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华盛顿邮报-China's bashing:it is back

发表于 2008-4-17 21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
华盛顿邮报-China's bashing:it is back
发表于 2008-4-17 21:57 | 显示全部楼层


For better or worse, it's safe to say that we're at the doorstep of a new era of China bashing in the West.

The post-Tiananmen Square crackdown honeymoon where the zeitgeist was "we can all get rich together" is over. It's been replaced by China = bad guy.

Across the Western democracies - from the US to Britain, France, Italy, Germany, a fear of China is rising and shows no signs of abating.

A new poll by Harris, released Wednesday by the Financial Times, indicates that China has overtaken the US as the biggest threat to global stability in the eyes of Europeans.

“The story of the last five years has been about economic opportunities," said Mark Leonard, executive director of the European Council on Foreign Relations and author of What Does China Think? told the FT. "The story of the last six months has been about China as a threat in Darfur and in Tibet."
马克伦纳德----欧洲议会外交关系协会执行董事和创始人说:过去五年来一直给中国经济发展的机会,中国是否觉得呢?他告诉金融时报关于在过去六个月达尔富尔和西藏已将中国视为威胁的故事 。

That story is pretty much the same in the US Last month, Gallup reported that after three years of relatively mixed views toward China, Americans have turned sharply negative against the Middle Kingdom .
这个故事几乎一样,在美国上个月,盖洛普报告说,经过3年的相对看法不一,对中国, 美国人已变成负面的对发展中的王国 。
In that poll, China replaced North Korea (anyone remember the Axis of Evil?) as one of the top three US enemies - after Iran and Iraq. 在这一调查中,中国取代北韩(有人记得邪恶轴心? )作为全球其中一个最热门的三个美国的敌人-后,伊朗和伊拉克。
And that poll was taken before Tibet was engulfed in protests and the Olympic torch relay morphed into a circus. 而且民调是前西藏是险象环生抗议和奥林匹克火炬接力活动演变成了马戏团。
But it's not just in polls where you sense the shifting zeitgeist. 但是,它不只是在民意测验中,您感受到移时代精神。 Even a casual peruser of the editorial pages of leading American newspapers - or shows such as CNN's The Situation Room where Jack Cafferty recently described Chinese products as "junk" and called China's government "a bunch of goons and thugs" -- can figure out that it's open season on China. 甚至随便peruser的社论版的美国顶尖报纸-或表明如C NN的情况室那里杰克c afferty最近介绍了中国的产品为"垃圾" ,并呼吁中国政府"的一群g oons和恶棍" -可揣摩出这这是开放的季节了中国。
Same holds true in a new crop of thrillers where Chinese villains have replaced old Soviets, those feline French and wild-eyed terrorists as the rogues du jour. 同样适用于在新的作物的惊栗那里中文坏人已取代旧苏联人,这些猫法语和野生动物眼睛的恐怖分子,因为流氓杜指标。
Check out NY Times reporter Alex Berenson's "The Ghost War" or Colin Harrison's "The Finder," both published this year. 看看纽约时报记者徐家berenson的"幽灵战争" ,或科林哈里森的"发现者" ,双方今年出版的一本。 It's not quite Yellow Peril time, but .... 它的不太黄祸时间,但....
A few years ago, China's sizzling economy was viewed as an opportunity. 前几年,中国的发出咝咝声经济被看成是一个机会。
Now, perhaps because we're flirting with a recession, it's a threat. 现在,这也许是因为我们正在调情与衰退期,它的一个威胁。
In terms of a challenge from Asia, China circa 2008 is the new Japan circa 1980. 而言是一个挑战来自亚洲,中国circa , 2008年是新日本circa 1980 。 On the military side, China is the new Soviet Union. 在军事方面,中国就是一个新的苏联。
A few years ago analysts generally pooh-poohed China's modernization. 数年前,分析人士普遍然- poohed中国的现代化建设。
"The Million Man Swim" was how one analyst described a potential Chinese attack on Taiwan. " 百万人游泳"是怎样一个分析家形容一个潜在的中国攻击台湾。
Not any longer. China's military (which has been rewarded with double-digit budget increases every year except one since 1989) can now shoot satellites out of the sky and has begun to roam the high seas.
不会太久了。中国的军费(已奖励两位数增加预算,每年除一个自1989年起)现在可以拍摄出卫星的升空,并已开始四处公海。 When it comes to human rights, again, China is the new USSR. 当谈到人权,再次,中国是新苏联。
A few years ago, the Western media enthused about how Chinese were freer than at any time in their history. 几年前,西方媒体热衷如何,中国人更加自由,超过历史上任何时候,在他们的历史。
Remember the stories about how the Internet was going to set China free?Or village elections? 还记得怎样在网上报名免费去中国的故事吗? 或村干部的选举?
Not anymore. These days the glass is definitely half-empty. 这种情况已今非昔比。这些天来,玻璃是绝对有一半空着。 Beijing obviously hasn't helped. Its human rights policies have taken a decided turn for the worse since President Hu Jintao took power in 2001. 北京显然并没有什么用处。它的人权政策,采取了决定作较坏的,因为国家主席胡锦涛上台后,在2001年。
And on foreign policy, a few years ago, even a few months ago, Western media outlets had a load of nice things to say about China; Beijing was downright pro-American.并就外交政策,在几年前,甚至几个月前,西方媒体网点进行了负荷的漂亮话,说对中国的北京,是彻头彻尾的亲美派。
China was aiding the US in North Korea and Afghanistan; it had helped convince Sudan to accept UN forces.中国是助长美在朝鲜和阿富汗,它有助于说服苏丹接受联合国维和部队。
A New York Times piece in October (with the great headline: Look Who's Mr. Fixit for a Fraught Age) concluded that China had suddenly become a key to the resolution of trouble around the world.一个新的纽约时报一块在10月(与大标题:看看谁的先生fixit一个充满年龄)得出结论认为,中国突然间成为一个关键,以解决麻烦世界各地。
Not anymore, even though China continues to try to play that positive role.现在不仅如此,即使中国继续尝试扮演积极的角色。
On Tuesday, for the first time, China hosted talks on Iran's controversial nuclear program in Shanghai.上周二,这是第一次,中国第二次举办讲座对伊朗有争议的核计划在上海。
China's foreign policy has always been an often bizarre mix of pragmatism and perfidy.中国的外交政策一直是一个常常奇怪的组合实用主义和背信弃义。
Months ago, we focused on the pragmatism; now it's the perfidy.几个月前,我们侧重于务实,现在的这个背信弃义。 So, how do you say Boris Badenov in Chinese?那么,你怎么说,鲍里斯badenov在中国人吗?
[ 本帖最后由 shanyueabc 于 2008-4-17 22:22 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-17 22:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-17 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-17 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
It's back是指“它又来了”吧?
发表于 2008-4-17 22:53 | 显示全部楼层
Across the Western democracies - from the US to Britain, France, Italy, Germany, a fear of China is rising and shows no signs of abating.


