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[外媒编译] 美国教授谈2017:会出现新气象,还是会更动荡

发表于 2016-12-24 22:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美国教授谈2017|《全球脑库》:新的一年,会出现新气象,还是会更动荡?2016-12-22 从余启 我与我们的世界






The Age of Hyper-Uncertainty

The year 2017 will mark the 40th anniversary of the publication of John Kenneth Galbraith’s The Age of Uncertainty. Forty years is a long time, but it is worth looking back and reminding ourselves of how much Galbraith and his readers had to be uncertain about.

1.hyper ['haɪpə] adj. 亢奋的;高度紧张的;n. 宣传人员
2.John Kenneth Galbraith(1908~2006 )美国著名经济学家,哈佛大学教授,新制度学派主要代表人物

In 1977, as Galbraith was writing, the world was still reeling from the effects of the first OPEC oil-price shock and wondering whether another one was in the pipeline (as it were). The United States was confronting slowing growth and accelerating inflation, or stagflation, a novel problem that raised questions about policymakers’ competence and the adequacy of their economic models. Meanwhile, efforts to rebuild the Bretton Woods international monetary system had collapsed, casting a shadow over prospects for international trade and global economic growth.

1.reel [riːl] vi. 卷;眩晕;蹒跚地走;退缩;vt. 卷;使旋转;n. 蹒跚;眩晕;旋转
2.stagflation [stæg'fleɪʃ(ə)n] n. [经] 滞胀,不景气状况下之物价上涨

For all these reasons, the golden age of stability and predictability that was the third quarter of the twentieth century seemed to have abruptly drawn to a close, to be succeeded by a period of greatly heightened uncertainty.

That’s how things looked in 1977, anyway. Viewed from the perspective of 2017, however, the uncertainty of 1977 seems almost enviable. In 1977, there was no President Donald Trump. Jimmy Carter may not go down in history as one of the best US presidents, but he did not threaten actions that placed the entire global system at risk. He did not turn his back on America’s international commitments such as NATO and the World Trade Organization.

1.enviable ['envɪəb(ə)l] adj. 值得羡慕的;引起忌妒的

Nor did Carter go to war with the Federal Reserve or pack its board with sympathetic appointees willing to sacrifice sound money to his reelection prospects. On the contrary, he appointed Paul Volcker, a towering pillar of monetary stability, as chairman of the Board of Governors. And although Carter did not succeed in balancing the federal budget, he didn’t blow it up, either.

1.sympathetic [sɪmpə'θetɪk] adj. 同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的;n. 交感神经;容易感受的人
2.towering ['taʊərɪŋ] adj. 高耸的;卓越的;激烈的

Whether Trump slaps a tariff on Chinese goods, repudiates the North American Free Trade Agreement, packs the Federal Reserve Board, or undermines fiscal sustainability remains to be seen. Conceivable outcomes range from mildly reassuring to utterly catastrophic. Who knows what will happen? By today’s standards, Carter was the embodiment of predictability.

1.slap[slæp] vt. 拍击;侮辱;掌击;掴…的耳光;n. 掴;侮辱;掌击;拍打声;vi. 掴;拍击;adv. 直接地;猛然地;恰好
2.repudiate[rɪ'pjuːdɪeɪt] vt. 拒绝;否定;批判;与…断绝关系;拒付
3.conceivable [kən'siːvəb(ə)l] adj. 可能的;想得到的,可想像的
4.embodiment [ɪm'bɒdɪmənt] n. 体现;化身;具体化

In 1977, moreover, the prospects for European integration were rosy. Denmark, Ireland, and, most notably, the United Kingdom had recently joined a rapidly growing European Community. The EC was attracting members, not losing them. It was a club that countries sought to join precisely in order to achieve faster economic growth.

Moreover, to buttress its common market, the EC had just established a regional monetary system, the suggestively named “snake in the tunnel.” While this was far from a perfect monetary system, it had one very positive attribute: countries could leave in hard economic times, and rejoin if and when the outlook brightened.

1.buttress ['bʌtrɪs] n. 扶壁;拱壁;支撑物;vt. 支持;以扶壁支撑
2.attribute [ə'trɪbjuːt] n. 属性;特质;vt. 归属;把…归于

In 2017, in contrast, negotiations over Brexit will continue to cast a dark cloud of uncertainty over the European Union. How those negotiations will proceed and how long they will take are anyone’s guess. Moreover, the main questions raised by Britain’s decision to leave – whether other countries will follow and, indeed, whether the EU itself has a future – remain far from resolved.

Meanwhile Europe’s monetary house remains half built. The eurozone is neither appealing enough to attract additional members nor flexible enough to grant troubled incumbents a temporary holiday, in the manner of the currency snake. The euro will likely survive the year, inertia being what it is. Beyond that, it is difficult to say.

1.incumbent[ɪn'kʌmb(ə)nt] adj. 现任的;依靠的;负有职责的;n. 在职者;现任者;领圣俸者
2.inertia [ɪ'nɜːʃə] n. [力] 惯性;惰性,迟钝;不活动

In 1977, uncertainties emanating from emerging markets were not on commentators’ radar screens. Developing countries in Latin America and East Asia were growing, although they depended increasingly on a drip feed of foreign loans from money-center banks. China, still largely cut off from the world, did not figure in this discussion. And even if something went wrong in the Third World, developing countries were simply too small to drag down the global economy.

1.emanate ['eməneɪt] vt. 放射;发散;vi. 发出;散发;发源

The situation today couldn’t be more different. What happens in China, Brazil, or Turkey doesn’t stay in China, Brazil, or Turkey. On the contrary, developments in these countries have first-order implications for the world economy, given how emerging markets have accounted for the majority of global growth in recent years. China has an unmanageable corporate-debt problem and a government whose commitment to restructuring the economy is uncertain. Turkey has a massive current-account deficit, an erratic president, and an unstable geopolitical neighborhood. And if political scandals were export goods, Brazil would have a clear comparative advantage.

1.erratic [ɪ'rætɪk] adj. 不稳定的;古怪的;n. 漂泊无定的人;古怪的人

Although The Age of Uncertainty was about much more than the year 1977, it captured the tenor of the times. But if Galbraith were writing the same book in 2017, he probably would call the 1970s The Age of Assurance.

1.tenor ['tenə] n. 男高音;要旨,大意;票据的限期;稳定的进程;adj. 男高音的

Contributor: Barry Eichengreen, Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley; Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions at the University of Cambridge; and a former senior policy adviser at the International Monetary Fund. His latest book is Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, the Great Recession, and the Uses – and Misuses – of History.



3:英文转自 Project Syndicate,该网站主要发布全球各领域大咖文章,故称之“全球脑库”,非商业用途,仅限个人学习之目的。
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