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发表于 2008-4-9 16:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
SAN FRANCISCO, California (CNN) -- Authorities are bracing for protests Wednesday as runners plan to carry the Olympic torch through the streets of San Francisco -- but they hope to avoid the chaos that disrupted the torch relay in London and Paris.
Police officers have had their vacations canceled. And Mayor Gavin Newsom has said that the route along the waterfront -- already cut from eight to six miles -- could be changed up to and even during the run itself.
"Things are still subject to change based on the information that we receive," said San Francisco police Sgt. Neville Gittens. "The goal is to have a safe event for everyone: spectators and participants."
A spokesman for the group Students for a Free Tibet said he has heard of many people planning to protest in San Francisco.
"We want it to be peaceful. But it will be large," said spokesman Tenzin Dasang. "I heard from Tibetans that now live all over the U.S. and even abroad who are coming here."
San Francisco is the only U.S. stop for the torch relay, where it wraps up the first week of a 23-city international tour.
When the flame arrived in the city Tuesday, thousands of people -- chanting slogans and waving banners -- demonstrated against China's human rights record, including its treatment of Tibet.
A day earlier, three protesters scaled suspension cables on San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge and unfurled a large banner that read "One World. One Dream. Free Tibet." The demonstrators used baby carriages to sneak the banners and climbing equipment past police.
The San Francisco protests followed demonstrations in London and Paris in which protesters tried to snuff out the torch's flame and dozens were arrested.
"The whole world seems to spontaneously react to the situation and know that it's a fraud what the Chinese are doing," said actor Richard Gere, who has been a consistent advocate of human rights in Tibet.
Gere belongs to the International Campaign for Tibet, was one of several organizations that took part in Tuesday's protests.
"What the Chinese are doing, this is not an athletic game to them," he said. "This is putting a stamp of approval on repression and human rights abuses."
Fears of protests prompted one of the San Francisco torchbearers to drop out of Wednesday's relay. But two-time Olympian Marilyn King plans to run, despite some apprehensions.
King knows first-hand the worst-case scenario of the Olympic stage. She was at the 1972 Munich games when 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed by terrorists.
King also lost her chance to compete in 1980 because of the U.S. boycott of the Moscow games.
"There are always people who are willing to step outside those boundaries," she said. "So I have some anxiety about that."
The flame is on a 130-day journey that will take it through through 23 cities on five continents and then throughout China, culminating at the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing on August 8.
Beijing organizers have said the month-long international relay will not be stopped despite the protests, but some International Olympic Committee members have suggested an early end should be considered.
The IOC's executive board will take up the topic of the torch relay "in general" on Thursday or Friday, IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies said. But there is no proposal on the agenda to end the global tour early, she added.
The president of the IOC, Jacques Rogge, is expected to meet with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. The meeting was pre-scheduled and will focus on the preparations for the Olympics, the IOC said.
On the torch's visit to France on Monday, protesters forced an abrupt halt to the flame's passage through Paris after just 10 miles of the 17-mile (28 km) planned route.
On Sunday, at least 36 people in London were arrested along the torch's route, according to London Metropolitan Police.
Meanwhile, an Olympic committee member suggested Monday that the public relations nightmare that has followed the Olympic flame on its way to the Summer Games in Beijing may make 2008 the last time such an ambitious global torch relay is attempted.
International Olympic Committee member Richard Kevan Gosper, who is also chairman of the IOC's press committee, told reporters he was always opposed to a global tour for the flame.
"I'm a firm believer that we had the right template in the first place, that the torch simply should go from Olympia, Greece, to the host country," he said.
"I would expect that the Olympic committee will review that template" of taking the flame on a global relay, he said.
Liu Jingmin, vice president of the Beijing organizing committee, said the Olympic torch has been "warmly welcomed by the local people" in each city.
He said the organizers "are confident that the Beijing Olympics torch relay in overseas cities will be carried out successfully."
China's foreign ministry reacted more forcefully.
"We express our strong condemnation to the deliberate disruption of the Olympic torch relay by Tibetan separatist forces regardless of the Olympic spirit and the law of Britain and France," China spokeswoman Jiang Yu said Tuesday. "Their despicable activities tarnish the lofty Olympic spirit and challenge all the people loving the Olympic Games around the world."
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-9 16:49 | 显示全部楼层


