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[外媒编译] 【外交政策 201411】破碎的世界:2014百大思考者 - 决策者

发表于 2014-12-1 09:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【中文标题】破碎的世界:2014百大思考者 - 决策者
A World Disrupted: The Leading Global Thinkers of 2014

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Narendra Modi的美国签证申请被拒绝9年,欧盟拒绝他入境10年。西方对这个印度爱国者的冷淡态度与很多印度人不相信他的原因一样:他在2002年对宗派暴力行为的容忍导致古吉拉特邦的1000人死亡,其中大部分是穆斯林。莫迪当时是那里的首席部长。










































Masterminding a national election in the world’s largest democracy. Steering the West’s response to Russia’s forays into Ukraine. Presenting a plan for reconciliation and accountability in an African country torn along religious lines. Plotting major reforms in one of Europe’s most sluggish economies. These are just a few of the diverse, and unenviable, job descriptions of the men and women in this category. Working to give governance a good name, these decision-makers have taken risks, challenged norms, and demanded change.

Narendra Modi
Prime minister
For enthralling the world’s most populous democracy.

Narendra Modi faced a United States visa ban for nine years, and the European Union ostracized him for 10. The West cold-shouldered the Hindu nationalist for the same reason many Indians distrusted him: his tolerance of sectarian violence in 2002 that left at least 1,000 people—mostly Muslims—dead in Gujarat state, where Modi was chief minister.

But by India’s 2014 elections, after years of corrupt and inefficient Congress party rule, Modi had convinced many that his record as a charismatic, business-friendly leader made him just the person to revive India’s flagging growth. His speeches drew hundreds of thousands, and he reached millions via 3-D holographic projections.

Despite concerns that his economic vision could widen inequality and that his vigorous nationalism could worsen relations with Pakistan, Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party claimed the country’s biggest electoral landslide in three decades. “India has won! ... Good times ahead,” Modi tweeted to millions of followers in May. It’s too soon to say whether he was right.

Angela Merkel
For parrying Putin.

Amid the disasters of 2014, the year was notable for the fact that open warfare among major powers did not return to Europe. Although Russia’s shadowy war in Ukraine nearly provoked all-out confrontation with the West, catastrophe never came, and much of the credit for that goes to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a wily leader, and it has fallen upon Merkel to manage the former KGB agent. Throughout the crisis in Ukraine, no world leader has talked more with Putin than Merkel. Her Russian is so good that she can correct her official interpreters; Putin’s German is equally good, a remnant of his days as a spy in East Germany. Berlin’s economic ties with Russia might make Germany more interdependent with Moscow, but they also give Merkel leverage that Washington lacks.

Germany, then, could be the heavyweight capable of containing the Russian bear. But Merkel has been nimble in using her power, embracing sectoral sanctions while preventing Putin from feeling cornered.

Amit Shah
President, Bharatiya Janata Party
For engineering Modi’s landslide.

All successful campaign managers are masters of mass human organization. But aside from building a formidable campaign machine in India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, where he directed the victorious campaign of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Amit Shah exhibited an almost otherworldly understanding of how to make candidate Narendra Modi appeal to Indians. His deft image management balanced the human with the superhuman. (Modi’s famous line—“it takes a 56-inch chest”—referenced the now-prime minister’s imposing physique as a way to showcase his leadership ability.)

Like Modi, Shah is controversial. In July 2010 he was incarcerated on various charges, including murder, for his alleged involvement in extrajudicial killings. (In the past few months, Shah has been granted exemptions from appearing in court, though the proceedings in the case are technically ongoing.) But with Modi’s support, Shah rose to the powerful post of BJP president in early July. There he will likely remain, serving as the party’s Karl Rove and Modi’s enforcer.

Hassan Rouhani
For keeping the door open.

Hassan Rouhani made this list last year for opening a door that would lead to nuclear talks with the United States; he appears again this year because that door remains open. The Iranian president continues to defend the talks vociferously in Iran, beating back a concerted effort from hard-liners to undermine the tentative rapprochement with the West.

Rouhani has remained relentlessly upbeat about the discussions, even as his boss, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, has stuck to the anti-American tone that has characterized Iranian rhetoric for decades. Although the president said that Tehran will “certainly” reach an agreement with the P5+1—the United States, Russia, France, Germany, China, and Britain—Khamenei has blamed the West for creating the Islamic State militant group and has set impossible conditions for the talks, writing that as long as the Americans continue their enmity toward Iran, “interactions with them … bears no practicality.”

Still, Rouhani seems to be doing his best to convince the supreme leader, as well as an Iranian population weaned on three decades of anti-Americanism, that it’s time for a new beginning.

