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【09.08.21 澳大利亚人报】陆克文捍卫发放签证给维族政治活动家热比娅

发表于 2009-8-21 21:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-22 14:56 编辑

【原文标题】Rudd defends granting of visa to Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer

Sid Maher | August 21, 2009     Article from: THE AUSTRALIAN
西德·马希尔 | 2009821        文章来自:澳大利亚人报

Rudd today strongly asserted Australia's right to determine whoenters the country amid the fallout over the visit by a woman China regards asa terrorist.


The Prime Minister defended the granting ofa visa to Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer, a decision Foreign Minister StephenSmith has conceded had angered China.


“The Government I lead is one whereAustralia makes decisions on who it issues visas to or not,” Mr Rudd saidtoday.


The strongly worded statement ofsovereignty comes during a difficult period in the Sino-Australianrelationship, starting with the arrest of Australian Rio Tinto executive SternHu.

中澳关系困难时发出措辞强硬的主权声明,开始于逮捕澳大利亚力拓高级主管Stern Hu

The Australian reported this morning that Beijing had snubbedResources Minister Martin Ferguson while he was in China this week to sign a$50 billion gas deal.

据《澳大利亚人报》今天上午报道,北京冷落资源部长Martin Ferguson,尽管他本星期在中国签署了500亿美元的天然气交易。

Ambassador Geoff Raby's failure to arrangetop-level meetings for Mr Ferguson is understood to have been a reason he wasrecalled to Canberra for urgent talks.

大使 Geoff Raby未能替Ferguson 先生安排高层会议被理解为有其他原因:堪培拉召唤他回来参加紧急会议。

Yesterday, Opposition foreign affairsspokeswoman Julie Bishop said the Government had failed to work constructivelywith China regarding the visit of Ms Kadeer.


“The Liberal Party is now saying that whenit comes to Australia's visa policy that we've got to get a permit slip fromanother country,” Mr Rudd said.


He said Australia's relationship with China was challenging, andwould be for some time, accusing the Opposition of using the Kadeer issue andMr Hu's arrest to play domestic politics.


“What we've seen instead from thealternative government of Australia is a determination to play domesticpolitics with this relationship on this and so many other aspects of it,” MrRudd said.



翻译交流 见沙发

[quote“The Liberal Party is now saying that when it comes to Australia's visa policy that we've got to get a permit slip from another country,” Mr Rudd said.

He said Australia's relationship with China was challenging, and would be for some time, accusing the Opposition of using the Kadeer issue and Mr Hu's arrest to play domestic politics.

“What we've seen instead from the alternative government of Australia is a determination to play domestic politics with this relationship on this and so many other aspects of it,” Mr Rudd said.

天健地坤 发表于 2009-8-21 23:06 [/quote]




发表于 2009-8-21 23:06 | 显示全部楼层

“The Liberal Party is now saying that when it comes to Australia's visa policy that we've got to get a permit slip from another country,” Mr Rudd said.

He said Australia's relationship with China was challenging, and would be for some time, accusing the Opposition of using the Kadeer issue and Mr Hu's arrest to play domestic politics.

“What we've seen instead from the alternative government of Australia is a determination to play domestic politics with this relationship on this and so many other aspects of it,” Mr Rudd said.





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陆克文 还是不懂中国.
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