发表于 2008-4-18 13:09 | 显示全部楼层
For better or worse, it's safe to say that we're at the doorstep of a new era of China bashing in the West.

The post-Tiananmen Square crackdown honeymoon where the zeitgeist was "we can all get rich together" is over. It's been replaced by China = bad guy.
“大家共同富裕”这一时代的精神口号在天安门事件后,变成为历史,取而代之的是中国= 坏人。

Across the Western democracies - from the US to Britain, France, Italy, Germany, a fear of China is rising and shows no signs of abating.

A new poll by Harris, released Wednesday by the Financial Times, indicates that China has overtaken the US as the biggest threat to global stability in the eyes of Europeans.

The story of the last five years has been about economic opportunities," said Mark Leonard, executive director of the European Council on Foreign Relations and author of What Does China Think? told the FT. "The story of the last six months has been about China as a threat in Darfur and in Tibet."
That story is pretty much the same in the US Last month, Gallup reported that after three years of relatively mixed views toward China, Americans have turned sharply negative against the Middle Kingdom .
上个月这个事情也同样发生在美国, 根据盖洛普报告表明,经过3年的对中国不同的看法, 美国人立刻变的非常负面的反对这个古老的王国。
In that poll, China replaced North Korea (anyone remember the Axis of Evil?) as one of the top three US enemies - after Iran and Iraq. 在这一调查中,中国取代北韩(3大邪恶轴心国 )作为全球其中一个最热门的三个美国的敌人,排在伊朗和伊拉克后。
[ 本帖最后由 roberthanks77 于 2008-4-18 13:53 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-18 13:53 | 显示全部楼层
And that poll was taken before Tibet was engulfed in protests and the Olympic torch relay morphed into a circus. 民意调查是在西藏被卷入抗议和奥林匹克火炬接力被变成了马戏杂耍之前进行的。
But it's not just in polls where you sense the shifting zeitgeist.
Even a casual peruser of the editorial pages of leading American newspapers - or shows such as CNN's The Situation Room where Jack Cafferty recently described Chinese products as "junk" and called China's government "a bunch of goons and thugs" -- can figure out that it's open season on China.
即使是随便翻阅美国顶尖报纸的各大社论版块,例如 C NN的时事谈话室, 杰克c afferty最近把中国生产的产品描述为"垃圾" ,并直呼吁中国政府是一群坯子和恶棍" , 从这些可以清楚地看到,到处的眼光都注视着中国。

Same holds true in a new crop of thrillers where Chinese villains have replaced old Soviets, those feline French and wild-eyed terrorists as the rogues du jour.

