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[外媒编译] 【华盛顿邮报20140611】Hagel 辩解交换战俘的谈判是符合法律的

发表于 2014-6-13 16:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【中文标题】Hagel 辩解交换战俘的谈判是符合法律的
【原文标题】Hagel defends prisoner exchange as lawful
【登载媒体】The Washington Post

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Wednesday forcefully defended President Obama’s decision to secure the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five Taliban detainees at Guantanamo Bay, telling lawmakers that officials acted within the law and “in the best interests of our country.”

星期三,(美国)国防部长Chuck Hagel 坚定地为奥巴以五位关塔那摩囚犯换回中士Bowe Bergdahl的决定辩解。他告诉国会议员们白宫官员的行为尊重法律并且“服务于我们国家的最高利益”。

“We made the right decision, and we did it for the right reasons,” Hagel said in an opening statement before a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the exchange.


In repeated exchanges with Republicans who charged the administration had broken the law by failing to inform them before the exchange, both Hagel and Pentagon legal counsel Stephen Preston repeated that the circumstances dictated their actions and that they sought and received legal counsel that they acted legally under the president’s constitutional powers to protect American citizens and service members.

共和党指控白宫在交换战俘之前并未通知(国会),因此交换战俘是违法行为。在与共和党的多次交锋当中,Hagel和国防部的法律顾问Stephen Preston 多次重申,是环境迫使他们有了这样的行为,并且他们曾经寻求和接受法律顾建议,他们的行为是在宪法赋予总统保护美国公民和政府雇员的权力之内的。

Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) asked why Bergdahl had not yet been transferred back to the United States but remained at a U.S. medical facility in Germany and suggested that the administration was holding him there for other reasons. “Are you trying to tell me he’s being held [in Germany] for medical reasons?” Miller asked.

Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.)质问为什么Bergdahl到现在都没有回到美国,而是留在了美国在德国的医疗中心。他暗示这是因为白宫有其它原因。“难道你试图告诉我他(Bergdahl)还留在德国是为了接受医疗治疗吗?”Miller 质问道。

Hagel, raising his voice and talking over Miller’s efforts to interrupt him, said, “I don’t know how much medical training you’ve had, congressman. I haven’t had much.” Saying that Bergdahl remained in Germany because of the decisions of his doctors, Hagel said, “I hope you’re not implying anything other than that. I don’t like the implication.”

Hagel 提高了嗓门儿打断了Miller以试图改变Miller的看法,Hagel说,“我不知道你接受过多少医疗训练,国会议员。我本人倒是没有过很多。”Hagel说Bergdahl 现在还留在德国是他的医生的决定,Hagel说,“我希望你没有暗示其它什么,我不喜欢拐弯抹角。”

In his remarks, the administration’s first public testimony on the issue of the prisoner swap, Hagel provided additional details on negotiations with the Taliban.


After three days of “intensive talks” with Qatar acting as intermediary, Hagel said, the final decision to move forward on the exchange was made only 96 hours before Bergdahl’s release.


“We did not know the general area of the hand-off until 24 hours before,” Hagel said. “We did not know the precise location until one hour before. And we did not know until the moment that Sgt. Bergdahl was handed over safely . . . that the Taliban would hold up their end of the deal.”

“在交换前24个小时,我们不知道交换的大概地点。”Hagel说,“在交换的前1个小时,我们都不知道交换的确切地点。我们甚至不知道塔利班是不是会遵守承诺,直到看到Bergdahl中士被安全地送回来。 ”

Hagel said that “we were told by the Qataris that a leak, any kind of leak, would end the negotiations for Bergdahl’s release” and that U.S. Special Forces operators would be in danger of attack. The five detainees were not released into the hands of Qatari officials at Guantanamo until confirmation that Bergdahl was in U.S. hands, Hagel said.

Hagel 说:“卡塔尔告诉我们如果消息走漏,哪怕是走漏一丝,关于释放Bergdahl的谈判讲终止。”此外,美国特别武装部队人员将会陷入被袭击的危险。五名关押在关塔那摩的囚犯直到Bergdahl 被送回美方才移交给卡塔尔,Hagel说。

In a statement opening the hearing, Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Calif.) said Obama “has broken the law” by not notifying Congress in advance of the exchange and put U.S. troops at greater risk in the future by negotiating with Bergdahl’s captors.

在质询开始的声明中,委员会主席Howard P.支持了 McKeon (R-Calif.) 的观点,奥巴马没有在交换战俘前通知国会,这种行为已经违反了法律。此外,与塔利班进行谈判会将美国军队置于危险。

Hagel disagreed. In deciding not to inform Congress, under a law requiring 30 days notification of all transfers from Guantanamo, he said, the administration received Justice Department assurance that the action was legal.


