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[外媒编译] 经济学人:特朗普时代,美国和世界将如何幻变?

发表于 2016-11-15 08:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






                                                                            11:24                      America's New President             来自我与我们的世界                        
America’s new president
The Trump era

His victory threatens old certainties about America and its role in the world. What will take their place?

THE fall of the Berlin Wall, on November 9th 1989, was when history was said to have ended. The fight between communism and capitalism was over. After a titanic ideological struggle encompassing the decades after the second world war, open markets and Western liberal democracy reigned supreme. In the early morning of November 9th 2016, when Donald Trump crossed the threshold of 270 electoral-college votes to become America’s president-elect, that illusion was shattered. History is back—with a vengeance.

1.titanic [taɪ'tænɪk] adj. 巨大的;四价钛的;n. 泰坦尼克号
2.encompass [ɪn'kʌmpəs] vt. 包含;包围,环绕;完成
3.reign[reɪn] vi. 统治;支配;盛行;君临;n. 统治;统治时期;支配
4.supreme [suː'priːm] adj. 最高的;至高的;最重要的;n. 至高;霸权

The fact of Mr Trump’s victory and the way it came about are hammer blows both to the norms that underpin politics in the United States and also to America’s role as the world’s pre-eminent power. At home, an apparently amateurish and chaotic campaign has humiliated an industry of consultants, pundits and pollsters. If, as he has threatened, President Trump goes on to test the institutions that regulate political life, nobody can be sure how they will bear up. Abroad, he has taken aim at the belief, embraced by every post-war president, that America gains from the often thankless task of being the global hegemon. If Mr Trump now disengages from the world, who knows what will storm through the breach?

1.pre-eminent [prɪ'emɪnənt] adj. 卓越的;超群的
2.amateurish ['æmətərɪʃ] adj. 业余的;不熟练的;外行的
3.pundit['pʌndɪt] n. 专家;博学者;梵文学者
4.pollster['pəʊlstə] n. 民意测验专家,民意调查人;整理民意测验结果的人
5.institution[ɪnstɪ'tjuːʃ(ə)n] n. 制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗
6.bear up使振作;不气馁;驶向下风;打起精神

The sense that old certainties are crumbling has rocked America’s allies. The fear that globalisation has fallen flat has whipsawed markets. Although post-Brexit Britons know what that feels like, the referendum in Britain will be eclipsed by consequences of this election. Mr Trump’s victory has demolished a consensus. The question now is what takes its place.

1.crumble ['krʌmb(ə)l] vi. 崩溃;破碎,粉碎;vt. 崩溃;弄碎,粉碎;n. 面包屑
2.fall flat失败;达不到预想效果
3.whipsaw['wɪpsɔː] vt. 锯开;使受双重损失;n. [木] 双人横切锯;双重不利的事物;狭边粗木锯;vi. 反覆弯折;利用一方打击另一方

Trump towers
Start with the observation that America has voted not for a change of party so much as a change of regime. Mr Trump was carried to office on a tide of popular rage. This is powered partly by the fact that ordinary Americans have not shared in their country’s prosperity. In real terms median male earnings are still lower than they were in the 1970s. In the past 50 years, barring the expansion of the 1990s, middle-ranking households have taken longer to claw back lost income with each recession. Social mobility is too low to hold out the promise of something better. The resulting loss of self-respect is not neutralised by a few quarters of rising wages.

1.tower['taʊə] n. 塔;高楼;堡垒;vi. 高耸;超越 (特朗普有很多大厦以其名字命名)
2.median ['miːdɪən] n. 中值,中位数;三角形中线;梯形中位线;adj. 中值的;中央的

Anger has sown hatred in America. Feeling themselves victims of an unfair economic system, ordinary Americans blame the elites in Washington for being too spineless and too stupid to stand up to foreigners and big business; or, worse, they believe that the elites themselves are part of the conspiracy. They repudiate the media—including this newspaper—for being patronising, partisan and as out of touch and elitist as the politicians. Many working-class white voters feel threatened by economic and demographic decline. Some of them think racial minorities are bought off by the Democratic machine. Rural Americans detest the socially liberal values that urban compatriots foist upon them by supposedly manipulating the machinery in Washington. Republicans have behaved as if working with Democrats is treachery.

1.spineless ['spaɪnlɪs] adj. 没有骨气的;无脊椎的;懦弱的
2.repudiate [rɪ'pjuːdɪeɪt] vt. 拒绝;否定;批判;与…断绝关系;拒付
3.patronise [ˈpætrəˌnaɪz] vt. 以高人一等的态度对待;经常光顾,惠顾;资助;保护
4.partisan ['pɑːtɪzæn] adj. 党派的;效忠的;偏袒的;盲目推崇的;n. 游击队;虔诚信徒;党羽
5.foist [fɒɪst] vt. 偷偷插入;混入;蒙骗;硬卖给;采用欺骗手段出售;把…强加于
6.treachery ['tretʃ(ə)rɪ] n. 背叛;变节;背叛行为

Mr Trump harnessed this popular anger brilliantly. Those who could not bring themselves to vote for him may wonder how half of their compatriots were willing to overlook his treatment of women, his pandering to xenophobes and his rank disregard for the facts. There is no reason to conclude that all Trump voters approve of his behaviour. For some of them, his flaws are insignificant next to the One Big Truth: that America needs fixing. For others the willingness to break taboos was proof that he is an outsider. As commentators have put it, his voters took Mr Trump seriously but not literally, even as his critics took him literally but not seriously. The hapless Hillary Clinton might have won the popular vote, but she stood for everything angry voters despise.

