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[中外交流] 加拿大土包子视频给我惹的”麻烦” -中英对照

发表于 2008-4-29 03:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

youtube视频地址:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ZKU7k5ZeI  。




自从我心血来潮给那个加拿大土包子的视频加上中文字幕,并贴到Youtube上去后,更多的国内网友有机会观看了这段视频,现在这段视频已经收录到 Anti-CNN网站的首页,在Youtube的点击量也已经超过了两万。虽然我不断的说明我不是这段视频的原作者,所以赞美和诋毁我都不接受,但是还是有很多人把我当成原作者,说我长得帅的(呵呵,偷着乐),骂我骗人的都有。


     I have only been toHong Kong and Kowloon. I have been to Kaoushiung.(sp). I have been toChinese engagement party. I ate sea urchin andshark fin soup. Mybrother in law, a sifu in wing chun gung fu, ate thefish head. My newdaughter, Juan Chau is Chinese. I know her parents,her sister, heraunts and uncles and her cousins. They live in SanDiego, Los Angeles,San Jose and San Francisco mostly. They were at thewedding too. Myyoungest son married Juanie.

我只去过香港和九龙。我去过高雄。我参加过中国人的订婚仪式,我吃海葵,喝鱼翅汤。我的妹夫(或姐夫)是个咏春功夫的师傅,他吃鱼头。我的儿媳,Juan Chau,是个中国人。我认识她的父母,姐妹,姨妈,叔叔,和她的表兄妹们。他们大部分住在圣地亚哥,洛杉矶,圣荷西和三藩市。他们也都参加了我儿子的婚礼。她是我小儿子的妻子。

I myself am a KoreanWar veteran. At first I was unhappy about having aChinese person in myown immediate family. That was based on prejudicefrom the Korean war,and the Vietnam war. We had to kill many Chinesepeople because theyleft China and came to try to kill us.

I have learned more and moreabout China over the years. Years!. Not sixweeks in China. I thinkyour thrust here was that if I hadn't traveledin China I couldn't knowanything. You also thought, smugly andarrogantly, that I wouldn't beworth debating if I hadn't traveled inChina.

I am Tatar. I havespecial empathy for the Uyghurs in xinjiang province.The Chinese havebrutalized these people for years. China seems to befrightened byanyone who can organize anything.

Tibetan Monks, unarmedand peaceful,resent Chinese obliteration of their culture. Obliterationof theirhistoric sites. The importation of Han Chinese to get thegoodgovernment jobs.The Han Chinese can have businesses and propertythere,but not the Tibetans.

The Tibetans are no threat, no problem fortheChinese. They can easily subdue the Buddhist monks. But the UyghursareMuslim people. They want to practice their religion. NO saysChina.They want to study in school in their own language. NO saysChina. Theywant to have children and live peacefully with theirneighbors. NO saysChina.


The UYghurs have a history of being a warlike people . Theyare nowforming alliances with some Turkmen, some Chechens, someTatars, andthey want more autonomy from China. China did the samething in EastTurkestan that they did in Tibet. They sent in the armyand just sort oftook over.

      Now we have the Olympics. Now we have Uyghurs arming with the help of other Turkic tribesmen. Now we have a BIG problem.


Don'tbelieve me. And don't try to debate me. I never asked for adebate. Ijust wanted you to know that some people who watch Youtube donotbelieve the crap on this video. It is over as far as debating anyoneisconcerned.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-29 03:11 | 显示全部楼层
I will not try to debate with you, because I don't want to pretend toknow what I don't. However, to say that those Tibetan monks are peaceful is like saying American's war against Iraq is for the true benefits of a democratic Iraq.
Religiously, monks are supposed to be separated from the mundane world; they are especially not supposed to be interested in politics. Don't get me wrong here; I amnot saying that they should be a piece of meat on acutting board, but they should not be a political force either. The videos I see of the March 14 Tibet riot, they are not monks, but armed mobs, and they are anything but peaceful demonstrators.
从宗教意义上见,僧人应该是脱离尘世的,他们根本不应该和政治有任何关联。我不是说他们就应该任人宰割,但是他们也不应该成为一种政治力量。 从314时间的视频来看,他们根本不是僧人,而是武装暴徒,他们也根本不是和平示威者。

If the Chinese government wanted to suppress them, do you think they would even come close to burning somany shops and kill so many innocent people? If what happened in Tibetwas like how CNN made it sound to be, then why did CNN and the likes had to rely on image cropping and blatant fact distortions to justify its claim? Need I tell you that in many occasions pictures of Nepalese policemen chasing and beating Tibetan monks were deliberate used toshow how brutal Chinese policemen were? What would your government andy our police force do in situations like this?

Suddenly no western media is interested in the well-beings of those whose shops and houses were burnt whose beloved ones were killed and they wanted the whole world to believe that those who inflicted pains on the innocentsare the victims themselves. I say this is really maddening.
I understand that a person's view on certain issues are closely related to his personal experiences. Thus to try to convince others to agree with our own opinions is not possible, nor is it necessary, and definitely not intended in the video. The author of the video suggested that people who hold negative views on China but who have never been to China(mainland, of course) do so, because "they may even be pleasantly surprised."
For what it is worth, I was an active member in the studentsanti-government demonstration in China back in 1989. I am fully aware ofhow corrupted the government officials can be in China. I  also know,however, that a democratic China can only happen from within, because there are very few countries in this world who genuinely want to see a strong and democratic China, contrary to what they claim.

You are welcome to continue posting your different opinions in the comment area; I will never discontinue the comments, but will not debate with you directly. Like I said, we have different world views, and that is perfectly alright with me.

Best regards.
发表于 2008-4-29 04:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-29 05:42 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-29 05:48 | 显示全部楼层
土耳其人支持东突?顶多是嘴上说说吧,我在这里的学校倒是认识个移民新疆的土耳其人,对东突有些了解, 就一句话:东突他们这些年搞得恐怖活动,汉人没死多少,炸死的都是维族人,跟着他们能有什么好?
发表于 2008-4-29 06:24 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得你最大的问题就是没有能够让他意识到你们的分歧所在而仅仅是认可了这种 分歧 的存在。

他对中国认识的一个最大与我们通常的认识最大的区别在于他认为西藏人和新疆人在中国处于长期的压迫之中,而事实上这些少数民族是得到了中央多方面的照顾的。比如西藏,地方政府的财政支出是财政收入一百倍(具体数字记不清了),这就很能说明问题。“The Han Chinese can have businesses and propertythere,but not the Tibetans“ 不知道他怎么会得出来这样的一个结论。如果他说的not是指can not的话,我真的会觉得他对西藏一无所知。
hjkhiooi 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-4-29 06:35 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-29 09:18 | 显示全部楼层
你说的很对,但是如楼上hjkhiooi 所说,这样参见过韩战的人,如果他有反华思想,又岂是一朝一日形成的,如果你去和他争论细节,就中了他的圈套。我的回复也比较仓促,现在回头再看,确实有很多话未说尽。多谢提醒。
原帖由 chillsea 于 2008-4-29 06:24 发表
我觉得你最大的问题就是没有能够让他意识到你们的分歧所在而仅仅是认可了这种 分歧 的存在。

他对中国认识的一个最大与我们通常的认识最大的区别在于他认为西藏人和新疆人在中国处于长期的压迫之中,而事实上这些少数 ...
发表于 2008-4-29 10:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-29 11:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-29 11:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-29 13:04 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-29 13:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-10 02:55 | 显示全部楼层
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