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【09.05.09 澳大利亚时代报】穿越一场地震的旅途

发表于 2009-5-14 12:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-15 06:26 编辑

【原文标题】Journey through an earthquake
【登载媒体】澳大利亚时代报  The Age

Journey through an earthquake
John Garnaut, Beichuan  May 9, 2009

穿越一场地震的旅途 2009年5月9日

IT'S nearly a year since the mountains on each side of Beichuan sheared in half, spilling like a sandcastle over the southern corner of the town and pounding the northern streets with boulders. In a few short minutes, the town of 20,000 people was battered to a tangled mess of apartment block detritus, flattened buses and bodies squashed like insects.


The thousand voices that once pleaded for help from within twisted buildings have long since fallen silent. At least half of the population is dead. But this mass graveyard has been cleansed and the primordial scale of this catastrophe is clearer.


The more elevated roads have been cleared by bulldozers, while the mangled lower streets have been blanketed with metres of dirt after torrential rains. Glacial rivers of mud and rock are swallowing the city— from the ground up, as if completing the burial the earthquake had begun.


During every birthday, festival and anniversary, a humble and quietly spoken man called Zheng Rentian pays his respects by driving his little van to the hillside that buried his father and 10 relatives who were dining together when the quake hit. He burns candles, incense and paper money in their honour and lights strings of firecrackers to ward off mischievous spirits.


Zheng, pronounced "Tsen" in this corner of Sichuan province, slows his van as he passes Beichuan Middle School. Zheng's nephew had shot out the door to safety when he felt the first pieces of ceiling strike his skin.


Parents of the 600 students who were killed say the building was yet another shoddy school made of "tofu" cement and steel. The school is the only building in the area that has its own security fence; it was erected last year to prevent any repeat of the "incident" in which grieving parents gathered and posted noticeboard photos of their missing sons.


Zheng eases his van past a long line of vendors selling earthquake tourist memorabilia. He gets out, flashes his residence card at a new gate and security fence decked with razor wire, and descends by foot to the main Beichuan town below.


The Beichuan of Zheng's memory is a mangled collage of miracles, resilience and wretched misery.


Both of Zheng's parents were out of the house at 2.28pm on Monday, May 12, 2008, when their village disappeared. Zheng stops to show us the missing mountainside, and debates with a bystander about where the village used to be.


"My mother was one step away from a falling rock that would have killed her," he says. "My father was in a restaurant below — underneath where that tree is sticking out. My eleven relatives at that table and a thousand other people would still be here today if that mountain had not collapsed on them."

“少走一步我母亲就被掉下来的岩石砸死了。”他说。 “我父亲在下面一家餐馆里头,就在下面那棵树伸出的地方。我家11个亲属坐在一桌吃饭,如果山没有倒塌,他们和其他1000人到今天还活着。”

For the Chinese Communist Party, the Sichuan earthquake that left 70,000 people dead and 18,000 missing was a chance to show how it had evolved from its cruel and callous past. On May 14 last year, at the top of the descent into Beichuan town, Age sources watched a megaphone-wielding Premier Wen Jiabao providing a style of responsive and humane leadership that Chinese people may have never known before. Today, residents spontaneously thank the central Government for its help and say how leaders have not forgotten them.


The Government has channelled vast resources into reconstruction. Obliterated mountain roads have been re-laid. Damaged dams have been reinforced. Adequate temporary housing has been provided. Peasants in remote corners of the county are busily rebuilding. There are no signs that earthquake victims lack for food or shelter. The local economy appears to be booming.


But the earthquake has also revealed how far China is from the nation it wants to be. On May 14 and 15, The Age watched People's Liberation Army soldiers loitering aimlessly and helping themselves to goods looted from shattered shops, while the cries of trapped citizens rang out from buildings nearby.

但是,地震也显示了中国距离其他国家的期望有多远。 5月14日和15日,本报记者看到解放军士兵漫无目的游荡和从摇摇欲坠的商店抢劫物品,而同时附近建筑物下被困的市民在呼救。

Of the tens of thousands of soldiers in Beichuan in the days after the quake, the only ones we saw raise a sweat were a dozen who jostled in front of Premier Wen as they rushed to an imaginary rescue for the benefit of the China Central Television camera.


All of the rescues we witnessed were by local volunteers or orange-suited firefighters from far corners of the country. Thousands died who should have been saved. And yet CCTV has played endless slow-motion footage of heroic soldiers at the service of the common people. For many in the Communist Party, the tragedy was primarily a propaganda opportunity.


At times of stress, the party's overriding instinct is to protect itself. The state revealed deeply rooted callousness and insecurity as it treated grieving parents as national security threats to be bought, intimidated and silenced, while airbrushing discussion from local websites and media.


