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发表于 2011-10-14 20:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 某程 于 2011-10-14 20:08 编辑


【原文标题】China: Bullying to Prosperity



【译    者】某程


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China, the world's fastest growing major market, has the upper hand with U.S. business. Its array of protectionist barriers, weak rule of law, and siren-like market make events like this all but inevitable.

This state of play may also be one reason Congress is fulminating again over China's currency. The Senate this week passed a bill that could penalize China for keeping its currency artificially weak, which makes the country's products cheap in global markets.

Currency offers a simple focus that plays well with constituents. So currency has become a dangerous proxy for much else that's wrong with doing business in China.

First, Wal-Mart:
In the company's stores in the city of Chongqing, nonorganic pork was labeled "organic." This was the mistake. The pork was otherwise fine.

Seizing on this error at a time when inflation is a hot-button issue in China, officials accused Wal-Mart of cheating the public by charging premium prices for regular meat. They fined the company, shut down all 13 Wal-Marts in the city and jailed a number of Wal-Mart employees. The actions played well in the national media.

Chinafotopress/Zuma Press
A man reads a suspension notice on a Wal-Mart in Chongquing, China.

There's little if any recourse in authoritarian China when something like this happens to a U.S. company. There aren't regular courts. Like many other U.S. firms that have run afoul of nationalist sentiments in China, Wal-Mart could only beg forgiveness. It has nearly 350 stores in China with revenue of $7.5 billion.

So Wal-Mart dropped to its knees.

The company apologized, issued a statement declaring "the rights of consumers were infringed," and said it accepted the 15-day forced closure of its stores as an opportunity "to focus on implementing corrective actions."

In a phone interview, a Wal-Mart regional executive in Hong Kong was similarly obsequious—and circumspect, lest he ruffle feathers in Chongqing. Pressed, he said there were past issues with the stores, but declined to elaborate. Chinese officials said the issues entailed numerous violations, including fraudulent advertising and selling expired food.

An American executive in Beijing who watches these matters says the Wal-Mart saga is less about substance and more about the bigger problems U.S. business has with China. "You walk into any Chinese supermarket and can find things sold past their expiration date," he says. "Wal-Mart has done more to secure the safety of the food supply." Borrowing an old Chinese saying, he adds, "It's just an extraordinary example of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys," with the food industry the chicken, and the rest of foreign business the monkeys. The message to companies: Know your place and pay obeisance.

That strong arm is evident in other venues. For two years U.S. companies have been fighting new government procurement rules that give preference to Chinese products. Beijing finally abandoned the rules this year, but apparently not the preference.

"What's really concerning companies is that there's not a discernible change in the provinces and local governments on this whole question," says John Neuffer of the Information Technology Industry Council, a trade group. An executive with a U.S. technology company adds: "China uses a whole host of rules to steer procurement to favored companies." If it's not outright discrimination against foreign firms, he says, it's technical standards that "make it difficult for a foreign company to make a bid."
美国贸易团中咨询科技公司理事会的主管人员John Neuffer说道,“在采购中,真正让外国公司担忧的是在地方和当地政府采购中的准则难以判断。中国利用一系列的规则让自己偏好的公司中标。如果这不是对外国公司的完全歧视,那就是技术上的标准使得外国公司很难竞标成功。”



The rules are part of a broader industrial policy to promote "indigenous innovation" in China, or innovation that China owns. It's with this goal in mind that China virtually requires many foreign industrial and technology companies entering the market to form a joint venture with a state-owned firm and to transfer technology to China. Hungry for sales, U.S. companies have piled in, handing over top-of-the-line technology in aviation, autos, electronics, energy and more.

"This technology toll booth is troublesome; a large number of the companies I talk to have this concern," says Bob Hormats, the State Department's top economic official. U.S. firms, he says, "have to pay the high price of giving up very good technology" that Chinese companies then use to compete in global markets. "It weakens our economic base, our ability to create jobs and the profitability of our companies."
美国国务院高层经济官员Bob Hormats说道,“这些技术收费所很麻烦,我有交流的许多公司都担忧此事。他们都不得不为放弃很多高级的技术支付高额的代价,因为中国公司之后会用这些技术在国际市场中竞争。这削弱了我们的经济基础,我们创造工作和公司盈利的能力。”

The list of sticky problems goes on—new taxes in China on foreign employers, more subsidies for domestic industries, continued theft of intellectual property. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which represents U.S. companies, this month issued its annual list of concerns about business practices in China. It runs more than 100 pages, single spaced.

