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【09.07.22 澳大利亚人报】中国与澳洲公司的交易还在继续

发表于 2009-7-23 23:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-7-25 02:33 编辑

【原文标题】China deals keep coming
【登载媒体】The Australian

DEALS with state-owned Chinese companies are continuing even in the oft-maligned zinc and lead sector, despite the detention of Rio executive Stern Hu in China for alleged bribery and stealing state secrets.


There were understood to be more than seven mining joint ventures under discussion when Mr Hu was detained on July 5, and at least one of those is pushing on.


China’s Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Metals is taking a $10.5 million punt on the move by minnow Meridian Minerals to acquire the closed Lennard Shelf zinc and lead mine in Western Australia’s Pilbara region, from Xstrata and Teck Cominco.

中国陕西有色金属控股集团有限责任公司正抛出一千零五十万美元的赌注给澳洲小型金矿和基础金属勘探公司(Meridian Minerals)这条小鱼,让它从瑞士矿业集团Xstrata和加拿大矿业公司泰克康明科(Teck Cominco)手里去获取西澳大利亚普拉多(Pilbara)地区已关闭的Lennard Shelf铅锌矿。

For its cash, Shaanxi, through its fully owned subsidiary Northwest Mining and Geology Group, will get 131.25 million shares at 8 cents each (a 23 per cent premium to the share price before the deal was announced) and 45 per cent of Meridian.


The placement is subject to Australian and Chinese government approvals and Meridian’s acquisition of Lennard Shelf, which it can do after due diligence by issuing 100 million shares to Xstrata and Teck.

这一安排得到了澳大利亚政府和中国政府的赞同,在如此地勤奋努力了一番之后,Meridian公司得以通过发行1亿股给Xstrata集团和泰克康明科集团,来完成对Lennard Shelf矿的收购。

Meridian shares were recently up 12 per cent at 7.5c.


Extract hits record


SEPARATELY, shares in Namibia uranium play Extract Resources jumped to a record after the company issued a maiden resource for Rossing South Zone 2, which, as you would expect, is very close to Rio’s Rossing uranium mine and explains Rio’s 15.2 per cent stake in Extract.

另外,在纳米比亚铀矿拥有的股份使得澳大利亚开采资源公司(Extract Resources)股价跃升至一个新的纪录,此前,该公司宣布得到了新探勘的南罗辛(Rossing South)铀矿。和你预料的一样,这个铀矿非常靠近力拓拥有的罗辛(Rossing)铀矿,这也解释了力拓对Extract公司15.2%的股份持有。

Rossing South resources are now at 267 million pounds, which is bound to keep the takeover speculation running hot.

南罗辛(Rossing South)铀矿目前已探明拥有二亿六千七百万磅的储量,这必将使并购的投机越来越红火。

Extract was recently up 28c at $7.26.


The writer implies no investment recommendation and this report contains material that is speculative in nature. Investors should seek professional investment advice.






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