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[时事新闻] CNN低调报道中国打击‘东突’恐怖分子,民众议论纷坛

发表于 2010-6-28 02:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 連長 于 2010-6-28 02:37 编辑

6月24日,中国媒体报道了公安部打击了多名‘东突’恐怖分子的消息,随后被各大媒体转载,美国CNN就这一事件进行了报道。CNN记者wire staff发表了一篇题为China breaks up suspected terror group的通讯消息。以下是全文:
By the CNN Wire Staff

Beijing, China (CNN) -- China has caught 10 members of a terrorist group, including the leader, the Ministry of Public Security said Thursday.
The group was planning many attacks in China's northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the ministry said.

The terror group is suspected in violent attacks on police and explosions in Xinjiang in 2008.










 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-28 02:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 連長 于 2010-6-28 02:40 编辑


Hey bps, did you see "China's new wave of fakes". More disgusting theft and corruption from your immorial society. Don't you feel like an idiot now? Probably not, I'm sure you are first in line to steal.

1 day ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

thomascgty At the very least the Chinese government are doing their job to catch and execute the terrorists.

1 day ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

dclayt1 The American Navy is doing a fine job of keeping the cowardly Chinese army off the beaches of Taiwan. 62 years and counting! That's 22,630 days of being donkey @ss cowards. Oh, did I forget to mention the 900,000 Chinese killed by the UN in the Korean War? How many donkeys is that?

1 day ago | Like (2) | Report abuse

bps111222 And the American government can't even catch an old man riding on a donkey up in the mountains for 9 years.

1 day ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

bps111222 Dumburt, look back on how this whole thing started. You came in out of nowhere using that ridiculous cartoon image, huffing and puffing like a mad cow, said "when will the criminals who slaughtered peaceful students protesting for democracy in tiannemen square be brought to justice?" like it's any ... more
Dumburt, look back on how this whole thing started. You came in out of nowhere using that ridiculous cartoon image, huffing and puffing like a mad cow, said "when will the criminals who slaughtered peaceful students protesting for democracy in tiannemen square be brought to justice?" like it's any of your business. Yeah OK, the American hero wannabe rising up to save the world. LMAO less

1 day ago | Like (2) | Report abuse

evilburt China jails Tibet environmentalist Karma Samdrup


more crimes perpetrated by the government of china

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse


35007CANNON There is no end to the terror the Chinese government has been perpetrating against Tibet. This is and will continue to be a major reason China will not be accepted on the world stage as an equal power. The Chinese government's actions are sub-human and need to stop or it will be their downfall.

1 day ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

bps111222 Well done China. These terrorists need to be locked up.

1 day ago | Like (4) | Report abuse

bps111222 Sigh...those Muslim terrorists are making fun of the Americans again.

People like Dumburt along with some others just can't stop embarrassing the Americans.

2 days ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

35007CANNON Get a life and allow people to have an engaging discussion rather than listening to your personal attacks.

1 day ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

Shawn44 Good for the Chinese. Every terrorist deserves execution.

2 days ago | Like (2) | Report abuse

Talkfree So many ppl made comments on this big nothing news,,,why? The terrorists in America who are terrorists,but In China,in your views,they are obviously the Angel of saving Chinese who are going up in flame,,,,got lots of sympathy,,,,,,terrorism is the enemy of whole human,,,not only American...pls,,,pl... more
So many ppl made comments on this big nothing news,,,why? The terrorists in America who are terrorists,but In China,in your views,they are obviously the Angel of saving Chinese who are going up in flame,,,,got lots of sympathy,,,,,,terrorism is the enemy of whole human,,,not only American...pls,,,pls,,,open your eyes,,,make justices less

2 days ago | Like (14) | Report abuse

bps111222 Dumburt, plead for mercy and I will stop embarrassing you.

1 day ago | Like (1) | Report abuse


bps111222 LOL, hope you are not out of medication.