Check out NY Times reporter Alex Berenson's "The Ghost War" or Colin Harrison's "The Finder," both published this year. 看看纽约时报记者Alex Berenson的"幽灵战争" ,或科林哈里森的"发现者" ,都是近年发行的。 It's not quite Yellow Peril time, but .... 现在还不是的太黄祸时候,但....

A few years ago, China's sizzling economy was viewed as an opportunity. 前几年,中国的发出开始发展的经济被看成是一个机会。

Now, perhaps because we're flirting with a recession, it's a threat. 现在,也许是因为我们正在经历经济衰退,所以它就成了的威胁。

In terms of a challenge from Asia, China circa 2008 is the new Japan circa 1980. 对于来自亚洲的挑战,中国的2008年就相当于新日本的1980 。 On the military side, China is the new Soviet Union. 在军事方面,中国就是一个新的苏联。

A few years ago analysts generally pooh-poohed China's modernization. 数年前,分析人士普遍鄙视中国的现代化建设。

"The Million Man Swim" was how one analyst described a potential Chinese attack on Taiwan. " “百万大军游泳越台海”,这是当时的分析家形容中国将如何攻击台湾。

Not any longer. China's military (which has been rewarded with double-digit budget increases every year except one since 1989) can now shoot satellites out of the sky and has begun to roam the high seas.

但是不久,中国的军费(从1989年起, 每年的军事预算就开始以两位数的速度增长), 现在他们可以攻击外太空卫星,并在太空漫游。 When it comes to human rights, again, China is the new USSR. 当谈到人权,中国在此是一个新苏联。

A few years ago, the Western media enthused about how Chinese were freer than at any time in their history. 几年前,西方媒体热衷于谈论中国人是如何更加自由,超过他们历史上任何时期。

Remember the stories about how the Internet was going to set China free?Or village elections? 还记得因特网是如何让中国自由,或村干部选举的这些故事吗?

Not anymore. These days the glass is definitely half-empty. 这种情况不会再现。杯子只有半杯水,情况完全不一样。 Beijing obviously hasn't helped. Its human rights policies have taken a decided turn for the worse since President Hu Jintao took power in 2001.显然北京并没有做出多大的成绩。自2001国家主席胡锦涛上台后, 它的人权政策朝着坏方向发展。

And on foreign policy, a few years ago, even a few months ago, Western media outlets had a load of nice things to say about China; Beijing was downright pro-American.对于外交政策,就在几年前,甚至几个月前,西方媒体还着重夸奖中国,北京也是是彻头彻尾的亲美派。

China was aiding the US in North Korea and Afghanistan; it had helped convince Sudan to accept UN forces.中国在朝鲜和阿富汗问题上站在美国一方,并帮助说服苏丹接受联合国维和部队。

A New York Times piece in October (with the great headline: Look Who's Mr. Fixit for a Fraught Age) concluded that China had suddenly become a key to the resolution of trouble around the world.在10月刊的纽约时报(大标题:看看谁的是麻烦解决先生在一个充满麻烦的时代)得出结论,中国突然间成为一个解决世界各地冲突的关键。

Not anymore, even though China continues to try to play that positive role.一切都不在啦,即使中国继续尝试扮演积极正面的角色。

On Tuesday, for the first time, China hosted talks on Iran's controversial nuclear program in Shanghai.上周二,在中国上海第一次举行伊朗有争议的核计划会谈。

China's foreign policy has always been an often bizarre mix of pragmatism and perfidy.中国的外交政策一直是一个实用主义和背信弃义组合的怪胎政策。

Months ago, we focused on the pragmatism; now it's the perfidy.几个月前,我们侧重于务实,现在又是背信弃义。 So, how do you say Boris Badenov in Chinese?那么,用中文怎么说Boris Badenov?

[ 本帖最后由 roberthanks77 于 2008-4-18 13:55 编辑 ]
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