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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-29 07:56 | 显示全部楼层
【文件名】BBC Midnight News[BBC,News,2009.06.25].ogg (14.2 MB)
【下载】http://cachefile19.rayfile.com/z ... 2C2009.06.25%5D.ogg
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-30 09:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 flasher 于 2009-6-30 09:25 编辑

【标题】BBC午夜新闻 2009.06.28
【文件名】BBC Midnight News[BBC,News,2009.06.28].ogg (14.2 MB)
【下载】http://www.rayfile.com/files/9f5 ... -9a5a-0014221b798a/
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-6 01:06 | 显示全部楼层
【标题】America, Empire of Liberty. Series 3, Week 16, Part 1. America in Retreat? 2009.06.28 (“美国,自由帝国”系列3 - 美国在退却?)
【来源】BBC Radio 4
America in Retreat?

In August 1974 Vice President Gerald Ford became President after Nixon's resignation over Watergate. Ford announced a full pardon for Nixon, aiming to draw a line under the affiar, but his popularity plummeted and his presidency never really recovered.

Even a strong president would have struggled in the 1974 oil crisis. The 1973 Arab-Israeli war caused prices at America's pumps to rise by 50%, in a country that assumed cheap gas was its birthright. The fuel crisis passed but a more durable legacy was 'stagflation' - a combination of stagnant growth and soaring inflation that lasted for the rest of the decade. America coped better than most developed countries, but 8% inflation and 7% unemployment were shocking after the long post-war boom.

The legacy of Vietnam was equally unsettling. In April 1975, the U.S. evacuated its last personnel from Saigon; by the end of the summer, the rest of Indochina had followed Vietnam in going communist. In March 1976, Soviet-backed Marxist guerrillas took over Angola, opening a new Cold War battlefront in Africa.

In America, this provoked growing scepticism about the process of 'détente' begun by Nixon. The Americans had hoped this would prevent the Soviets stirring up trouble around the world, but in Moscow, America's acceptance of nuclear parity and its evident international weakness post-Watergate encouraged the belief that the world was now ripe for revolutionary change.

In 1976, Ford saw off a right-wing challenge for the Republican nomination from Ronald Reagan, but lost the presidential election to Democrat Jimmy Carter.
【学者音库文件名】America, Empire of Liberty,S3,W16,P1,America in Retreat[BBC,History,2009.06.22].ogg
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-6 01:43 | 显示全部楼层
【标题】America, Empire of Liberty. Series 3, Week 16, Part 2. A Constitutional Abortion  (“美国,自由帝国”系列3 - 一次宪法流产)
【来源】BBC Radio 4
A Constitutional Abortion

In the landmark 1973 case Roe versus Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that abortion was a constitutional right. Until then, it was criminalized in most states, with laws which had been enacted mainly to protect women from back-street abortionists. By the 1960s, such laws were regarded by feminists as violating a woman's right to control her own body.

Roe versus Wade began in Texas. Jane Roe was the pseudonym of Norma McCorvey, poor, divorced, pregnant and wanting an abortion. She became a test case for two female lawyers, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee. Henry Wade was the local District Attorney who sought to uphold state law.

The case went all the way to the Supreme Court. Its controversial decision became a fault-line in American society, around which the arguments for (pro-choice) and against (pro-life) abortion would polarize. It also became the centrepiece of the new Christian Right's campaign to bring God back into politics and reverse the rights revolution.

【学者音库文件名】America, Empire of Liberty,S3,W16,P2,A Constitutional Abortion[BBC,History,2009.06.23].ogg
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-6 06:46 | 显示全部楼层
【标题】America, Empire of Liberty. Series 3, Week 16, Part 3. The Silent Majority Finds Its Voice  (“美国,自由帝国”系列3)
【作者】David Reynolds,剑桥大学国际历史教授
【来源】BBC Radio 4
The 'Silent Majority' Finds Its Voice

The transformation in the Republican Party's fortunes, from the nadir of Nixon and Watergate, to Reagan's landslide victory in 1980, reflected a conservative revival which had been brewing since the 1960s. It was a response by those Nixon called America's 'Silent Majority', focusing on issues of sex, race and family, underpinned by mounting opposition to what was perceived as Washington's increasing intrusion into people's lives.

This opposition was exemplified in the campaign, led by Phyllis Schlafly, wife of an Illinois lawyer, to block the proposed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), to the Constitution. This affirmed that equal rights should not be denied on grounds of sex. ERA passed through Congress in March 1972, and was soon well on its way to the required ratification by three-quarters of state legislatures, but Schlafly's campaign stalled this momentum.

Another conservative grass-roots movement of the period was not nationally organised like the anti-ERA campaign, but had similar roots. It was opposition to the enforced racial integration of schools. Despite the 1954 Supreme Court ruling that segregated schools were unconstitutional, there had been little progress in desegregation. In 1969, school boards in Charlotte, North Carolina, tried the radical approach of large-scale busing of children to schools to try and achieve racial balance. There was a backlash from the white middle-class. Some moved their children to fee-paying schools, and others moved to suburbs beyond the reach of the busing.

Busing accelerated the phenomenon known as 'white flight', which left downtown areas largely to blacks. One positive result was increased political opportunity for African-Americans. In 1964 there were around 500 elected black officials; by 1980, there were 4,000, with black mayors in major cities like Detroit and Atlanta. Yet these black politicians were running inner cities whose tax revenues had been eroded by white flight, exacerbating their social and economic problems.

【学者音库文件名】America, Empire of Liberty,S3,W16,P3,The Silent Majority Finds Its Voice[BBC,History,2009.06.24].ogg
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发表于 2009-7-23 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-27 23:55 | 显示全部楼层


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