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[外媒编译] 【经济学人20090122】中国萎靡不振的经济

发表于 2014-9-8 08:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【中文标题】中国萎靡不振的经济 :强壮如牛?
【原文标题】China's flagging economy:Strong as an ox?
China's annual GDP growth falls to 6.8%. Howmuch worse can it get?

THE beast which gives its name to theChinese new year that begins on January 26th is meant to symbolise prosperitythrough fortitude and hard work, offering hope that China will soon regain its economicvigour. But an ox is often a castrated bull—which may be an apt description of China’seconomic pain. New figures show that China’s GDP growth fell to 6.8% inthe year to the fourth quarter, down from 9% in the third quarter and half its13% pace in 2007. Growth of 6.8% may still sound pretty robust, but it impliesthat growth was virtually zero on a seasonally adjusted basis in the fourthquarter.

Industrial production has slowed even moresharply, growing by only 5.7% in the 12 months to December, compared with an18% pace in late 2007. Thousands of factories have closed and millions ofmigrant workers have already lost their jobs. But there could be worse to come.Chinese exports are likely to drop further in coming months as world demandshrinks. Qu Hongbin, an economist at HSBC, forecasts that exports in the firstquarter could be 19% lower than a year ago. 2009 may well see the firstfull-year decline in exports in more than a quarter of a century.

Economists have become gloomier about China’sprospects, with many now predicting GDP growth of only 5-6% in 2009, the lowestfor almost two decades. The most dismal view comes from Albert Edwards, atSociété Générale, a French bank, who thinks China may be sliding into outrightrecession. He points to a fall in electricity output of 6% in the year to thefourth quarter, down from average annual growth of 15% over the previous fiveyears.

In the past, the growth in GDP andelectricity use have tended to move together (see chart). Mr Edwards reckons thata decline in electricity output may mean that GDP is falling, no matter whatthe official figures say. Equally worrying is the OECD’s leadingindicator of economic activity in China,which has plunged to its lowest level in its 26-year history, lower even thanduring the slump in 1989, the year of the Tiananmen Squareprotests and massacre.

This makes for a compelling story. But therelationship between GDP and electricity consumption has been distorted by theuneven nature of this slowdown. Energy-guzzling heavy industries, such as steeland cement, bore the brunt of China’sdownturn late last year. So it is not surprising that electricity use slumped.

Moreover, too much weight may be given tothe declining exports, because it is often wrongly assumed that the slump in China’s growth has been caused mainly by acollapse in its exports to Americaand other rich economies. Yet in 2008 the fall in net exports (exports minusimports) accounted for less than half of its slowdown. More important was acollapse in housing construction, caused by the government’s efforts to deflatea potential bubble. This, in turn, reduced the demand for materials such assteel. So by the fourth quarter there had been a huge build-up in stocks,exACerbating the fall in production: steel output was 12% lower than a yearearlier.

GDP growth is likely to continue to fallduring the first half of 2009, sounding alarm bells among those who repeat theofficial mantra that China needs to grow by at least 8% a year to avoid socialunrest (even though that number has no sound economic basis). But there is goodreason to hope that by midyear the economy will perk up as destocking comes toan end and the government’s fiscal stimulus kicks in.

China’s 4 trillion yuan ($585 billion) packageof infrastructure spending, subsidies and tax cuts for businesses has beentrashed by many commentators as another “Chinese fake”. Most of it is not newmoney, they claim, and the central government will finance less than one-thirdof the planned spending; most of the rest will have to come from banks, whichin the current climate may be reluctant to lend.

It is true that some of the extra spendinghad already been announced, but what matters for economic growth is how muchspending will actually increase this year. The answer is a lot. For example,JPMorgan forecasts that transport investment will expand by an impressive 70%in 2009. HSBC estimates a total spending boost of 6-7% of GDPover this year and next.

Since the November package, the governmenthas introduced other measures to support the economy. On January 21st itannounced extra spending of 850 billion yuan over three years to improve healthcare. From February rural residents will get a 13% rebate on purchases of goodssuch as refrigerators, TVs and washing machines. Consumer spending will bedented by job losses and smaller wage rises but has so far remained strong,with retail sales up by 18% in real terms in the year to December. Interestrates have also been cut five times since September and, much more important,controls on bank lending have been scrapped. To help the property sector,minimum down-payments have been reduced from 30-40% of a home’s value to 20%,the transaction tax has been waived for properties held for at least two years,and more public housing is to be built.

