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[网贴翻译] 【印度时报20140328】俄罗斯VS西方:“中印巴”新的不结盟组

发表于 2014-3-30 00:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-3-31 18:10 编辑



NEW DELHI: Ever since Russia annexed Crimea and invited western sanctions, the world has swirled with talk of a new Cold War. Its Russia versus the US again, the west versus the east, at least that's how the instant pundits of global affairs would have us believe.
On Thursday, Ukraine became the touchstone for 193 countries to declare where their hearts lie. A resolution in the UN general assembly declaring Russia's annexation of Crimea to be illegal was put to vote — more countries ended up on the western side.
But even more significant, a massive 58 countries abstained — that's the new UN equivalent of staying "non-aligned".

In this club fall three big guys — India, China and Brazil. As part of BRICS these countries last week declared in a joint statement that they did not want sanctions and counter-sanctions and a political dialogue was the best answer. But all three countries have strong political and economic ties with the US, unlike Russia. Therefore, walking a thin line, all three countries stayed out of the race.
Interestingly, on the abstention sheet is Israel, US' closest ally. Israel has been livid with Obama on the nuclear deal with Iran. Iran, which considers the US a "great Satan" also abstained — Russia is Iran's greatest ally. Maldives, where the US has been trying to set up a military base, voted on the side of the US, something India should think about.

The general assembly resolution is not binding, but it's a strong statement from the international community. The resolution says under the UN charter all states must refrain "from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, and to settle their international disputes by peaceful means." It reaffirmed the territorial integrity of Ukraine, which is a slap on Russia's recent actions.
India and China have deep reservations on sovereignty and territorial integrity and in the past have not hesitated to slam US for Libya, Syria etc. With Russia doing exactly the same thing, the dilemma in the developing world is acute.
A similarly worded resolution died in the UN Security Council because Russia has a veto there. But in a sign that Russia wont have sweeping international support, the body held almost 10 discussions on Ukraine.


joommen_2001 (india)
ukraine is not going to change history just a smallblip

Gaurav mahendru (delhi)
we must support russia at all cost
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bmdsuccess2014 (Location) replies to Gaurav mahendru
And then the world must support similar referendum in Kashmir and northeast?? When a bully takes over a land of a sovereign country by force, puppets like Putin, the entire world is against them. Even china does not support them and hence abstained.. No wonder no one considers India even as a regional force
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Myalmightygod (India)
Will the world be divided?

Aryan Liberal (Unknown) replies to Myalmightygod
it Seems to be ,,

PapuCantDanceSalsa (India)
India has started learning saying no to US.
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hemkant beedkar (Pune)
Maldives, where the US has been trying to set up a military base, voted on the side of the US, something India should think about. In future this may prove a threat to India in Indian Ocean. Should be opposed.
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hemkant beedkar (Pune)
As per the earlier comments, this news showing that the world will be divided and China, India, Brazil and other countries will support Russia in future if the situation demands.
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AshK Malhotra (India)
Its Russia versus the US again, the west versus the east, at least that's how it looks.
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India must act in its best interest. What will our reaction if Kashmir / Sikkim / Arunachal Pradesh decides not to stay with us So far as economy is concerned we should side with West. About veto regarding Kashmir , we can woo France safely.
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aamir (ksa)
India,russia,china vs west... Result - we won.....
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Truth (Global)
How come we didn't hear any UN resolution when USA provided arms to Syrian rebels? What about the UN resolution on the reports that USA pumped in USD 5 Billion in Ukraine over the past few years to fund the revolution? Where is the UN resolution on NSA / CIA spying? or the illegal US and UK war in Iraq?????
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GopiRaman Alok (Unknown)
all selfish and uncle sam follwoer will do fall in USA trap

jay (Mount Everest)
Russia (USSR) supported india during 1971 Indo-pak war, pak got a lot more backing from USA but it was Russia who backed india,

Shyamal (Bharat)
We have had an unipolar world for too long. It is necessary for an alternative countervailing camp of strength for , if the world is to have peace again.

Chennai Man (Chennai)
Need a strong team against the West capitalists to ensure East values.

American desi (NYC)
Western countries don't practice what they preach! When Yugoslavia was divided into 6 countries, they said, the locals want that way. Russia was disintegrated in 15 countries at that instigation of EU and US. When the locals in Spain's catalunia region (Barcelona) want to seperate or the southern Basque region wants out of that country no one pays attention. Similarly Belgium has south has always wanted their own nation from the north..and they keep telling them it is not going to sustain.
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Tarun (Location)
Non-aligned is just another word for the opportunists and impotents




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