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3月28日 进来8一下cnn今天猥琐的头条

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发表于 2008-3-28 19:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天的cnn world头条,

题为:china should not " be antagonized" over Tibet(不要针对西藏事件指责中国)



政府官员带他们看了街上被烧坏的商店 一路很平静 接着 去大昭寺 见到30名年轻lama 大喊:“西藏没有自由 我们的宗教没有自由 我们要dalai回来 中国zf杀了很多人 远比报告出来的要多 ,他们还抓走了不下1000个喇嘛 ,你们在外面见到的 采访的那些lama根本不是僧侣 他们是gcd扮的 中国人在撒谎 我知道我们在你们走后将被抓起来“ 接着中国官员仓促结束15分钟的采访 要求在场媒体离开。

我觉得很蹊跷~首先cnn为什么联接错?是失误?这么重要的头条 如此敏感的内容 不是吧

其次 他们既然没有被邀进藏采访 这些叙述从何而来?

现在cnn上找不到这篇文章了 今天国内大多打不开他们的网页 我保存了一下 稍后上
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-28 19:03 | 显示全部楼层
Editor's note: CNN was denied permission to join the group of reporters to Tibet by China's foreign ministry.
LHASA, Tibet (AP) -- A Tibetan activist group has voiced concern over any government backlash against a group of Buddhist monks who disrupted a stage-managed tour for foreign journalists of Tibet's holiest temple by shouting there was no freedom in the riot-torn region.

The International Campaign for Tibet said in a statement Friday "there are serious fears for the welfare and whereabouts" of the monks.
The 30 monks had pushed into a briefing being given by officials at the Jokhang Temple in the only spontaneous moment Thursday in an otherwise tightly controlled government trip to the Tibetan capital for reporters following this month's deadly riots.
"What the government is saying is not true," a monk shouted as a wellspring of grievances poured out, first in Tibetan and then in Chinese after the confused reporters asked them to switch. Finally, government officials abruptly ended the session and told the journalists it was "time to go."
The emotional, 15-minute outburst by the red-robed monks decrying their lack of religious freedom was the only spontaneous moment Thursday in an otherwise tightly controlled government trip to the Tibetan capital for foreign reporters following this month's deadly riots.
On the second day of the tour, officials hewed to the government line -- that the most violent anti-Chinese protests in nearly two decades was plotted by the exiled Dalai Lama and his supporters. Officials escorted two dozen reporters to shops, clinics, a school and a jail to interview victims and rioters, many of them already widely interviewed by state media.
Those who tried to break away from the pack were followed by car and on foot, making all but the most fleeting of contact with ordinary Tibetans risky.
Only the monks at the Jokhang Temple, Tibet's holiest site, managed to upend the official stage-managed event.
As reporters were ushered toward the temple's inner shrine by a senior monk and administrator, the 30 young monks began shouting to them. The monks said the believers then in the shrine were fake -- members of China's ruling Communist Party. Watch monks disrupt a tour of media in Lhasa »
They complained that troops had ringed the monastery and kept it shut with all 117 monks inside since March 10 -- the day the protests began -- and that the guards were only removed Wednesday, when foreign journalists arrived.
发表于 2008-3-28 20:16 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-3-30 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 12:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 13:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 13:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 14:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
当年, dl喇嘛从西藏叛逃时,曾带走67件人皮制品和人骨法器,后来,这些人皮人骨制品,大部分被dl喇嘛当作珍贵礼物,分别赠送给印度政府、欧美政府 和这些国家的高级官员,据悉,dl喇嘛赠送给美国政府两件人皮唐卡,一件人头骨法器,一个用人骨制成手把的转经筒,美国的两位高级官员各自得到一把藏刀, 刀鞘就是用人皮制成的。美国的一位男影星也从dl那里得到一把人皮刀鞘的臧刀。英、法、德等政府及一些高级官员都曾接受过dl喇嘛赠送的人皮制品和人骨法 器。具有讽刺意味的是,曾要把诺贝尔和平奖颁发给dl的诺贝尔奖评审委员会竟然也接受了dl喇嘛赠送的人皮人骨制品,其中一件是人皮唐卡,一个人头骨法 器。  大家知道,西藏奴隶制度是世界上最野蛮最残暴的制度,西藏奴隶主动辄就对奴隶施以酷刑,砍手砍脚,抽筋剥皮,手段之残忍,令人发指。西藏奴隶主就用从这些农奴身上剥下的皮,制成各种室内装饰品、法器或坐具。 dl喇嘛还在西藏时,对人皮饰品独有情钟,曾让人到西藏各地搜罗。 号称文明进步,动不动就拿人权为武器攻击别国,干涉别国内政的一些西方政客,竟然欣然接受dl喇嘛赠送的用西藏农奴的皮和骨制成的饰物,这充分暴 露出他们虚伪而又丑恶的嘴脸。就是美国那个著名男影星,在西藏的不法分子打砸抢烧,滥杀无辜的时候,他一方面要中国政府克制,一方面却鼓动dl集团继续进 行暴力示威. 看来,一些西方国家的政府和政客,他们不惜一切地支持dl集团,除了惟恐中国不乱,要分裂中国,其中的一个不便说出的目的,就是希望西藏恢复奴隶制度,这样,他们就可以获得更多的人皮饰品。
发表于 2008-3-30 16:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 19:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-31 00:01 | 显示全部楼层


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