Theall-too visible hoof

Chris Wood, at CLSA, a brokerage, says theeffectiveness of the stimulus hinges on the extent to which China is now acapitalist economy. The more “capitalist” it is, the deeper the downturn now;the more it is still a command economy, the better the chance of recovery in2009. State-controlled firms, which account for one-third of industrial outputand almost half of all investment, have been “asked” not to cut jobs andcapital spending. All the big banks are state-owned and their chairmen areappointed by the government. If they get a phone call telling them to lendmore, they are likely to do so.

Banks already seem to be following Beijing’s orders: totallending surged by 19% in the year to December. China is one of the few largeeconomies whose banking system has not been crippled by the global creditcrunch. Andy Rothman, also at CLSA, argues that “in China, there is only a creditcrunch when the political leadership wants one”. He believes the economy willrevive by midyear and achieve GDP growth of close to 8% for 2009 as a whole.

The obvious concern is that althoughheavy-handed government meddling may be more effective than market-based toolsto pull an economy out of a deep downturn, it comes at a cost. Publicinvestment will inevitably include some wasteful spending, and politicallydirected lending could add to excess capacity in some sectors and create new badloans for banks. This may hobble the bull in the future. But first it needs toregain its virility.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese, payspecial attention to the delivery of figures.
1. It was a reminderthat waning global growth, expensive oil and Germany's increase in value addedtax by three percentage points to 19 percent on Jan.l could severely hamperexpansion in 2007.

2. "I think theslowdown is a result of the government's macro-economic controls, indicating recentmonetary tightening and administrative measures are taking effect."

3. The number of peopleworking or seeking work jumped by 20, 000, while the population able to workrose by 15, 000 in thequarter.

4. Advantest, theworld's biggest maker of memory-chip testing equipment, forecast Monday that itsoperating profit would rise 67 percent over three years, helped by sales ofmachines that can be adjusted to check different types of semiconductors.   

5. China imposes avalue-added tax of 17 percent on semiconductors but domestic producers can geta rebate of up to 14 percent.

6. Yangtze Power hasmore than doubled since its debut last November; ZTE has risen 39 pcrcent thisyear.

7. Buoyed by recordconsumer spending and exports, the Thai economy is on tract to grow 6 percent thisyear, economists say.

8. The cap on holdingsby a single overseas investor will be lifted to 20 pcrcent from 15 percent aspart of measures to help banks boost capital and sell shares to the public, LiuMingkang, head of the China Banking Regulatory Commission said at a briefing inBeijing.

9. China's centralbank also announced a 27-basis point cut, to 1.62 percent effective on December21, in the interest rate it pays on excess bank reserves in an effort to "encouragefinancial institutions to improve the efficiency in fund utilization".

10. Exports rose ayear-on-year 29 percent to US $69.9 billion in the first two months and importsjumped 42 percent to US $77.8 billion, according to the Muustry of CommerceWebsite.

11.  Matsushita Electric, the world's biggestconsumer electronics maker, said last month that its fiscal second-quarterprofit rose 32 percent as sales of plasma display televisionsand digital cameras climbed.

12.Year-on-year inflation in the Philippines is seen rising to 4.9 percent in December from4.5 percent in November, a poll of five analysts shows.

13. Chinesebanks still have a total of 4.14 trillion yuan of bad loans, according to thegovernment, or more than lenders in Japan, whose $4.6 trillion economy is almost fourtimes larger.

14. M2, the broadmeasure of money supply, rose by 20.4 percent on a year-on-year basis to 21.64trillion yuan ($2.6 trillion) at the end of November, which the central banknoted yesterday as "still on the fast side".

15. The cutsrecommended by Brussels are less, as apercentage of German Gross Domestic Product, than those being asked of France. Theyamount to €17billion,or $20 billion-roughly the size of the tax cut that Shroeder wants to moveforward to next year.

16. Kavasaki Heavyshares fell 3.5 percent to close at 112 yen.lts bonds can be converted intoshares at 182yen, a 63 percent premium.  

17. In a surveyconducted by Spherion in July last year, 51 percent of the 3, 000 workersquestioned said they wanted to leave the jobs, and 75 percent of that groupsaid they were likely to leave within a year. In1997, Morgan said, only 25percent of the respondents expressed a desire to move on.

18. The Bank of England tickedrates downward a quarter percentage point last August in response to data thatshowed the blazing pace of housing-price increases was easing. Consumption alsofell as British households felt the pinch of previous rate increases.




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