Shoddy schools are the most visible public grievance but not the only one. In Beichuan county, the Government has appropriated land to make it easier to rebuild from scratch. But residents are refusing to sign compensation agreements because they have watched work-team and village leaders siphon funds and trade favours with other rich and powerful residents. Animosity is channelled to local officials, but it is Beijing that has chosen to preserve China's vast pyramid of unchecked administrative power.


Reconstruction is proceeding at impressive speed, but officials can't seem to shake their instincts for pantomime and deception.


Five weeks ago, locals heard that Premier Wen Jiabao was likely to return for Tuesday's anniversary. Thousands of workers were immediately enlisted to widen and beautify the highway from Mianyang Airport. The roadside is being lined with instant grass and potted with fully grown trees, while workers add final touches of paint to the road-facing walls of newly built homes.


Neat "model" villages, designed in the local Qiang ethnic style, dot the flat land that can be easily seen from the tinted windows of a passing cavalcade.


Beichuan remains unoccupied as officials debate whether to turn it into a museum. Inside the gates, Zheng Rentian guides us through the town that he remembers.


On the right, utterly obscured by a rock-slide, was the car wash where Zheng used to clean his van. All of the workers ran out to open ground when they heard the mountain crumbling above them and none of them was killed.


On the left, through an ornamental Chinese gate, was the bus depot and vegetable market. We overhear a mother telling her young daughter how a crowd had rushed out only be obliterated by boulders hurtling from the other direction.


"When I arrived, at 4pm on May 12, I saw about 100 corpses lying here, with their skulls smashed and limbs severed by falling boulders," Zheng says.

“5月12日下午4时我到这里,看到了约100具尸体,他们的头颅和四肢被掉下的巨石捣烂。 ”郑说。

One survivor was Zheng's niece, Zheng Juhong, who had been trapped inside her mobile phone stall. She knew no one would come that evening.


"I just hugged myself tightly against the aftershocks and cried out for my mother a few times," she says.

“我只是紧紧地拥抱自己抵抗余震,大声喊了几次妈妈。 ”她说。

In the morning, she heard people outside rescue someone else in the building next to her. But they could not hear her cries. Later, two soldiers heard her and pushed through a piece of pipe to provide fresh drinking water. She pleaded with them not to go. But they explained: "Without orders from above we cannot start that kind of rescue."

到了早上,她听到外面有人在救援旁边建设物中的人。但他们听不到她的哭声。后来,两名士兵听到她,他们推开一块管道,给她新鲜的饮用水。她恳求他们不要走开。但他们解释说: “没有上面的命令我们无法救你。”

Later two volunteers came, one of whom she recognised, and they worked for eight hours with two firefighters, without a break, until they hauled her out late on Wednesday night.


At the centre of town we pass the other campus of Beichuan Middle School, where officials sent their children. The school was obliterated by a rock-slide and 1000 children lost their lives.


Workers are now focusing their efforts on building a memorial ground, erecting huge political banners and steel support frames for tilted buildings, which will soon provide a moving backdrop for when visiting leaders front the cameras on Tuesday.


Zheng Rentian points out the crushed bakery shop where his ever-smiling sister used to work. He had assumed she had been killed. But his sister, Zheng Xiaobi, had in fact being delivering bread to a nearby town and had miraculously survived.


"I was hurrying back across the river on my motorbike when the bridge started wavering so hard I could hardly balance," she says. "A crack opened up in front of me and I accelerated to try and get across. Two old people were walking the other way towards me. I could see their faces as they screamed and I felt myself falling."

她说:“我骑着摩托车匆忙往回赶,过河时桥梁开始摇晃得很厉害,我几乎没法保持平衡。 一条开口的裂缝横在我前面,我加速试图越过去。两个老人在对面走,我看到他们尖叫,然后我觉得自己往下掉。 ”

She doesn't know how she survived the 20-metre fall with a collapsing bridge, without a helmet. When she regained consciousness she heard the old man grieving for his friend. She tried to help but her ribs were broken and she couldn't move.


Zheng Xiaobi now works at a new bakery in nearby Anchang town. It was her son (Zheng Rentian's nephew) who had survived the school collapse above the town. He lost 50 of 70 classmates. Whenever he feels a tremor, he runs outside, and often he refuses to sleep indoors.


Zheng Xiaobi has come to see herself as lucky. "I was someone who loved to laugh and smile," she says. "I lost my smile for half a year, but now I'm coming back to normal."

郑小碧觉得自己很幸运。 她说:“我是个爱笑的人,(地震后)有半年时间我没笑,但现在我恢复了正常。 ”

John Garnaut is China correspondent.

