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[经济] 【09.12.15 哥哈官网】China: Poor countries are first in line for funding

发表于 2009-12-16 14:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China will no longer take the lion’s share of international funding for carbon mitigation projects under the UN-backed Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This is according to an interview given by Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei to the Financial Times earlier this week. The statements were first interpreted as if China would refrain totally from any financing under the scheme, but that view has now been corrected.
Foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu tells My Sinchew that the minister “had said China was focussed on the special concerns of the least developed countries, African countries and the small island countries” and that Beijing was “willing to give priority to these countries in using the capital assistance given by developed countries”.
Still, this does not mean that China will abandon international funding, Jiang Yu clarifies:
“China, relying on its own resources, has taken a lot of measures and made great achievements. If we could get enough international support, I believe that China could do an even better job in protecting the global environment as well as fighting climate change.”




 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 14:37 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 14:41 | 显示全部楼层

Kuntu Zangmo

15/12/2009 18:00If this is true and China wants to give to poor countries to help them create ecologically clean systems....great.
I guess it remains to be seen, however, what China is doing to clean up its own polluting act and to ensure that it does so for eternity...regardless of what other countries commit to. I guess we shall see how brave or not China really is by doing what it says it will do to rid their country of polluting toxins.
If Tibet is any measure, I have grave doubts....so we shall see.

nos tory

15/12/2009 18:40@Kuntu Zangmo,

Oh my friend, you really "guess"-ed A LOT!!
Please, when commenting on other nations, make sure you really have adequate knowledge.

I would say compared to some other nations, China has been acting as a positive force in the negotiation.

Kuntu Zangmo

15/12/2009 18:46I'm speaking from observing their track record and behavior over time.
They are one of the worst polluters currently and on track to soon be the biggest one in the world.
When it comes to protecting the planet and our delicate ecosystems from poisons, talk is cheap.
As I said, we shall see.

nos tory

15/12/2009 19:08@Kuntu Zangmo,

"talk is cheap." Well said.
Hmmm, so, that's the reason why you comment a lot, right? ;)

Kuntu Zangmo

15/12/2009 19:31This is a small window in which the voices of individuals can be shared at a crucial moment and venue.
After a lifetime of action, on a micro level, of making choices to live a life in balance with nature and supporting organizations that do so on a broader scale, and witnessing the exceptional destruction of ecosystems and dire spread of toxic elements throughout delicate balance of life, there's a lot to comment about.
That's why nos.

Tong Zhu

15/12/2009 19:32^
Hahaha, toasted!

@Kuntu Zangmo

I am kinda intrigued by your point of view. You think China's words are cheap because there's some land disputes in this country which you do not approve of...

Facinating, now if that makes any sense, how can we trust any NATO countries' words given that after the war, Afghanistan is now a living hell as well as Iraq. Especially U.S. is sending 30,000 more troops to the region.

Please, everyone knows that this is a game of politics. Even so, I admire the courage of China to even speak up for other countries while the "now leading polluter" remain curiously silent.

Kuntu Zangmo

15/12/2009 19:48No Tong Zhu, I'm not talking about land dispute with regard to Tibet. Actually at that moment I was thinking about how China has used Tibet as a nuclear waste dump and basically slaughtered wildlife and cut down the majority of trees there.
The fact that they, China, are occupying a sovereign nation is another matter entirely.
Yes, all war is horrific.
And yes, the fact that America doesn't appear to be taking bold action is cause of deep dismay....
You seem to have missed the intentional caveat I added ......'so we shall see'....though of course I could be wrong. If so, forgive me.

nos tory

15/12/2009 22:10Oh dear!!!

I went to Tibet 4 times, and last time stayed there for about 7 weeks.
Please excuse me, Kuntu,
are you talking about some so-called "Tibet" on Mars???

Chris Yu

16/12/2009 04:45"China has used Tibet as a nuclear waste dump and basically slaughtered wildlife and cut down the majority of trees there"

Dear Kuntu Zangmo, have you ever been to Tibet? If not, please Do not make irresponsible remarks. What is "I was thinking about"?
China still try hard to protect the environment against pollution on Tibet, you should go to Tibet first, and then remark at here.
If I said any tactless words, please forgive me.
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