1.harness ['hɑːnɪs] vt. 治理;套;驾驭;披上甲胄;利用;n. 马具;甲胄;挽具状带子;降落伞背带;日常工作
2.brilliantly ['briljəntli] adv. 灿烂地;辉煌地;光亮地
3.pander ['pændə] vi. 迎合;勾引;怂恿;拉皮条;n. 怂恿者;拉皮条者;老鸨;vt. 为…拉皮条
4.xenophobe['zɛnəfob] n. 仇外;害怕生人者;畏惧和憎恨外国人的人
5.rank [ræŋk] n. 排;等级;军衔;队列;adj. 讨厌的;恶臭的;繁茂的;vt. 排列;把…分等;vi. 列为;列队
6.outsider [aʊt'saɪdə] n. 外人;无取胜希望者

The hope is that this election will prove cathartic. Perhaps, in office, Mr Trump will be pragmatic and magnanimous—as he was in his acceptance speech. Perhaps he will be King Donald, a figurehead and tweeter-in-chief who presides over an executive vice-president and a cabinet of competent, reasonable people. When he decides against building a wall against Mexico after all or concludes that a trade war with China is not a wise idea, his voters may not mind too much—because they only expected him to make them feel proud and to put conservative justices in the Supreme Court. Indeed, you can just about imagine a future in which extra infrastructure spending, combined with deregulation, tax cuts, a stronger dollar and the repatriation of corporate profits, boosts the American economy for long enough to pacify the anger. This more emollient Trump might even model himself on Ronald Reagan, a conservative hero who was mocked and underestimated, too.

1.cathartic [kə'θɑːtɪk] adj. 导泻的;通便的;n. [药] 泻药;[药] 通便药
2.magnanimous [mæg'nænɪməs]  adj. 宽宏大量的;有雅量的;宽大的
3.acceptance speech (总统候选人)接受政党提名演讲
4.figurehead ['fɪgəhed] n. 破浪神;有名无实的领袖;装饰船头的人像
5.tweeter ['twiːtə] n. 高音用扩音器;[电讯] 高频扬声器
6.emollient [ɪ'mɒlɪənt] n. [药] 润肤剂;软化剂;adj. 使柔软的

Nothing would make us happier than to see Mr Trump succeed in this way. But whereas Reagan was an optimist, Mr Trump rails against the loss of an imagined past. We are deeply sceptical that he will make a good president—because of his policies, his temperament and the demands of political office.

1.rail[reɪl] n. 铁轨;扶手;横杆;围栏;vi. 抱怨;责骂;vt. 铺铁轨;以横木围栏
2.sceptical ['skeptɪk(ə)l] adj. 怀疑的;怀疑论的;习惯怀疑的
3.temperament ['temp(ə)rəm(ə)nt] n. 气质,性情,性格;急躁

Gravity wins in the end
Take his policies first. After the sugar rush, populist policies eventually collapse under their own contradictions. Mr Trump has pledged to scrap the hated Obamacare. But that threatens to deprive over 20m hard-up Americans of health insurance. His tax cuts would chiefly benefit the rich and they would be financed by deficits that would increase debt-to-GDP by 25 percentage points by 2026. Even if he does not actually deport illegal immigrants, he will foment the divisive politics of race. Mr Trump has demanded trade concessions from China, Mexico and Canada on threat of tariffs and the scrapping of the North American Free Trade Agreement. His protectionism would further impoverish poor Americans, who gain more as consumers from cheap imports than they would as producers from suppressed competition. If he caused a trade war, the fragile global economy could tip into a recession. With interest rates near zero, policymakers would struggle to respond.

1.gravity ['grævɪtɪ] n. 重力,地心引力;严重性;庄严
2.sugar rush: there are those who believe Diet Coke addiction is psychological; others who believe it's related to the aspartame, which causes the brain to demand more to try to replicate the sugar rush. 有人认为健怡可乐上瘾症是心理原因造成的,也有人认为与阿斯巴甜有关,阿斯巴甜使人需要更多的健怡可乐来使大脑重复感受甜味所带来的刺激。
3.hard-up [,ha:d'ʌp] adj. 缺钱,手头紧

Abroad Mr Trump says he hates the deal freezing Iran’s nuclear programme. If it fails, he would have to choose between attacking Iran’s nuclear sites and seeing nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. He wants to reverse the Paris agreement on climate change; apart from harming the planet, that would undermine America as a negotiating partner. Above all, he would erode America’s alliances—its greatest strength. Mr Trump has demanded that other countries pay more towards their security or he will walk away. His bargaining would weaken NATO, leaving front-line eastern European states vulnerable to Russia. It would encourage Chinese expansion in the South China Sea. Japan and South Korea may be tempted to arm themselves with nuclear weapons.

