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【口语】make my day等

发表于 2010-3-9 15:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. make my day

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,make somebody's day意为“to cause someone's day to be pleasant or happy”

You're looking so pretty these days. 最近你越来越漂亮了。
Really? Wow, you just made my day! 真的吗?听你这么说,我好高兴啊。
You must be working out or something. 你是不是做什么运动什么的。
Actually I have been busy at work, so I must have lost some weight. Thanks for noticing. 我最近工作很忙,因此减了不少体重。你还是注意到了,谢谢。

2. think outside the box

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,think outside the box意为“If you think outside the box, your thoughts are not limited or controlled by rules or tradition, and you have ideas that are creative and unusual

Have you finished preparing your presentation for the meeting tomorrow? 明天开会要用的演示资料做好了吗?
Yes, I worked very hard on it! 做好了,费了我九牛二虎之力。
Well, I hope you are thinking outside the box. 希望看到你独到的见解。
I am because I know the boss likes original and creative ideas. 你会的。我知道老板喜欢原创性的点子。

3. twenty-four seven (or 24/7)

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,twenty-four seven意为“all the time : twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week”

How are your parents doing? 你爸妈过的好吗?
They are still working twenty-four seven! 他们还是没日没夜的工作。
Wow, they are so diligent! 哇赛,还这么卖力。
I hope I make enough money so they don't have to work so hard! 我希望我能多挣钱,让他们不用再操劳。

4. graveyard shift

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,graveyard shift意为“a scheduled period of work that begins late at night and ends in the morning”

You look so exhausted. Are you OK? 你看起来很疲惫,还好吧?
I have been working the graveyard shift lately, so I hardly sleep! 我最近上早班,睡眠严重不足。
That must be difficult! 很难熬吧。
It is, but fortunately my schedule will be different next month. 是啊,不过还好,下月开始要换班了。


- graveyard shift: 一般指0-8点为止。
- day shift: 一般指8-16点为止。
- swing shift: 一般指16-24点为止。





发表于 2010-3-11 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-21 22:54 | 显示全部楼层
make my day那个很不错呦 以前没注意到过
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