Notably, the same U.S. companies in China that previously went to Washington to lobby for normalized trade ties with Beijing now often go to gripe. China has thus lost many of its chief advocates.

Perhaps for this reason, and because of broader frustrations, the Senate mustered the votes to pass its currency-manipulation bill this week. The bill, if passed by the House, risks igniting a trade war with China. It's at minimum a provocation.

But for those who have tired of watching the beatings in China's many Chongqings, maybe that just no longer matters.


It's so easy for you to jump into a conclusion that people will definitely like. Why don't you mention the case that the US forbid a Chinese firm to buy 3Leaf? Why don't you mention numerous cases in which Chinese are sentenced to life in prison by Chinese authorities in food-safety crack-downs? I guess the fact that Walmart is subject to Chinese jurisdiction just runs against your nationalistic pride. Is that right? You want the extraterritoriality that exonerates the soldiers that raped Korean or Japanese, don't you?


What if Walmart cheats its US customers by mislabeling products? The police are gonna to kick its door down and open fire if they resist arrest.

Nah, Americans are honest people. They don't cheat each other. Only Chinese do ... So it should be ok for American Walmart to cheat Chinese peasants, who ain't worth nothing.



I wonder if there is any code of ethical conduct on media industry when come to publishing article and news to the public. Lately I have discover that the Wall Street Journal seems like a anti-Chinese media or a tool used by US government to sabotage a country growth or reputation just simply by publishing a story based on surface level of observation or any country which either stands against the US in area of economy, and politic. Don't get me wrong, China is not perfect, in fact some of the bashing could actually in favor of China in one way. But I still feel there is urgent need that the world government should establish a law of conduct to govern and to regulate self-fulfill political agenda news. Maybe, they can be a law suit action taken upon the writer or the supervisor of the author. Because it is simply unfair and ridiculous that country which is not consider by the US government as the so-called "allies" will subject to the daily news attack, which I see no different than cyber-attack and espionage, well, cheating you can say. Because biased and unjustifiable story with owns agenda can cause misunderstanding, and hatred, and eventually conflict on countries. This is perhaps, major of the US media (i.e. WSJ in this case), become a pioneer in this area. It make no different to the tactic used by the terrorist, because the ultimate goal is to destroy one country community and human. Same like 911 ultimately.


The reporter should first find the right word. The use of "bullying" simply makes this article ridiculous. This writer must stay in the elementary school too long.


With articles like this, I have to say WSJ is fast descending to FoxNews level since taken over by Murdoch. I will definitely cancel my subscription when my renewal comes up next month.


What goes around comes around ! US bullied latin american & third world countries using its global forums like WTO, World Bank, IMF, to bribing their law makers, and even UNSC to overthrow them, bomb them to obliteration, all what you call 'bullying to prosperity'. Never to forget the fact that Americans stole German patents which gave it a huge head-start. Before 1930s, by which time US had almost reached its zenith, free trade was forcibly opposed. Now, after you got a huge head-start and your bellies are filled up, you are frenzied lovers of freedom, don't you ?
Now, you cry foul when it comes to your skin ?
I am not justifying China's actions. Who am I to, or what difference does it make ? All I am doing is cheering ! Go China Go ! The world, excepting the old & barbarian west, is behind you ! I don't say that China can't be barbarian by itself. But, we world citizens are fed up with unipolar world and the American dictatorship !

Go China Go !




感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://article.m4.cn/fm/1128320.shtml  发表于 2011-10-17 14:17




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jm_zxy 发表于 2011-10-15 18:53
美国确实是个‘民主,自由’的国家,不过,在美国的心中,‘民主,自由’就像尿壶,需要的时侯拿出来用下, ...

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