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【口语】brick-and-mortar 等

发表于 2010-3-8 13:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. brick(s)-and-mortar

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,brick(s)-and-mortar意为“used to describe a traditional store or business that is in a building instead of on the Internet”。

We have a great product, but how can we sell it? 我们的产品很棒,但我们用什么方式销售呢?
We can either set up an online shop or a brick-and-mortar shop, perhaps in a mall. 我们既可以网上开店,也可以在购物中心这样的地方弄一个实体店。
An online shop will be much cheaper. With a brick-and-mortar one, we have to worry about paying rent, insurance and employees. 建网店的成本更低。如果是实体店,我们还得为租金、保险、员工薪水等操心。
Good idea. Let's open an online shop. 好,那我们就开网店吧。


2. This is a bit much

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,a bit much意为“used to describe a person or thing that is regarded as annoying, excessive, or unfair”。

Did you do all your homework assignments today? 作业都做好了吗?
No, I was too busy at the weekend to do the homework. I'll try to do it all by tomorrow. 没有,周末实在是太忙了,没空做。我尽力到明天全部做完。
Well, as punishment, I want you to stay after class and wash all the windows and clean all the desks! 作为惩戒,你放学后留下来把所有的窗户和书桌都擦干净。
I've never missed any other homework assignments! This is a bit much! 我这是初犯,这样的惩罚也太过分了。

3. too good to be true

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,talk is cheap意为“it is easy to say that you will do something”。

I really want to make you the happiest woman alive! 我会让你成为世界上最幸福的女人。
That's what all the men say. Talk is cheap! 男人都这么说。话谁不会说啊。
No, I really mean it and will prove it to you! 我说的都是真的,我会证明给你看的。
Okay, show me then! Try to impress me and make me happy. 好啊,那就证明给我看吧。让我感动一下,高兴一下。
No problem. Starting today I will save all my money for you! 没问题。从今天开始我会为你存下每一笔钱。

4. I kid you not

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,I kid you not意为“I am not kidding you”。

Did you hear that Lin broke up with his girlfriend? 听说了吗?林跟他女友分手了。
You can't be serious! I thought they would get married! 你没开玩笑吧。我还认为他们会结婚呢。
I kind you not! It's 100% true! 我说真的。千真万确。

5. joined at the hip

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,joined at the hip意为“used to describe two people who are often or usually together”。

Have you heard from Jiang? He's not answering his phone. 江有没有给你来电。他一直都不接电话。
Jiang? If you can't find him, you should just call Cui. Those two are always together. 江?你要是联系不上他,你就直接给崔打个电话。他俩总在一起。
You're right! Those two are practically joined at the hip! 是啊,他们总是形影不离。





发表于 2010-3-8 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
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