“The president and I would not have moved forward unless we had complete confidence that we were acting lawfully, in the national interest and in the best traditions of our military,” Hagel said. “Our operation to save Sgt. Bergdahl’s life was fully consistent with U.S. laws in at least five ways.”


First, he said, risk associated with the transfer of the Taliban detainees was “substantially mitigated,” as required by U.S. law, under conditions agreed to by Qatar, including “travel restrictions, monitoring, information sharing and limitation on activities,” as well as other measures Hagel said he would detail in a classified hearing following the open session.


“Second, we fulfilled our commitment to recover all military personnel held captive,” Hagel said. The exchange also followed “the precedent of past wartime prisoner exchanges.”


Hagel drew a distinction between negotiating with hostage-takers and negotiation over a “detained combatant being held by an enemy force . . . fully consistent with our long-standing policy not to offer concessions to hostage takers. The Taliban is our enemy, and we are engaged in an armed conflict with them.”


Finally, Hagel said that the exchange was consistent with briefings Congress was given in late 2011 and early 2012 during early negotiations over Bergdahl’s release.


“Under these exceptional circumstances — a fleeting opportunity to protect the life of an American service member held captive and in danger — the national security team and the president agreed that we needed to act swiftly.”


Recalling his own service as a senator from Nebraska serving on the Intelligence and Foreign Relations committees, Hagel said he understood lawmakers’ unease.


“I know that trust has been broken. I know you have questions. . . . I’ll tell you something else, I have always been straightforward, completely transparent with this committee. I will continue to do that. . . . That’s what I always demanded of any administration when I was a member of the U.S. Senate. I’ve been on your side.”

“我理解信任已经被损害了。我理解你们有很多问题 ... 让我告诉你们些别的事情,我从来都是个直来直去的人,对委员会人员从来知无不言,我会继续这样做 ... 这是为什么当我是美国国会议员的时候我总是质问白宫。我与你们是同一阵营的人”

“The circumstances were imperfect,” Hagel said. “But you have to make a choice, you have to make a decision.”


补充内容 (2014-6-13 22:02):
【更正】The exchange also followed “the precedent of past wartime prisoner exchanges."这次交换战俘遵照了过去交换战俘的先例。

补充内容 (2014-6-13 22:12):
【更正】”Hagel, raising his voice and talking over Miller’s efforts to interrupt him,“黑格提高了嗓门儿,不顾MILLER试图插话继续说道,




发表于 2014-6-13 20:42 | 显示全部楼层
“Second, we fulfilled our commitment to recover all military personnel held captive,” Hagel said. The exchange also followed “the precedent of past wartime prisoner exchanges.”第二,我们履行了解救所有被扣押的美国军队人员的承诺,Hagel说。这次战俘的交换将“开启交换扣押战俘的先例。”
The exchange also followED THE PRECEDENT of the past.
So itself does not constitute a precedent, i assume.




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发表于 2014-6-13 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
Hagel, raising his voice and talking over Miller’s efforts to interrupt him, said, “I don’t know how much medical training you’ve had, congressman. I haven’t had much.” Saying that Bergdahl remained in Germany because of the decisions of his doctors, Hagel said, “I hope you’re not implying anything other than that. I don’t like the implication.”

Hagel 提高了嗓门儿打断了Miller以试图改变Miller的看法,Hagel说,“我不知道你接受过多少医疗训练,国会议员。我本人倒是没有过很多。”Hagel说Bergdahl 现在还留在德国是他的医生的决定,Hagel说,“我希望你没有暗示其它什么,我不喜欢拐弯抹角。”
rasing his voice and talking so loud that he actually made it impossible for Miller to interrupt him despite Miller's efforts to do so.




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发表于 2014-6-13 20:57 | 显示全部楼层
Finally, Hagel said that the exchange was consistent with briefings Congress was given in late 2011 and early 2012 during early negotiations over Bergdahl’s release.






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发表于 2014-6-13 21:01 | 显示全部楼层
“Under these exceptional circumstances — a fleeting opportunity to protect the life of an American service member held captive and in danger — the national security team and the president agreed that we needed to act swiftly.”






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 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-13 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
bostonlegal 发表于 2014-6-13 20:57
Finally, Hagel said that the exchange was consistent with briefings Congress was given in late 2011  ...

我早上迷迷糊糊地给漏看了一个字briefings额。。。 这个briefings我猜并结合上下文,大概是一种类似“谈判指南”的东西。在这个谈判中白宫能能做什么,能退到哪一步,有哪些谈判筹码等等。。。你觉得呢?前两条多谢指正!我马上去改






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A short and concise summary of a situation.
The president received a briefing on the situation before going to the press conference.
A presentation of information or instruction ; the meeting at which it is presented.
Today's briefing of the press.
a short and concise summary of a situation
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