作者John Garnaut是驻中国通讯员。




相关信息见 #11 #12




发表于 2009-5-14 12:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-15 06:24 编辑




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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-5-14 12:58 | 显示全部楼层
但是,地震也显示了中国距离其他国家的期望有多远。 5月14日和15日,本报记者看到解放军士兵漫无目的游荡和从摇摇欲坠的商店抢劫物品,而同时附近建筑物下被困的市民在呼救。
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发表于 2009-5-14 13:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 13:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 13:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 14:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 15:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 15:51 | 显示全部楼层
但是,地震也显示了中国距离其他国家的期望有多远。 5月14日和15日,本报记者看到解放军士兵漫无目的游荡和从摇摇欲坠的商店抢劫物品,而同时附近建筑物下被困的市民在呼救。


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发表于 2009-5-14 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 16:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-15 06:29 编辑


澳洲留学生都知道,The Age是澳洲影响力最大的两家社会性质的报纸之一.就在今天,The Age网站头条报导是John Garnaut(不知道是什么人)在北京写的关于四川地震的评论.当我看完整篇报导后,气愤难奈,终于明白中国是怎样被妖魔化的了.

这篇报导开头是说记者(John Garnaut,以下简称记者)在飞机上巧遇去中央台参加四川地震周年祭的Xiao Yawen和她妈妈(相信大家还记得这张广为流传的照片,Xiao就是照片里那个小孩子,而这张照片也附在这篇报导旁边).通过聊天,Xiao的妈妈告诉记者,她们并不想去北京参加CCXV的活动,但是CCXV一直邀请,就只有去了.还说,她们不想从上飞机就穿着少数民族的服装,供大家拍照,这样让她们很不高兴.而关于那张照片,Xiao的妈妈说当时并不像网上所流传xiao被战士Sheng Yufeng所救,只是这名战士报起Xiao时正好被人所拍下此照片,她们并没有什么需要感谢这些战士.(可能翻译的不太准确,原文是Ms Yang said her daughter had no special story, nor did the soldier with the nicest smile. "We weren't injured,"she said. "On May 13 soldiers were taking the healthy survivors through old Beichuan town. One of the soldierspicked her up — the photograph looked like a rescue, but it wasn't — I don't really have much to thank themfor.")

接着,记者在报导里说中国XX军里有很多关于无私英雄救国救民的历史,但大部分,好像雷锋一样,都是由Communistparty的宣传部门所编造出来的.(此段原文为The People's Liberation Army has a history of legendary soldiers who fought floods, plugged oil wells with their own bodies and performed other selfless acts to protect the nation and capture the hearts of the masses. Typically these heroes, like Lei Feng in the 1960s, were created by the Communist Party's Propaganda Department.)

报导里最后说,其实在最为关键的震后早期,大部分士兵们并没有参与救灾工作.而记者采访到的一名战士说,在救灾时遇到一名濒临死亡边缘的受困女灾民,他没有救,因为他接到的命令说不许他救她.(原文为The Age quoted a soldier who said he left a trapped survivor for dead and said his orders did not permit him to rescue her. She was subsequently rescued by local volunteers and firefighters.)


2. 地震里一定有数不清的感人事迹,哪怕这张照片里的女孩并不是为这名战士所救,又有什么关系?被救出来的孩子,大人,还少吗?难道所有照片都是假的?如此暗示某party炒作,岂不是以管窥豹,以偏盖全??再说,这些照片都是网民自发在网上流传,谁又说是某party炒作?此一来,澳洲人民难免对地震前后的情况有所误解.中国又被妖魔化!

3.我不相信孩子的妈妈会说出并没有要感谢谁这样的话.就算她们不是为这名战士所救,也一定受到了别的战士的照顾,难道她们没有一丝感激之情,报恩之心,反而说出这么无情的话? 我不知道她们怎样表达的,但我相信该记者有断章取义之嫌!

4.我不清楚文中所提到的不救人的战士接到的是什么样的命令,但我相信,就算真有命令不让救人,也一定是有它的原因在,比如说救了这名女灾民,整栋房子会塌,压死更多人?? 我坚信,没有人会拿生命开玩笑.

5.作为澳洲影响力最大的报纸,为何轻易让这种政治意图过于明显的文章登上头条? 我相信一定未经考证!!!






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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-5-14 16:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 16:12 | 显示全部楼层
但是,地震也显示了中国距离其他国家的期望有多远。 5月14日和15日,本报记者看到解放军士兵漫无目的游荡和从摇摇欲坠的商店抢劫物品,而同时附近建筑物下被困的市民在呼救。-----------------------------4 H3 M) {7 w  e& B* N+ 这个澳大利亚**(男)记者真是深刻体现了婊子无情啊,什么话都可以说,只要他愿意。
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发表于 2009-5-14 16:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 19:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-14 20:53 | 显示全部楼层

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