1 day ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

evilburt no one could steal the stupidity you possess. it belongs solely to you. i simply illustrated yet again how weak, obvious and desperate you are and there is nothing you can do about it because it's here for all to see forever. there's no more territory to claim since i have succeeded completely in ... more
no one could steal the stupidity you possess. it belongs solely to you. i simply illustrated yet again how weak, obvious and desperate you are and there is nothing you can do about it because it's here for all to see forever. there's no more territory to claim since i have succeeded completely in making a fool of you. thanks for playing. less

1 day ago | Like | Report abuse

bps111222 Even when you attempt to steal my lines, you couldn't do it correctly. Reading your comments reminds me of Gary Faulkner. I am debating who's funnier, you or Gary.

1 day ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

evilburt i am laughing hysterically at you as i take a short break from hurting your feelings to go have something to eat. my food tastes extra delicious as i comtemplate how often you come back to offer your a s s to my kicking foot yet again. i grin widely and pat myself on the back as i slowly chew my f... more
i am laughing hysterically at you as i take a short break from hurting your feelings to go have something to eat. my food tastes extra delicious as i comtemplate how often you come back to offer your a s s to my kicking foot yet again. i grin widely and pat myself on the back as i slowly chew my food and think of how many tears have run down your cheeks from the humiliation i have caused you. i dance wildly, spinning around in circles, then i jump into the air and do the splits as i remember how many times i have caused you to run away in shame and embarrassment. i do the moonwalk and grab my crotch as i get ready to give you more abuse and punishment...contacting everyone i know and making sure they all come to this page to witness your slaughter. LOL you are too stupid to realize what an obvious fool you are to everyone... you are so desperate to save face, but you only dig yourself more deeply into your hole of defeat and weakness. it makes me smile in great satisfaction. less

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse


bps111222 Well, I can't help it. P*ssing off idiot Americans like you is one of my hobbies. I take personal satisfaction in doing so. LOL

2 days ago | Like (2) | Report abuse

evilburt i know you must be a very young and inexperience troll, so i'll teach you something since you are so simple-minded and stupid. you overplay your insults, which only shows how hard you are trying. it's like when you went on and on about laughing on your way to dinner, food tastes better after blah ... more
i know you must be a very young and inexperience troll, so i'll teach you something since you are so simple-minded and stupid. you overplay your insults, which only shows how hard you are trying. it's like when you went on and on about laughing on your way to dinner, food tastes better after blah blah blah, i'll be grinning in satisfaction blah blah...you go on and on too long and it makes you look weak. i'm surprised you didn't also describe yourself as lifting a top hat off your head up and down, holding a cane and doing a high-kick dance out the door. you are too obvious. signs of an amateur. but i give you points for trying. less

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse

bps111222 I just had lunch with some friends and I told them everything about dumburt. Lunch is especially delicious when you can laugh about someone. They all laughed so hard and wanted me to email them the link to this article. Thanks dumburt for entertaining my friends.

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

evilburt learn the english language, so your insults can have some real meaning and force. i'm doing my best to teach you, but you just aren't getting it, poor little fool.

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse


bps111222 LOL, you don't make sense. Thanks for the laugh again. You win the title of American laughing stock hands down.

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

evilburt you made such a strenuous and verbose attempt to save face when i sent you running for cover two hours ago. you really try too hard with your attempts to smile and laugh when everyone knows my words are making your eyes slowly fill up with tears of shame and weakness.

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse

bps111222 Some Americans like dclayt1 and Dumburt are simply hypocrites and lack common sense. Their hatred, anger, and jealousy toward China are obvious. I hope their find peace in their mind one day for their own sake. It must suck to live in frustration every day.

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

sorethroat terrorist will always support terrorist. i do not like communist that much but communist is still better then terrorist to me.

