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[网贴翻译] 奥巴马在联邦调查局指责北朝鲜的同时,郑重发布回应

发表于 2014-12-21 10:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2014-12-21 10:50 编辑

【原文标题】Sony hack:Obama vows response as FBI blames North Korea
【更新时间】19 December2014 Last updated at 22:53
President Barack Obama has vowed a US response after North Korea'salleged cyber-attack on Sony Pictures.

The US leader also said the studio "made a mistake" incancelling the Christmas release of The Interview, a satire depicting theassassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
美国领导人说工作室在取消圣诞节发布的电影《采访》 中“犯了一个错误”,《采访》是一部讽刺描述朝鲜领导人金正恩的暗杀的电影。

Sony said it still planned to release the film "on adifferent platform".

On Friday US authorities linked North Korea to the hack, which sawsensitive studio information publicly released.

Sony said it cancelled the planned Christmas release of the filmafter a majority of cinemas refused to show it following anonymous threats.

"We will respond," Mr Obama told reporters on Friday,declining to offer specifics. "We will respond proportionately and in aspace, time and manner that we choose."
“我们将作出回应”,奥巴马在周五告诉记者,但拒绝提供细节。 “我们将决定在什么时间,什么地点,以什么方式来告诉大家,并作出部分回应。”

He added: "We cannot have a society in which some dictatorsomeplace can start imposing censorship in the United States."

The US leader said it was important to protect both public andprivate cyber-systems from attack which could have significant economic andsocial impacts.

Mr Obama also noted he believed Sony Pictures was mistaken infailing to go ahead with the release.

"Americans cannot change their patterns of behaviour due tothe possibility of a terrorist attack," he said. "That's not who weare, that's not what America is about."

Analysis: Dave Lee, BBC technology reporter

The FBI say it spotted distinct similarities between the type ofmalware used in the Sony Pictures attack and code used to attack South Korealast year.

Suspicious, yes, but well short of being a smoking gun. When anymalware is discovered, it is shared around many experts for analysis - anyattacker could simply reversion the code for their own use, like a coverversion of a song.

But there's another, better clue: IP addresses - locations,essentially - known to be part of "North Korean infrastructure"formed part of the malware too.

What is the FBI evidence?         

Sony Pictures chief executive and chairman Michael Lynton latertold CNN it had not made an error in pulling the film.
索尼影业首席执行官兼董事长Michael Lynton之后告诉CNN,推后发布这部电影的决定并没有做错。

He said the president, press and public were mistaken about thewithdrawal, saying the decision had only been taken after major chains hadrefused to screen it.

He said: "We have not caved, we have not given in, we havepersevered and we have not backed down."

A Sony statement on Friday said that the firm was "activelysurveying alternatives to enable us to release the movie on a differentplatform".

"It is still our hope that anyone who wants to see this moviewill get the opportunity to do so," the statement said.

Earlier on Friday, the US Federal Bureau of Investigationofficially tied North Korea to the cyber-attack, linking the country to malwareused in the incident.

Hackers had earlier issued a warning referring to the 11 September2001 terror attacks, saying "the world will be full of fear" if thefilm was screened.

The movie features James Franco and Seth Rogen as two journalists whoare granted an audience with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The CIA thenenlists the pair to assassinate him. The film was due to have been releasedover Christmas.
这部电影以James Franco Seth Rogen扮演的两位记者为主要角色,而北朝鲜领导人金正恩是他们节目的粉丝。中央情报局招募这两人去刺杀金正恩。这部电影本应该在圣诞节上映。

The film's cancelled release drew criticism in Hollywood, withsome calling it an attack on the freedom of expression.

Actor George Clooney told the trade website Deadline on Thursdaythe film should be released online, saying Hollywood shouldn't be threatened byNorth Korea.
演员乔治·克鲁尼告诉贸易网站Deadline on Thursday,这部电影本应在网上发布,称好莱坞不应该受到北朝鲜的威胁。

In November, a cyber-attack crippled computers at Sony and led toupcoming films and workers' personal data being leaked online.

The hackers also released salary details and social securitynumbers for thousands of Sony employees - including celebrities.

North Korea says the film hurts the "dignity of its supremeleadership"

North Korea earlier this month denied involvement in the hack -but praised the attack itself as a "righteous deed".

An article on North Korea's state-run KCNA news agency, quotingthe country's top military body, said suggestions that Pyongyang was behind theattack were "wild rumour".

However, it warned the US that "there are a great number ofsupporters and sympathisers" of North Korea "all over the world"who may have carried out the attack.

In the article, Sony Pictures was accused of "abetting aterrorist act" and "hurting the dignity of the supremeleadership" of North Korea by producing the movie.

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