyses the future of the two countries, this should be kept in mind. India and China are different and their destinies may go in opposite directions.


Wei Jingsheng, the most famous Chinese dissident who spent 18 years in jail for proposing in the 1970's 'democracy' as the fifth 'modernisation', (Deng Xiaoping had spoken of the Four Modernisations) recently wrote an article in The Christian Science Monitor. He opposed the sentence of 11 years in prison for the mild dissident Liu Xiaobo.


Wei noted that because China 'now sits prominently at the tables of global governance', its leaders think thus: 'Since you made a fuss about releasing Liu after his arrest, we will punish him even more severely. In no uncertain terms, that will let you know that not only don't we care what you think, but we don't have to.'

Wei adds: 'We Chinese are intimately acquainted with this authoritarian arrogance', before concluding: 'Now that China's leaders believe their prospering nation has emerged as a player in world history just as America's prestige has been weakened by the Iraq war and the recent financial meltdown, the hardliners have been able to wrest the upper hand once again.'



No goody-goody Indian analyst will view things like this, though Indian 'experts' would better grasp China if they could understand the centrality of the survival of the Communist party in the preoccupation of all Chinese leaders.

Today there is one issue which preoccupies the apparatchiks in Beijing more than anything else: the rate of the yuan. Indeed the fate of the regime depends on the continuation of the growth rate which itself largely depends on the low rate of the Chinese currency.


In 2009, the Barack Obama administration tried the bhai-bhai way with Beijing, accepting to drop a proposed meeting between the Dalai Lama and later forgetting all contentious issues during the November presidential visit to Beijing. But it did not pay off; Beijing hardened its stance in all fronts.


In 2010, Obama seems decided to show the mandarins in Beijing that the US remains a power to reckon with. He will meet the Dalai Lama and sell Black Hawk helicopters and anti-missile batteries to Taiwan.


The Washington Post pointed out that many American analysts today believe that 'the Obama administration -- with its intensive outreach to Beijing -- tried too hard in its first year to cultivate ties with China. Playing hard to get might have helped smooth out China's swagger.'


Another US expert explained: 'We're in the role of the supplicant' while a senior US trade official mildly threatened: 'If [Beijing] continues on this particular path in a strong and inflexible way, there will be a significant political backlash not just in the United States. China needs to be aware of that.'


For these reasons, Beijing will have to reevaluate its currency, sooner or later. Even in China many agree that China has no choice. Zhang Bing, a researcher at the Institute of World Economics and Politics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, stated in a research paper that the government's current yuan policy of gradual reform is wrong. Zhang admitted: 'There's a very urgent need for pushing forward the reform plan on the yuan and now is the best timing.' He concluded that 'a 10 percent appreciation in the yuan against the dollar should have a limited impact on the Chinese economy. It would reduce speculative fund inflows by effectively eliminating expectations of a yuan appreciation.'


Whether Beijing decides to reevaluate the yuan in 2010 or not, ultimately the decision is inescapable and this will have incalculable consequences for the Middle Kingdom.


On January 1, Swaminathan Aiyar in The Economic Times predicted that during the next decade: 'India will overtake China as the fastest-growing economy in the world. China will start ageing and suffering from a declining workforce, and will be forced to revalue its currency. So its growth will decelerate, just as Japan decelerated in the 1990s after looking unstoppable in the 1980s. Having become the world's second-biggest economy, China's export-oriented model will erode sharply -- the world will no longer be able to absorb its exports at the earlier pace.'

一月一日,SWANMINATHAN AIYAR在经济学人杂志上预测在下一个二十年中,印度将取代中国成为经济发展最快的国家。中国将开始老龄化并遭受减少的劳动力,将被强迫对他的货币进行定价。所以她的增长是减速的,就像日本在1980年代看上去不可阻挡但在1990年却开始衰退一样。中国已经成为世界第二大经济体,中国的出口导向模式将大幅消弱,世界将不再能够像以前那样的速度吸收她的出口。

Well, the future will tell us if the prediction was true. But in the meantime, Chinese supremacy may continue for some time. According to deal tracking firm Dealogic: 'Global property sector M&A [merger & acquisitions] reached just $151.8 billion in 2009, the lowest level since 2003'. However, China witnessed an increase of 41 percent in its M&A levels from its previous year: 'China attracted deals amounting to $29.3 billion or 19 percent of the global volume -- the highest total on record,' commented Dealogic.

