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[网贴翻译] 【商业周刊20121212】诺奖得主:中国的发展是了不起的成就,...

发表于 2012-12-15 11:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-4-23 17:56 编辑

Paul Krugman: 'Chinese Growth Is A Wonderful Human Success Story That Could Kill Us All'

Paul Krugman considers China a mortal threat in one key respect: climate change.

"If you worry about climate change and stuff like that, then China is -- Chinese growth is a wonderful human success story that could kill us all," the Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist said at the New York Times DealBook conference on Wednesday.

He also noted, "To some extent actually, we are hurt by Chinese growth. ... There are scarce natural resources, and we are in fact competing for limited supplies of oil, minerals, etc."

But instead of being confrontational, the U.S. needs to give China more of a voice in trade policy, Krugman said. "You can't deny them a position that corresponds with their size."

The alternative, he suggested, is much less appealing. "Even if we conclude that Chinese growth hurts us, what are we going to do? Bomb them?" he asked. "Going out for all-out protectionism is probably not going to be to our benefit."

China -- which plans to flatten 700 mountains for development, according to China Daily -- is the largest polluter in the world, and most of its electricity comes from coal, the Associated Press reports. But the average American still has a much larger carbon footprint than the average Chinese person, according to a July report by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. A significant percentage of China's greenhouse gas emissions are produced by its export industries.

Because the country was considered a developing economy when the Kyoto Protocol was written in the 1990s, China is not obligated to cut greenhouse gas emissions under the treaty. The U.S. has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol.


50 Fans
3 minutes ago ( 9:35 PM)
Do you recall back in the 1800's when there was quite a large amount of discrimination against Chinese in this country? Well, guess what, payback is a mother!

how did that happen
46 Fans
35 minutes ago ( 9:04 PM)
This is a great Krugman story. he says that it is ok for China to pollute make dirty water and dirty air and fill it with greenhouse gasses, but favors carbon taxes in the US. Maybe Krugman should move to China and write his articles from the China Hilton.

The American socialist
41 Fans
2 hours ago ( 7:32 PM)
China's growth isn't a wonderful success story the wonderful success.millions of people are now wage slaves forced to work in sweatshops. Although he is right about one thingtheir success could kill us all.

What you do to the Earth you do to yourself
233 Fans
2 hours ago ( 7:26 PM)
"Wonderful human success story" ..... If you consider working in an environmental cesspool of toxic substances, working 12 hrs shifts for a dollar a day in slave labor working conditions and letting small children work under these horrendous conditions.

Why Don't We Do It In The Road?
1015 Fans
4 hours ago ( 5:16 PM)
"A wonderful human success story". Of course it is to those who share the same ideology! Never mind that of those 1 billion plus peasants in China, something like 80% of them still are just that, peasants. It's why ordinary rainstorms cause floods that kill tens of thousands of people at a time! And don't forget how their prison system provides much of the labor that they thus DON'T have to pay for. Give me a break. As usual, the ChiComs get a break on things like pollution, because they are (ahem) 'developing'! But they're still not as bad as us, oh heaven forbid, because of the dubious and farcical 'carbon footprint' manure! This country has among the most stringent pollution controls on the planet, but you'll never see or hear or read anything on that from those usual suspects.

Jon LoGotti
40 Fans
5 hours ago ( 4:38 PM)
China is a disaster waiting to happen. Their stock market is flirting with its 2009 lows. The amount of black market financing to rollover debts in the municipalities and local governments is out of control. Their local governments are saturated in debt that was based on property values that nobody can sell at such high prices anymore so the debt is being rolled over continuously and CCP has no control over all the private money that is going to these investments at outrageous interest rates. There are still an overwhelming amount of ghost cities. Deposit rates are still way below the rate of inflation so money is trying to find a happy home. Consumption as a share of GDP continues to decline as China refuses to give up its export and investment based economy for more purchasing power for its citizens and a more consumption-based economy. They create nothing of real value, they steal intellectual property rights with their slave wages and over-polluted cities, their wealthiest citizens are leaving the country and it reminds of the 1980s when everyone said that Japan was slated to pass the USA in growth and that we should all mimic Japan. Quantity is not the same as quality.




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