Our former chairman Mao once said :"American empire would not give up destroying my country!" He is totally right even in today. Westerners, wake up and see how are your country and media cheating you!!!!
We are so sincere and serious to hold a sccessful Olympic Games, could you see our efforts?
We Chinese are so friendly and open to you, see what you do to us! I and all my countrymen will pledge our lives to protect my country from breaking!!!
我们中国人对待你们这么友好,这么热诚,看看你们怎样对待我们?我和我的同胞们将誓死保卫祖国和平,领土完整!!!! |
chairman, former, Mao, once, Said, chairman, former, Mao, once, Said, chairman, former, Mao, once, Said