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[社会] 【每日电讯报0210】大陆赴港产子游人数翻倍

 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-10 10:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        Chinese 'birth tourists' to Hong Kong double                The number of pregnant Chinese "birth-tourists" travelling to Hong   Kong to have their children has more than doubled in the past 12 months,   according to latest figures released on Thursday. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/hongkong/9072457/Chinese-birth-tourists-to-Hong-Kong-double.html

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Babies born to mainland mothers in Hong Kong in 2010 accounted for about 40 per cent of all births Photo: REUTERS

                Hong Kong's public hospital chiefs say the number of mainlanders taking   advantage of superior medical care and generous benefits in the former   British colony has leapt by 108 per cent year-on-year.

Last month, under pressure maternity staff assisted 179 mainland women who "rushed   to casualty departments for emergency labour", the figures reveal.

In comparison, in January 2011, 89 women gave birth under "emergency"   circumstances, according to the Hong Kong Hospital Authority.

In total, babies born to mainland mothers in Hong Kong totalled 32,000 in   2010, accounting for about 40 per cent of all births.

The influx of pregnant Chinese mothers – who by giving birth claim automatic   rights for themselves and their newborns – is the main source of the rising   resentment among Hong Kongers towards their compatriot neighbours.

        The Hong Kong administration announced last month it is to limit the number of   the so-called birth tourists, setting a quota of 3,400 births for non-local   women per year, down from 10,000 last year.
But mainlanders are flouting the rules by arriving at emergency wards in the   late stages of labour.
As well as better medical treatment, newborns receive automatic residency and   are entitled to 12 years free education.
The unwanted baby boom is putting a strain on resources as well as causing   public anger.
A recent media advert in a Hong Kong newspaper described mainlanders as "locusts",   sparking outrage among Chinese.
Earlier this week, Chinese family planning officials warned mainland parents   they remain subjected to China's one-child policy if they give birth to a   second child in Hong Kong and face punishment if they flout the rules.
Tighter boarder controls have also been implemented to weed out pregnant women   at immigration.
But labour wards continue to assist mainlanders, most of whom pay agents in   China to take them across the border to stay in illegal shelters in Hong   Kong while they wait to go into labour.
"As long as Hong Kong provides better medical care or more benefits for   pregnant mainland women, it is impossible for the Hong Kong administration   to completely eradicate the problem," said professor Feng Yujun from   the Renmin University in Beijing.

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