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发表于 2011-9-26 20:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 godstear4u 于 2011-9-26 20:13 编辑

【原文标题】This Week at War: Let's Talk About China
【来源网址】http://www.foreignpolicy.com/art ... ts_talk_about_china
【译    者】 godstear4u
【声    明】欢迎分享转载,分享转载时请注明译者和来源网址 bbs.m4.cn
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11:38 PM ET
September 23, 2011
Paper tiger
When the Chinese feel they need to contain a rival, they have no compunctions about providing missiles like the M11, blueprints on how to make your own nuke and other paraphernalia to countries like Pakistan.
While we sit and wonder what Taiwan could do to help itself. :-)

No points for guessing who's going to win this one!!!

12:55 PM ET
September 24, 2011
Unilateral War
The US is defeating itself because China has chosen not to fight. The Chinese Defense Minister said on 8-1-2011, the 84th anniversary of the founding of the PLA, that China's military strategy is peace and prosperity. The Foreign Ministry issued a White Paper on 9-6-2011, claiming that "peaceful development is China's strategic choice to realize modernization, make itself strong and prosperous, and make more contributions to the progress of human civilization." As a former US Army Special Forces intelligence sergeant, I can add the following: to win a war is competence; to win a war without fighting that war is genius. The US is spending itself into destitution while China's economy grows. China downgraded US debt to A with a negative outlook on 8-3-2011, citing three reasons: the US plays too many costly super power games in too many countries; the US cannot raise taxes; and the US cannot cut enough from domestic spending to reduce its debt. In Special Forces, we learned that the economy pays for the war machine, and the economy develops and pays for the technological tools of the war machine. Is Aaron Friedberg going to donate all of the money required to pay off the US national debt? Is he going to pay for the US armed forces and for US defense technology needs? The US will not begin to address its debt and military finance issues until the fall of 2013. The next election will be in 2012; Congress convenes in 2013; and the new laws will take effect in the fall. This, however, depends on avoiding stalemate in the 2012 elections. This democrazy (spelling is correct) chose Bush and Cheney twice, Obama and Biden once, and stalemate in 2006 and 2010. We always knew that China would become the dominant power, but we hoped it would be in 2050, when most of us would be dead. Our many interventions since 2001 have bankrupted the US, China will pass the US much sooner, and we must accept the new reality that we have created for ourselves.

6:50 PM ET
September 24, 2011
nascent military threat to Middle East peace?
the upper banner caption read, ChangDu military region send Engineering Battalion to Lebanon for assitance;
- presumably under mandate of UN peacekeeping force, or possibly just to ingrate themselves w/ Arabs,
the right & left caption said, faithfully execute the mission, and help to maintain world peace!
Gasp! what affrontry, no shame?

5:51 AM ET
September 25, 2011
"He recommends ... reaffirming U.S. alliances in Asia."
I would have said just the opposite. The US should, as gently as possible, withdraw from its east Asian alliances. Let Japan, S. Korea, Vietnam, et. al., feel the fear of being exposed to a China that could defeat each of them piecemeal. Then they will do one of two things: acquiesce in Chinese hegemony, or band together to fight it. Which one they choose depends on how they judge the likelihood of winning. If they believe they are strong enough together to counterbalance China, they will do so; if they believe even their combined strength will not be sufficient, they will seek individual accommodations. At present, I would say the advantage lies with this hypothetical anti-China alliance, but that advantage is diminishing. The US must therefore implement this policy right away. The same policy pursued ten or twenty years from now may well have the opposite effect.
Having an explicit alliance with any country is really only a matter of convenience, of formalizing a relationship that already exists naturally. In the event of war, Japan et. al. will be forced to seek an American alliance if their own strength is insufficient. The trick is to arrange it so that if/when a general war breaks out, the US is not involved at first. Let China and an anti-Chinese alliance fight it out for a spell; thereafter, the US may become involved, if necessary. This is, of course, exactly the opposite of the current US "tripwire" policy.
Of course, there is little hope for any constructive change as long as a leading contender for the presidency of the US makes foreign policy decisions based on what Zeus says, oh, wait, I mean Jehovah.

12:21 PM ET
September 25, 2011
option for taiwan
Rather americans thinking options of strike,counter strike or preemptive strikes for taiwan, why dont Taiwanese people think for themselves that is it not better to combine with mainland rather be divided and give a chance for the foreigners to intervene? Afterall both mainland and taiwan are chinese.

1:24 AM ET
September 26, 2011
China policy is subject the US can't discuss in the open
The long stream of US policies toward china has neither been just nor moral. Had China just disappear like Iraq or Libya everthing would be alright to talk about. But China didn't. The more we discuss about China the more awkward and incoherent our policies toward China will become. So it's better to let everhthing be cloaked in a thick fog of mystry, so that one day it could be gradually undo or changed without raising much a fuss.
发表于 2011-9-26 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 寒铁 于 2011-9-26 20:19 编辑

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发表于 2011-9-27 13:23 | 显示全部楼层
这招最没用 正中中国下怀 中国分化他们 然后逐一拉陇
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发表于 2011-9-30 17:54 | 显示全部楼层
vv00vv 发表于 2011-9-28 13:25
中国玩了2000年的合纵连横,想跟中国玩这个的美国人绝对是个纯战略白痴+中国史盲。 ...


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发表于 2011-9-30 17:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-10-5 01:24 | 显示全部楼层
vv00vv 发表于 2011-9-28 13:25
中国玩了2000年的合纵连横,想跟中国玩这个的美国人绝对是个纯战略白痴+中国史盲。 ...


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