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[网贴翻译] 缅甸工商总会

发表于 2014-9-8 08:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers ofCommerce & Industry
UWin Myint
Myanmar participatedactively in the 1st China-ASEANBusiness and Investment Summit held in 2004 in all the various programsorganized by the forum and contributed to its overall success. The opportunityto hold seminars related to trade promotion and investment and trade exhibitionresulted in laying the foundation for enhancing further the already existing, cordial trade and economic relations not only with Chinabut also with the ASEAN countries in general. In fact, the Union of MyanmarFederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry has endeavored to organize itsmembers and the Myanmarentrepreneurs for their active cooperation and participation. The tradeexhibitions paved the way for the important Chinese business community to havea better perspective and understanding of opportunities available for trade andinvestment in Myanmar.Since our participation in this grand 1st CABIS event, we havecontinued to do so annually. This has resulted in increased interaction in thefield of economic cooperation and trade between our two countries.

Provincialgovernment authorities from Guangxi visit our Chamber regularly to make pre arrangementsfor the next forthcoming CABIS. Besides tradedelegations headed by authorities from the provincial commerce departments andcomprising of entrepreneurs from various sectors of business, visit an Chamber.The Chamber organizes trade and investment promotion meetings and businessmatching sessions. This makes available to the visiting delegations and localcounterparts to get together and exchange vital information for enhancing theexisting trade and investment relations between our two countries. Delegationsnot only from Guangxi, but also from other provinces visit our Chamber andinteract to increase trade relationships with success. This trend has continuedsince the 1st CABIS in 2004 to this day. Also we have theopportunity to communicate with CCPIT authorities from the main office in Beijing as well as thosefrom the provinces who visit us. Our Central Executive Committee members andmembers of our Chamber are frequently invited to participate in businessmeetings, seminars and workshops organized by various provinces of Chinaand this results in enhancing trade cooperation between our two countries. Thisis important contribution of CABIS to foster cordial economic relationshipbetween our two countries as a result of contacts established in Nanning. The regularparticipation of our entrepreneurs in the annual events of CABIS and itsrelated activities has showcased the opportunities for trade and investment tomany parts of China.
来自广西的省政府当局定期访问我们的总会,以为即将来临的下一届的商业与投资峰会做好预先安排。除了由来自省商务部带领的以及由来自各商业部门的企业家组成的贸易代表团也访问了总会。总会组织了贸易及投资促进会议以及商业配对会议。这使得到访代表团以及当地同行同业人士得以汇聚一堂,为促进两国间已有的贸易及投资关系相互交流重要信息。不仅是来自广西的代表团,还有来自中国其它省份的代表团也访问了我们的总会,并且进行互动,以成功地增加贸易关系。自从2004年第一届商务与投资峰会至今,该趋势一直持续着。同样,我们也有机会和来自北京总部的中国国际贸易促进委员会(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)当局以及来自其他省份的来访我们的当局进行交流。我们的中央执行委员会成员以及我们的总会成员频繁受邀前去参加由中国各省组织的商务会议商业会议、专题研讨会以及研习会,这加强了双方之间的贸易合作。我们在南宁建立了交际关系,这是商务与投资峰会为培养我们双方国家之间的友好经济关系而做出的重要贡献。我们的企业家们定期参与到商务与投资峰会一年一度的盛事及相关活动中,这体现了在中国许多地区进行贸易以及投资的机遇。

The theme ofthe 5th CABIS held recently on 22nd October, 2008, was “Broader Vision and More Action”. The construction of CAFTAby 2010 for the 6 earlier members of ASEAN and by 2015 for the later membersincluding Myanma demands “broader vision” and as a race against time “promptermore action” in order to play a win-win role in the region. Although we areoptimistic about establishing a much closer mutually beneficial economiccooperation in the region, we need to foresee and prepare ourselves in advanceto face and solve, common problems emerging as a result of this new situation. Thisis the need for “more action” to prevent any negative effect on the aims andobjects of CAFTA. We need to nurture and cultivate greater understanding ofeach other regional member country for enhancing economic cooperation.

This summitheld two important forums, namely the SME Cooperation forum and the InvestmentCooperation forum.

SME Cooperation

Most of theenterprises in Myanmarare SMEs and they are in the private sector. Nearly 98% of the existingenterprises are SMEs. They play a vital role in trade and economic developmentof the country. They play a leading role in not only catering to the dailyneeds of the populace but also in enhancing external trade. Most of the SMEshave been established and, operate on self help basis. At present, they do nothave easy access to appropriate support from financial institutions to developthemselves. Although they can get loans from banks, these are granted only withcollateral commitment. As a result, their resources foraccess are highly limited. Besides they require modern technology fordevelopment and better facilitation for trade interaction. Since the main aimof our Chamber is to protect and enhance the interests of the private sectorwhich consists of a major role of SMEs participation, constant efforts are madeto represent the difficulties of SMEs and their problems to the governmentsnotice and seek their help and support for solutions. The government on theother hand helps to lower the obstructing barriers and renders help andencouragement. The SMEs are assuming increasing roles to establish trade andeconomic relations with overseas regional counterparts.




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