Luis Videgaray
Secretary of Finance and Public Credit
For re-energizing Mexico.

Luis Videgaray showed that his reputation as the brains of Mexico’s government is no overstatement when a comprehensive energy reform bill he designed was signed into law in August. For the first time in 76 years, direct foreign investment will be allowed in the country’s energy sector—a move that is estimated to bring in an additional $20 billion annually.

Expected to expand the availability of low-cost energy to Mexicans, Videgaray’s reforms focus on the sustainability of existing economic institutions, including small Mexican firms, and input quality such as broadband and credit. Markets need a little governmental nudging to find success, he told the Economist: “These markets will not open up by themselves.”

Although he was appointed finance secretary in 2012 and spent his first year out of the limelight, Videgaray isn’t entirely new to politics. The MIT graduate has worked with President Enrique Peña Nieto since the latter was a state congressman; when Peña Nieto was elected a state governor in 2005, he made Videgaray his finance chief.

Catherine Samba-Panza
Interim president
|Central African Republic
For picking up the pieces of her country.

When Catherine Samba-Panza was selected to lead the Central African Republic in January, violence between Christian and Muslim militias had left thousands dead and hundreds of thousands displaced.

Under her predecessor, a former rebel leader, state institutions had basically stopped functioning. Yet Samba-Panza, only the third female president in African history, welcomed her challenging job. She announced a four-point plan in June to integrate youth—who have fed the country’s rapacious militias—into economic and political processes, and she launched a dialogue to reduce tensions between Christian and Muslim communities. Demanding government accountability, she introduced three-month trial periods for ministers, and she is laying the groundwork for democratic elections in 2015. (She has said she will not run.)

The Central African Republic is still in tatters; a U.N. peacekeeping force arrived in September. But Samba-Panza continues to work, as she said during a recent visit to Washington, “to give back hope to each and every person.”

Aydan Özoguz
Integration minister
For reimagining German citizenship.

Europe is no melting pot. For decades, the continent has struggled to integrate immigrants from Muslim-majority countries, sometimes demonizing them as a demographic threat or relegating them to ghettos that breed radicalism. Aydan Özoguz, Germany’s new integration minister, hopes to change all that.

Born to Turkish parents who came to Hamburg as guest workers, Özoguz has risen meteorically in German politics. In December 2013, she became the first Muslim woman of Turkish origin to serve as a state minister, charged with implementing a controversial new law that gives children of immigrants in Germany the right to hold more than one passport.

But her ambitions go beyond any one piece of legislation: She wants Germans to reimagine citizenship itself and embrace a sense of belonging for all, “whatever their name or background,” she told DW-TV. “Being German doesn’t just mean coming from a long line of German ancestors.”

Luis Almagro, José Mujica
Foreign minister; president
For proving there’s always room for refugees.

José Mujica is something of a radical, both at home and abroad. The leftist guerrilla turned statesman opted for a small farm over Uruguay’s presidential palace, donates about 90 percent of his income to charity, and legalized marijuana. Pursuing an equally provocative approach to international affairs, he has railed against the power elite’s obsession with economic growth and has blasted showy United Nations summits. This year, the president and his foreign minister, Luis Almagro, set out to show that a country like Uruguay—with its tiny population of some 3 million and gross national income per capita of around $14,000—could do its part in addressing one of the world’s worst crises. In October, Mujica welcomed 42 Syrian refugees to Montevideo. His and Almagro’s message? That there are no excuses: Wealthier countries should also step up and provide safe havens to the more than 3 million Syrian refugees.

This group is the first in Uruguay’s pilot program offering a path to Uruguayan citizenship; another 78 refugees are expected early next year. “We wanted to earn the right to tell the rest of the world that there are other solutions,” Mujica told USA Today.

Matteo Renzi
Prime minister
For bucking bunga-bunga politics.

Matteo Renzi stormed into Palazzo Chigi in February vowing to “rottamare,” or scrap the old order in Italy. At 39, he was the post-Berlusconi “Demolition Man,” ready to replace his country’s sclerotic politics with business-friendly efficiency (without the bunga-bunga). Renzi’s goal was to get Italy’s house in order and then use the country’s enhanced credibility to take on the European Union’s austerity policies.

The effervescent Florentine is finding that Italy’s vested interests—its civil service and labor unions among them—are not so quick to yield to his charm. But although his promised reforms have stalled in Parliament and have been opposed even by members of his own Democratic Party, he is weakening the cumbersome Senate. If he can hang onto his office—Italian politics can be notoriously treacherous—he may be the best hope to lift Italy out of its worst economic slump since the 1930s.
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