2 days ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-28 02:41 | 显示全部楼层
bps111222 Dumburt, are you going to whine like a wuss forever or are you going to arm yourself with a sword and a pistol like Gary Faulkner, march to Beijing and make a citizen arrest on the Chinese government?

2 days ago | Like (7) | Report abuse

evilburt it is frustrating to have you always calling attention to your own lack of intelligence and inability to communicate in any kind of meaningful way....i'm sure everyone feels some embarrassment for you.

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

bps111222 Yes Dumburt, it is embarrassing for you to contradict yourself with your off-topic comments throughout, calling names when you are frustrated. You are simply useless.

2 days ago | Like (7) | Report abuse

evilburt i know it's very embarrassing for you to not have anything intelligent or relevant to say. that's why no one upvotes your lame comments.

2 days ago | Like (2) | Report abuse

bps111222 I hope you realize how ridiculous you look in all your previous posts. And you continue to show your idiocy.

2 days ago | Like (5) | Report abuse

evilburt i sent you whimpering away in defeat with your tail between your legs in my other comment thread. back for another spanking?

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse

infinitidoug this is great news, what efficiency! what's even better is that those terror group members go straight to the firing range for a quick execution!

2 days ago | Like (7) | Report abuse

evilburt Ten Things You Should Know About China 1. Half of the world’s population living in countries designated “Not Free” by Freedom House live in China. 2. China imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world. 3. The Chinese government maintains one of the world’s most sophisticated ... more
Ten Things You Should Know About China

1. Half of the world’s population living in countries designated “Not Free” by Freedom House live in China.
2. China imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world.
3. The Chinese government maintains one of the world’s most sophisticated systems of blocking access to websites and monitoring its citizens’ e-mail communications.
4. The one-child policy leads to forced abortions, a shortage of females, and an increase in trafficking of people.
5. 65 crimes in China carry the death penalty.
6. The Chinese government has supported extremely repressive regimes such as those governing Burma, Sudan, North Korea and Zimbabwe.
7. Tibetan Buddhists, Christians, Muslims and practitioners of other religions face frequent harassment.
8. Thousands of North Korean refugees who escape into China are sent back to North Korea to face arrest, torture, and sometimes death.
9. Public protests have been on the increase in recent years.
10. Chinese citizens deserve better. less

2 days ago | Like (7) | Report abuse

hachimada Ten things I already know about China:1. Half of the world's population don't give a damn to "Freedom House".2. China jails more 'fake' journalists who consider them above the laws.3. China doesn't have a "patriot act" for spying its citizens.4. China has more male population, so they need more whit... more
Ten things I already know about China:
1. Half of the world's population don't give a damn to "Freedom House".
2. China jails more 'fake' journalists who consider them above the laws.
3. China doesn't have a "patriot act" for spying its citizens.
4. China has more male population, so they need more white girls.
5. 65 crimes carry death panalty? Great!
6. China did not invade iraq, afghanistan etc, and kill 10+k civillians.
7. Chinese tourists often harasse budhist temples by giving them too much money.
8. Chinese illigal immigrants were sent back by US police.
9. Chinese people has more and more rights to protest, good!
10. Chinese deserve better life, so leave us alone. less

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

evilburt all of your comments have exactly one upvote. you must be working feverishly at your little computer. switching accounts. such a pitiful little boy you are. LOL

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse

zenzi2 Then again, they make terrific dumplings!

2 days ago | Like (6) | Report abuse

bps111222 Again, dummy. What are you going to do about it? Stop whining and do something like Gary Faulkner. Coward.

2 days ago | Like (5) | Report abuse

evilburt how much personal insight do you need when a government kills and persecutes its own citizens while the world looks the other way for economic reasons?

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

mashimaro are you a parrot or what? do you have any person insights on solving these issues, or just enjoy repeating them once in a while?

2 days ago | Like (9) | Report abuse

terrapinfan2 Now that's Homeland security for you no thanks to the bureaucracy in the U.S. government.

