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巴黎火炬传递BBC报道:Protests cut short Olympic relay

发表于 2008-4-8 00:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
French security officials have been forced to cut short the Paris leg of the Olympic torch relay following anti-Chinese protests along the route.
The torch was extinguished three times due to the protests before being taken on a bus to the relay's end point.
It comes after 37 people were arrested in London as protesters disrupted the torch relay there on Sunday.
The Olympic flame is being carried through 20 countries before arriving for the Beijing Games in August.
The Paris relay started to go wrong almost from the start, despite the presence of 3,000 police along the route, riding motorcycles, jogging or on skates.
A member of the French Green party was restrained by police after attempting to grab the torch from the first of Paris's 80 torch bearers, former world 400 metres hurdles champion Stephane Diagana, Reuters news agency said.

"Nothing's happening as it was meant to," Mr Diagana told French TV.
"It's a shame. It's sad because of what this symbol represents but it can be explained by the context we're aware of."
See the Paris route

Police were forced three times to put out the torch and carried it onto a bus, as police cleared protesters from the route.
On the second occasion, the flame was being relayed out of a Paris traffic tunnel by an athlete in a wheelchair when it was taken onto a bus because protesters booed and began chanting "Tibet", the Associated Press news agency reported.
The flame itself has been kept alight the whole time in a safety lantern.
[img=5 border=0,1 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/shared/img/o.gif[/img][img=24 border=0,13 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/start_quote_rb.gif[/img] The International Olympic Committee has expressed its serious concern and calls for a rapid peaceful resolution in Tibet [img=23 align=right border=0,13 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/end_quote_rb.gif[/img]

Jacques Rogge, IOC President

[img=226 vspace=2 border=0,1 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/inline_dashed_line.gif[/img]

How is the flame kept alight?
Long history of Olympics protests
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Later, Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe cancelled a ceremony to welcome the torch relay after Green party activists hung a Tibetan flag and a black banner depicting the Olympic rings as handcuffs from the Hotel de Ville (city hall).
Activists have hung Tibetan flags or the black banners from several other Paris landmarks including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame cathedral.
Several hundred protesters have been involved in the demonstrations, near the Eiffel Tower and along the torch's zig-zag route through Paris to a stadium in the south of the city.
Finally, after several delays, security officials decided to put the torch on a bus to take it to Stade Charlety, where it arrived 30 minutes late at 1530 GMT).
Olympic appeal
The Paris relay was meant to be a colourful advertisement for the Beijing Games, instead it has turned into a grotesque embarrassment, says the BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris.
Speaking in Beijing earlier on Monday, IOC President Jacques Rogge said he was concerned over both the recent unrest in Paris and the torch protests.
"The International Olympic Committee has expressed its serious concern and calls for a rapid peaceful resolution in Tibet," Mr Rogge said.
[img=5 border=0,1 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/shared/img/o.gif[/img][img=226 border=0,282 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44545000/jpg/_44545469_pa226x282bike.jpg[/img]
China has expressed disgust at the torch protests in London
[img=226 vspace=2 border=0,1 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/inline_dashed_line.gif[/img]

In pictures: Paris protests

He condemned the attempts to disrupt the torch relay, saying violent protests, "for whatever reason," are "not compatible with the values of the torch relay or the Olympic Games".
China said the protests during London's Sunday torch relay were the work of "a few Tibetan separatists" attempting "to sabotage" the event, AP reported.
London's relay saw protesters trying to douse and even snatch the Olympic flame as athletes and celebrities carried it through the city.
The demonstrations have been sparked by China's security crackdown in Tibet following a series of protests against Chinese rule which swept the region last month.
Tibetan exile groups say Chinese security forces killed dozens of protesters. Beijing says about 19 people were killed in rioting. The torch was lit in Olympia, Greece, on 24 March and will go through 20 countries before being carried into the opening ceremony at the Beijing Games on 8 August.
发表于 2008-4-8 00:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-8 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-8 21:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-8 22:26 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2008-4-8 23:13 | 显示全部楼层


在整个接力过程中, 火炬在中途被熄灭了3次, 随后被放入大巴中运送至终点。
在上个礼拜天伦敦的火炬传递过程中,已经有37人因为破坏传递活动而被拘捕。奥运圣火在今年八月到达北京前,将要在20多个国家传递,而这次在巴黎, 虽然有多达3000名警察在沿途使用电动自行车, 滑板,和跟跑的方式保护圣火,但圣火传递活动几乎在一开始就陷入了困境。

来自路透社的消息说,一名法国绿党的成员因为想要从第一名法国接力人员手中抢走火炬而被控制。这名火炬手是世界前400米障碍赛的冠军Stephane Diagana。 他是今天80位火炬手中的第一个。
“就像我们当初所想象的那样,什么也没有发生” Diagana 先生对法国TV说。
“这件事情的发生是令人羞愧,沮丧的, 但也表明了我们对这些的关注。”
警察3次被迫熄灭了火炬,并将其拿到大巴中保护起来, 以等警察将沿途抗议者清理出去。
“国际奥委会已经表明了对这起事件的严重关切,并呼吁迅速和平解决西藏问题” 奥委会主席雅克 罗格说。
随后,绿党的激进分子张扬着西藏的旗帜,和将奥运圆环描绘成手铐的黑色条幅聚集在市政厅以及巴黎其它地标包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院。 巴黎市市长Bertrand Delanoe 取消了迎接圣火的庆典活动。


最后在经过几次延误后, 安全部门决定将圣火放入巴士中,运送到Stade Charety(一个赛马场) 这已经比预定时间推迟了30分钟。
BBC 的Hugh Schofield 在巴黎说, 巴黎的圣火传递本是北京奥运准备的一个极富色彩的宣传广告, 现在却陷入了令人尴尬的困境。
在早些时候, 星期一, 奥委会主席罗格说, 他对最近巴黎动乱的局面和对圣火的抗议都非常关注。 他对破坏圣火传递表示了谴责,他说不管什么原因, 暴力抵制都与圣火传递和奥林匹克的价值相违背。
在伦敦的传递过程中, 反对者们试图熄灭甚至是抢夺圣火。

圣火在3月24 号在希腊的奥林匹亚点燃,并将在8月8号到达北京奥运的开幕式,在这之前将在20多个国家传递。
发表于 2008-4-8 23:22 | 显示全部楼层
Tibetan exile groups say Chinese security forces killed dozens of protesters. Beijing says about 19 people were killed in rioting.
藏独们说的话一字不漏, 中国官方说的话, 看看变成什么味了? 19人在暴乱中被杀害, 这是说中国政府承认杀了19个人? 还是包括被中国政府杀害的共19个人? 还是被暴乱分子杀害了19个人? 好, 我们假设3个人读了这句话, 一人一种思维, 那? 3分之2的人相信了中国政府杀了人!!! 我们中国人或许看着不以为然, 也许会向最后一种想法靠拢, 然西方人我相信80%会选前两种, 多可怕的文字游戏啊!!
发表于 2008-4-8 23:32 | 显示全部楼层
Tibetan exile groups say Chinese security forces killed dozens of protesters. Beijing says about 19 people were killed in rioting.
----------------------------------------------------还有一个问题: 凭什么藏独份子的发言在前, 中国官方的说法在后? 先入为主的习惯性很少人没有, 这又是一个伎俩! 中国的发言某些特定的字句都被引号, 这明显的告诉看客: 我们不赞同这种说法, 再引申, 或许会被人理解为, 这是一种反面评论, 中国政府是邪恶的反派. 相信很多人会有与我相同的感受, 被歧视的感受!!!
发表于 2008-4-9 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-9 01:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-9 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
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