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[网贴翻译] 【每日邮报20140616】 第五快进球的克林特·邓普西怀疑他的

发表于 2014-6-17 22:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-6-17 23:04 编辑

【原文标题】Clint Dempsey scores fifth quickest goal in World Cup history... but gets suspected broken nose after taking boot to the face
【登载媒体】Daily Mail

It was a first-half of contrasts for Clint Dempsey in the USA’s opening game against Ghana – he brilliantly scored the World Cup’s fifth fastest goal of all-time, before sustaining a suspected broken nose from a flying boot.

The former Fulham and Tottenham forward found himself on his back after an ungainly aerial clash with John Boye ended with the Ghanaian’s boot finding the American’s nose.
在与加纳球员John Boye猛烈的空中冲撞中,邓普西的鼻子被踢中,前锋Fulham 和 Tottenham发现他躺在地上。

Dempsey grabbed the fastest goal of the World Cup so far just 29 seconds into the Group G clash in Natal, with a crisp low finish into the bottom corner that he celebrated ecstatically.

anto81, milano, Italy
do the americans still think that"soccer"is a girly game?these 3 points are vital in such a iron group,well done.
anto81 网友(意大利):美国人还认为“足球”是个很娘娘腔的运动吗? 这三记进球是各一个钢铁般队伍的取胜的关键,干得好!

ronald sims, southampton, United Kingdom
At least America won,by the way how did we do.
ronald sims网友(英国,南安普顿):至少美国人以美国的方式赢了。

Carl, London
I think Clint Dempsey will be more worried about his USA team mates who were shocking last night the way Ghana had them running around all game will be of serious I still struggle to work out how they won that game
Carl 网友(伦敦): 我觉得克林特·邓普西应该更担心他的队友,他们震惊于被加纳迫使地满场跑。这后果可能会很严重,我还始终不敢相信美国赢了。

Katsuhiro, Osaka, Japan
Goodluck with next game with portugal, and a BIGGER goodluck with Germany's match up soon.
Katsuhiro, Osaka,网友(日本):下一场与葡萄队的比赛好运!并且祝与德国队尽快会和!

Max Hänck, Neu- Anspach, Germany
i‘ve watched the match and i feel very comfortable- as a german . both teams will not be a thread to us. but i wish that US will achieve the next round.
Max Hänck, Neu- Anspach网友(德国):我看了比赛并且看的很愉快,两个队都不会是我们(德国)的威胁,但是我还是希望美国能打到下一轮。





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