时间将告诉我们预测是不是正确的. 但是在这个时候,中国霸权将持续一段时间。根据交易数据跟踪公司DEALOGIC的:《全球资产》

The only certainty is that the situation of the Middle Kingdom is far more unstable than in India. A scenario found on The Financial Times' web site makes interesting studying. The author projects himself to 2019 when shortage of water in China heralds the end of an epoch: 'By 2015, it was [already] obvious: China was seriously parched. The Great Wall of Credit of 2009-2012 had unleashed too much industrial capacity consuming too much water. That exacerbated a nationwide shortage -- China had more than a fifth of the world's population, but only 6 per cent of its fresh water. Four years later and the crisis has taken on ruinous dimensions. Crop failure and famine in the deserted interiors; emergency rationing in the teeming coastal cities. Ten years ago [2009] China had it all: a well-nourished workforce, vast reserves of paper money, a new swagger on the international stage. The sharp currency revaluation of 2010 unleashed a global mergers and acquisitions spree the likes of which the world had never seen. That president Xi Jinping is considering beseeching poorer neighbours for food aid is a measure of how far the mighty have fallen.'

唯一可以确认的是中央王国的情况没有印度稳定。在财经时代网站上发现的一个事态值得研究。作者推想他自己到2019年当缺水作为中国一个纪元的结束的预兆时:到了2015年,缺水已经很明显了。中国明显很干渴。2009-2012年的信用长城放纵了太多的工业容纳力,消耗了太多的水。加重了全国范围的短缺,中国拥有世界五分之一多的人口,但只有6%的淡水。四年后,危机将呈现灾难性的规模。在干旱的内陆的农作物歉收和饥荒;在富饶的沿海城市实行紧急定量配给。 10年以前(2009年)中国有一个营养良好的劳动力接触,大量的纸币储蓄,国际舞台上的新力量。货币在2010年的大幅增值掀起了一个前所未有的全球的并购和收购浪潮。习近平主席被认为是一个恳求食物援助的贫穷邻居。

One can envisage several other scenarios, but one point is certain, China will have to face far more serious problems than India in the years to come. For sure, there is no need for India to club its future with that of the Middle Kingdom.


One of the possible future scenarios is certainly a conflict with India for water which will be triggered by the nervousness of the declining empire.


India can continue to believe in the omnipotence of peace, but it should be ready for any eventuality.


编译交流 见7#

That president Xi Jinping is considering beseeching poorer neighbours for food aid is a measure of how far the mighty have fallen.'


'now sits prominently at the tables of global governance'


common position


遥远的冬天 发表于 2010-1-27 17:52


Hindi Chini bhai-bhai:印度中国是兄弟
Yog_Sothoth 发表于 2010-1-27 18:31




 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-27 16:59 | 显示全部楼层
排版有些混乱了 不知道怎么回事啊
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-27 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
印度诡辩的能力非常强!两面三刀,说一套做一套的心口不一是出名的,和中国建交在当时只是为了突出自己在世界上的道德优势,在不结盟国家抬升自己的地位,其实心中对红色中国最瞧不起了,建议大家看看内维尔·马克斯韦尔 (澳大利亚)写的《印度对华战争》,最终短暂惨败的结局终于让尼赫鲁暴露出自己是美国走狗的本色。当然中国也要为自己的子孙谋划未来,污染会断绝子孙、腐败是稳定的大敌,咱们自己完善体制和结构才是最优先级的,印度的挑衅就当他放屁...
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发表于 2010-1-27 17:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 17:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 17:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 17:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 遥远的冬天 于 2010-1-27 17:58 编辑
That president Xi Jinping is considering beseeching poorer neighbours for food aid is a measure of how far the mighty have fallen.'


'now sits prominently at the tables of global governance'


common position





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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-27 17:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 18:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 18:31 | 显示全部楼层
[Title]Why India should not get too close to China【标题】为什么印度不能靠中国太近【From】Rediff 【D ...
最好的例子是印度第一任总理的Hindi Chini bhai-bhai政策

Hindi Chini bhai-bhai:印度中国是兄弟




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发表于 2010-1-27 18:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 19:08 | 显示全部楼层

印度+中国 = 纯洁的小绵羊+罪恶的大叔
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发表于 2010-1-27 19:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 20:14 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-1-27 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 20:57 | 显示全部楼层
印度诡辩的能力非常强!两面三刀,说一套做一套的心口不一是出名的,和中国建交在当时只是为了突出自己在世界上的道德优势,在不结盟国家抬升自己的地位,其实心中对红色中国最瞧不起了,建议大家看看内维尔·马克斯韦尔 (澳大利亚)写的《印度对华战争》,最终短暂惨败的结局终于让尼赫鲁暴露出自己是美国走狗的本色。当然中国也要为自己的子孙谋划未来,污染会断绝子孙、腐败是稳定的大敌,咱们自己完善体制和结构才是最优先级的,印度的挑衅就当他放屁...
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发表于 2010-1-27 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 23:06 | 显示全部楼层
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