2 days ago | Like (4) | Report abuse

asdqewf I think it is called tyranny. Part of the reason America exists is that the royalty would accuse people of something and they would be dead even if they did not do it. Sounds like china, huh

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse

anviladv Wow. Didn't realize this article would stir up the "America Is Always Wrong" crowd. Relax people.

2 days ago | Like (5) | Report abuse

bps111222 Blah blah blah...drink your ice tea, play your banjo and sing some blues to cool off, old man.

2 days ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

asdqewf That is why I asked you to meet. No gun needed. I am sure this old man can kick your zit covered face.

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse

bps111222 Oh no, a gun totting American cowboy. This is the internet, fool. You can't kick someone's a** through a computer screen. So take your meds, hold hands with evilburt and sing your national anthem.

2 days ago | Like (4) | Report abuse

asdqewf Really, where would you like to me so I can kick your A**!

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

bps111222 Yes, Chinese people love to stir up American cowards.

2 days ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

outawork Guys, You just busted the Xinjiang chapter of AARP

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

denbocnn except George Washington didn't target civilians to get his points across.

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

asdqewf Perhaps he did. History is written by the winners.

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse

asdqewf They did target the officers during battles. Which was considered wrong. The British would have classified him as a terrorist of the ideal was around back then.

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse

asdqewf Terrorists like George Washington to Brittan. Or terrorists like the Taliban to the rest of the world?

2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

asdqewf GW was a terrorist to the British. But to us he was a patriot. So are the terrorist really patriots and the Chinese oppressive regime is using the terrorist line. If they are terrorists then kill them. If they are patriots then we should start reporting them as such.

2 days ago | Like | Report abuse
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发表于 2010-6-28 15:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 athenstory 于 2010-6-28 15:14 编辑

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发表于 2010-6-28 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-28 18:25 | 显示全部楼层
无可就要 发表于 2010-6-28 16:34

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发表于 2010-6-29 10:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-29 20:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-30 00:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-30 00:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 notailwolf 于 2010-6-30 01:06 编辑


Ten Things You Should Know About China

1. Half of the world’s population living in countries designated “Not Free” by Freedom House live in China.
2. China imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world.
3. The Chinese government maintains one of the world’s most sophisticated systems of blocking access to websites and monitoring its citizens’ e-mail communications.
4. The one-child policy leads to forced abortions, a shortage of females, and an increase in trafficking of people.
5. 65 crimes in China carry the death penalty.
6. The Chinese government has supported extremely repressive regimes such as those governing Burma, Sudan, North Korea and Zimbabwe.
7. Tibetan Buddhists, Christians, Muslims and practitioners of other religions face frequent harassment.
8. Thousands of North Korean refugees who escape into China are sent back to North Korea to face arrest, torture, and sometimes death.
9. Public protests have been on the increase in recent years.
10. Chinese citizens deserve better.


Ten things I already know about China:
1. Half of the world's population don't give a damn to "Freedom House".
2. China jails more 'fake' journalists who consider them above the laws.
3. China doesn't have a "patriot act" for spying its citizens.
4. China has more male population, so they need more white girls.
5. 65 crimes carry death panalty? Great!
6. China did not invade iraq, afghanistan etc, and kill 10+k civillians.
7. Chinese tourists often harasse budhist temples by giving them too much money.
8. Chinese illigal immigrants were sent back by US police.
9. Chinese people has more and more rights to protest, good!
10. Chinese deserve better life, so leave us alone





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发表于 2010-6-30 12:53 | 显示全部楼层
Ten Things You Should Know About China
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发表于 2010-6-30 13:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-6-30 13:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-1 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-1 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
看了一会儿觉得很无聊,老外什么都往坦克人,吐蕃和尚那边扯,还自以为自己比中国人还了解中国,看了几眼, ...
dolittle 发表于 2010-7-1 11:20


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发表于 2010-7-1 17:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-2 11:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-2 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-2 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
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