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[08.04.12 英国 BBC] 中国为西藏镇压辩护

发表于 2008-4-14 22:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【翻译】semirock  提供地址

China defends Tibetan crackdown
Mr Hu spoke during a visit by Australian PM Kevin Rudd

Chinese President Hu Jintao has defended China's crackdown in Tibet and said it was entirely an internal issue about defending China's unity.
Mr Hu said last month's crackdown was a result of "conflict" with supporters of Tibet's exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.
The comments follow protests against the Olympic torch relay by activists critical of China's crackdown.
The latest relay leg, in Buenos Aires, passed off without interruption.
"Our conflict with the Dalai clique is not an ethnic problem, not a religious problem, nor a human rights problem," Mr Hu was quoted as saying by the official Xinhua news agency. "It is a problem either to safeguard national unification or to split the motherland," Mr Hu told visiting Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

The torch procession was held amid tight security

It was the first time Mr Hu has commented on last month's unrest in Tibet, when Tibetan exile groups say Chinese security forces killed dozens of protesters.
Beijing says about 19 people were killed in rioting.
Mr Hu repeated China's position that it was ready to meet the Dalai Lama, but only if he met certain pre-conditions, such as desisting from trying to "split the motherland", "incite violence" and "ruin the Beijing Olympics".
The Dalai Lama has denied accusations by Chinese officials that he orchestrated last month's violent protests in Tibet and Tibetan areas of China to discredit the country before the Beijing Olympic Games in August.
Speaking on US television during a visit to Seattle, the Dalai Lama reiterated his opposition to a boycott of the Olympics, but said China's record on human rights and freedom was "poor".
He said his message to China was: "We are not against you. And I'm not seeking separation."

Minor scuffles
On Friday, Argentine athletes carried the Olympic torch through the streets of Buenos Aires amid high security after protesters in London and Paris tried to obstruct the flame's progress, grab it or even put it out.

Both anti-China protesters and supporters of the Beijing Games turned out, but only minor scuffles were reported and the torch was not impeded.
The only apparent attempt to derail the relay were a few water balloons thrown at the torch, easily deflected by guards.
One activist unfurled a giant banner on the torch route reading "Free Tibet".
And members of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, which is banned in China, lit their own "human rights torch" and marched along the route the flame was to take.
Police separated the few dozen pro-Tibet demonstrators from a similar-sized group of pro-China supporters, who waved the Chinese flag and sang the national anthem.

The International Olympic Committee has been forced to consider the future of the torch relay after the protests marred the sporting celebration it had been intended to be.
The head of the IOC, Jacques Rogge, even spoke of a "crisis".
But he said neither the athletes nor the public wanted a boycott of the Olympics and said it was "sad" that the torch relay had been disrupted by protests.

"The torch does not belong to Beijing or China. It is the torch of humanity," he told the BBC. “
He also praised "excellent" preparations for the Olympics and said he was "optimistic the Games will be a great success". He said the IOC had no right to tell China how to deal with sovereign issues like Tibet and human rights.
On Thursday Beijing had rebuked him for urging China to respect its "moral engagement" to improve human rights.
The BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Beijing says China had been hoping for an impressive roll call of world leaders at the opening ceremony on 8 August for "the greatest show on earth".
BBC的Quentin Sommerville
But UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have said they will not go, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is undecided and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says he may not make it
US President George W Bush is under pressure from White House hopefuls John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama not to attend.  
After Buenos Aires, the torch's next stop is Tanzania.




最新的火炬传递在阿根廷的Buenos Aires,传递过程没有被中断。



在周五,在伦敦和巴黎抗议者试图中断、抢夺或者熄灭火炬传递之后,高度保护中阿根廷运动员穿过Buenos Aires街道传递奥运火炬。

一个激进分子在火炬传递中打开一个巨大的标有“Free Tibet”的横幅.

国际奥林匹克委员会主席Jacques Rogge甚至说这是一个危机。
但是英国首相Gordon Brown 和德国大臣Angela Merkel 已经说他们不会赴会,法国总统Nicolas Sarkozy 仍没有决定,联合国秘书长Ban Ki-moon 说他可能也不会去。
美国总统George W Bush在John McCain,Hillary Clinton和Barack Obama白宫压力下不会参加。
在Buenos Aires(阿根廷)之后,火炬下一站将是Tanzania(非洲坦桑尼亚)

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[ 本帖最后由 semirock 于 2008-4-15 02:34 编辑 ]

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