1.reverse [rɪ'vɜːs] n. 背面;相反;倒退;失败;vt. 颠倒;倒转;adj. 反面的;颠倒的;反身的;vi. 倒退;逆叫
2.tempted ['temptid] adj. 有兴趣的;v. 诱惑;冒…的险(tempt的过去分词)

The second reason to be wary is temperament. During the campaign Mr Trump was narcissistic, thin-skinned and ill-disciplined. Yet the job of the most powerful man in the world constantly entails daily humiliations at home and abroad. When congressmen mock him, insult him and twist his words, his effectiveness will depend on his willingness to turn the other cheek and work for a deal. When a judge hears a case for fraud against Trump University in the coming weeks, or rules against his administration’s policies when he is in office, he must stand back (self-restraint that proved beyond him when he was a candidate). When journalists ridiculed him in the campaign he threatened to open up libel laws. In office he must ignore them or try to talk them round. When sovereign governments snub him he must calculate his response according to America’s interests, not his own wounded pride. If Mr Trump fails to master his resentments, his presidency will soon become bogged down in a morass of petty conflicts.

1.wary ['weərɪ] adj. 谨慎的;机警的;惟恐的;考虑周到的
2.narcissistic [,nɑːsɪ'sɪstɪk] adj. 自恋的;自我陶醉的
3.thin-skinned ['θin'skind] adj. quick to take offense敏感的;皮薄的;脸皮薄的
4.turn the other cheek宽容大度; 表示“受到猛烈攻击而不还手”; 忍受暴力; 容忍
5.talk someone round: to persuade someone to agree with you or to do what you want them to do; bring someone to a particular point of view by talking

The third reason to be wary is the demands of office. No problem comes to the president unless it is fiendishly complicated. Yet Mr Trump has shown no evidence that he has the mastery of detail or sustained concentration that the Oval Office demands. He could delegate (as Reagan famously did), but his campaign team depended to an unusual degree on his family and on political misfits. He has thrived on the idea that his experience in business will make him a master negotiator in politics. Yet if a deal falls apart there is always another skyscraper to buy or another golf course to build; by contrast, a failure to agree with Vladimir Putin about Russia’s actions leaves nobody to turn to. Nowhere will judgment and experience be more exposed than over the control of America’s nuclear arsenal—which, in a crisis, falls to him and him alone.

1.office: a job in an organization; the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group
2.fiendishly ['findɪʃli] adv. 极坏地;不平凡;不简单;恶魔似地
3.misfit['mɪsfɪt] n. 不适合;不适应环境的人;vt. 对…不适合

The pendulum swings out
The genius of America’s constitution is to limit the harm one president can do. We hope Mr Trump proves our doubts groundless or that, if he fails, a better president will be along in four years. The danger with popular anger, though, is that disillusion with Mr Trump will only add to the discontent that put him there in the first place. If so, his failure would pave the way for someone even more bent on breaking the system.

1.pendulum ['pendjʊləm] n. 钟摆;摇锤;摇摆不定的事态
2.swing out: make a big sweeping gesture or movement
3.genius ['dʒiːnɪəs] n. 天才,天赋;精神
4.be along: 来到,到达;到场;拜访
5.disillusion [,dɪsɪ'l(j)uːʒ(ə)n] vt. 使醒悟;使不再抱幻想;n. 幻灭;醒悟
6.bent [bent] n. 爱好,嗜好;adj. 弯曲的;决心的

The election of Mr Trump is a rebuff to all liberals, including this newspaper. The open markets and classically liberal democracy that we defend, and which had seemed to be affirmed in 1989, have been rejected by the electorate first in Britain and now in America. France, Italy and other European countries may well follow. It is clear that popular support for the Western order depended more on rapid growth and the galvanising effect of the Soviet threat than on intellectual conviction. Recently Western democracies have done too little to spread the benefits of prosperity. Politicians and pundits took the acquiescence of the disillusioned for granted. As Mr Trump prepares to enter the White House, the long, hard job of winning the argument for liberal internationalism begins anew.

1.rebuff [rɪ'bʌf] n. 断然拒绝;回绝;漠不关心;vt. 断然拒绝
2.affirm[ə'fɜːm] vt. 肯定;断言;vi. 确认;断言
3.electorate [ɪ'lekt(ə)rət] n. 选民;选区
4.galvanising adj. affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling
5.intellectual [,ɪntə'lektʃʊəl; -tjʊəl] adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的;n. 知识分子;凭理智做事者
6.conviction [kən'vɪkʃ(ə)n] n. 定罪;确信;证明有罪;确信,坚定的信仰
7.acquiescence [,ækwɪ'esns] n. 默许;默从;默认




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