旧金山, 加利福尼亚(CNN) -- 当局支持星期三在旧金山传递奥林匹克火炬时的抗议活动-- 但他们希望避免发生火炬在伦敦和巴黎传递时的混乱。警察的休假被取消了。Gavin Newsom 市长说, 沿江边的传递路线-- 已经从八英里裁减到六英里—而且能在传递途中随时更改。 "我们将根据获得的信息随时进行调整," Neville Gittens 警官说。"目的是所有人的安全: 观众和参加者。" 一位自由西藏的发言人声称他听说许多人计划在旧金山抗议。"我们希望它是和平的。但将是规模庞大的, "发言人Tenzin Dasang说 。"我收到了许多在美国和世界其他地区的西藏人将来到这里的信件。" 旧金山是美国唯一的火炬传递城市, 她是环球传递的23个国际城市中的一个。当火炬到达这个城市的星期二, 成千上万的人—呼喊着口号挥舞着旗帜--反对中国的人权纪录, 包括在西藏问题的处理上。一天前, 三个抗议者爬上了金门大桥的钢索展开了一面巨大的横幅,上写"同一个世界,同一个梦想,XZDL。" 示威者使用婴儿车装载横幅和攀爬工具骗过了警察。旧金山的抗议者采取了伦敦和巴黎相同的示威方式,在那两个城市,示威者想要熄灭火炬,数十人被捕。 "全世界似乎自发地采取应对措施,大家知道, 中国人的所作所为就是一场骗局," 演员Richard Gere说, 他是西藏人权的一贯倡导者。Gere 属于西藏国际运动组织,这个组织是参与星期二抗议的多个组织中的一个。 "从中国人的所做所为来看, 对他们而言这不是一个运动会," 他说,"这是认同抑制和践踏人权的行为。" 畏于抗议声浪,一名参与周三火炬传递的成员退出了活动。但两次奥运会的参赛选手 Marilyn King还是计划参与, 尽管有一些忧虑。King知道奥林匹克最恐怖一幕的第一手资料,她参与了1972 年慕尼黑奥运会,在那届奥运会上有11 位以色列运动员和教练被恐怖分子杀害。 King还错过了1980年的比赛机会,由于美国抵制了那届莫斯科奥运会。 "总有一些想要越界行动的人," 她说,"我的忧虑正在于此。" 火炬需要穿越五大洲23 个城市,然后进入中国境内传递,130 天的旅程,高潮是8月8 日在北京举行的奥林匹克开幕式。北京的组织者说尽管有抗议,长达数月的火炬传递不会停止。 但是一些国际奥林匹克委员会成员建议缩短结束时间。 IOC的执行委员会将在星期四或星期五讨论火炬传递这个议题, IOC 女发言人Giselle Davies 说。她还补充说,提早结束火炬传递的问题并不在此次讨论中。 IOC 还说奥委会主席罗格将会见中国总理温家宝 。此次会见早已确定并将聚焦于北京奥运会的筹备上,。星期一在法国的火炬火炬传递过程中, 抗议者迫使火炬一度止步不前,最终17英里(28公里)的路线被缩短成了10英里。根据伦敦的数据,星期天在火炬到达的沿线至少有36 人被拘捕。同时,一名奥委会成员鉴于火炬传递中恶化的公众关系,在周一建议在2008北京奥运会之后取消火炬的全球传递。国际奥林匹克委员会成员Richard Kevan Gosper, 也是IOC 的新闻委员会的主席, 告诉记者他一贯反对火炬在全球传递。"我坚信, 最初我们有正确的模式, 火炬应该简单地由希腊奥林匹亚山直接到达主办国," 谈及火炬全球传递问题时他说,"我期待奥林匹克委员会回顾这个模式" 。刘建明, 北京奥组委副主席,他说在各城市的火炬传递中”当地人民都温和地迎接了”。他说组织者"坚信北京奥运会火炬将在世界各地成功传递。" 中国的外交部更进行了强有力反应。"我们强烈地谴责XZ分离主义分子无视奥林匹克精神和英法两国的法律对奥林匹克火炬传递的破坏," 外交部女发言人姜渝在星期二说,"他们可耻的行为亵渎了崇高的奥林匹克精神而且向全世界热爱奥林匹克运动的人民发起了挑战。"

[ 本帖最后由 储留乡 于 2008-4-9 17:02 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-9 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-9 17:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-9 17:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-9 17:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-9 22:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-10 06:11 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-10 07:29 | 显示全部楼层
Can someone ask Rechard Gere, what are the proof to back up his words of  "What the Chinese are doing, this is not an athletic game to them," he said. "This is putting a stamp of approval on repression and human rights abuses."

He sounds like been mind-controled, just like some religours group in the U.S.
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