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发表于 2008-10-28 16:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




China V India: Some random numbers

Filed under: Basic Questions, China, Miscellaneous — Reuben Abraham @ 6:47 am

Barry Ritholtz culls some interesting China numbers from a WSJ story.

• China has about $1 trillion in personal savings and a savings rate of close to 50%. The U.S. has about $158 billion in personal savings and an average savings rate of only about 2%.
• Shanghai boasts 4,000 skyscrapers — double the number in New York City. Still, 17% of the entire Chinese population lives on $1 a day. Only about 300 million people in China, or 23% of the population, are considered middle-class.
• Wal-Mart Stores bought $18 billion of goods from China last year. With China’s annual exports amounting to $583 billion, that means Wal-Mart ranks as its eighth-largest trading partner, ahead of Australia, Canada and Russia.
• In China, the 40-richest people are worth a collective $26 billion, up from $18 billion last year. China has 10 billionaires, up from three last year. The richest person is Larry Rong Zhijian of CITIC Pacific Group, who is worth $1.64 billion, according to Forbes magazine.
• China has 100 million Internet users, second to the U.S.’s 135 million users. In September, there were 62 people jailed for violating Chinese Internet laws, up from three in 2001. The word ‘democracy’ is banned in online chat rooms.

By way of comparison, India has…

* A savings rate of about 26%.
*150-200 million people (depending on where you look) in the middle class and close to 24% of the population below the poverty line.
*Wal-Mart would love to enter India if only the govt would relent on FDI in retail. The retailing giant currently purchases about $2 billion worth of goods from India.
*The richest man in India, Azim Premji, is worth $10 billion. The 4 richest people in India (Premji, The Ambanis, Sunil Mittal) are worth more than the top 40 richest Chinese.
*On the connectivity front, India lags far behind China with about 40 million Internet users and 116 million telephone subscribers. However, I hear the word ‘democracy’ can be used freely at Indian chat sites :)
发表于 2008-10-28 16:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-28 16:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-28 16:53 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 16:59 | 显示全部楼层
• China has about $1 trillion in personal savings and a savings rate of close to 50%.
中国约有1万亿美元的个人储蓄,储蓄率接近50 % 。
The US has about $158 billion in personal savings and an average savings rate of only about 2%.
美国约有1580亿美元的个人储蓄,平均储蓄率仅为2 %左右。
• Shanghai boasts 4,000 skyscrapers — double the number in New York City.
Still, 17% of the entire Chinese population lives on $1 a day.
尽管如此, 17 %的中国人每天的生活标准只有1美元。
Only about 300 million people in China, or 23% of the population, are considered middle-class.
中国只有约3亿人、占23 %的人口是中产阶级。
• Wal-Mart Stores bought $18 billion of goods from China last year.
With China’s annual exports amounting to $583 billion, that means Wal-Mart ranks as its eighth-largest trading partner, ahead of Australia, Canada and Russia.
• In China, the 40-richest people are worth a collective $26 billion, up from $18 billion last year.
•中国最富有40人总财富为260亿美元,比去年的180亿美元有所上升。 (译注:注意文章日期)
China has 10 billionaires, up from three last year.
中国有10位亿万富翁,比去年多3个 。
The richest person is Larry Rong Zhijian of CITIC Pacific Group, who is worth $1.64 billion, according to Forbes magazine.
• China has 100 million Internet users, second to the US’s 135 million users.
In September, there were 62 people jailed for violating Chinese Internet laws, up from three in 2001.
今年9月,有62人被判违反了中国互联网的法律,比2001年多3个 。
The word ‘democracy’ is banned in online chat rooms.

By way of comparison, India has…
* A savings rate of about 26%.
*储蓄率约为26 % 。
*150-200 million people (depending on where you look) in the middle class and close to 24% of the population below the poverty line.
* 1.5-2亿人(取决于你怎么看)达到中产阶级,接近24 %的人口在贫困线以下。
*Wal-Mart would love to enter India if only the govt would relent on FDI in retail.
The retailing giant currently purchases about $2 billion worth of goods from India.
*The richest man in India, Azim Premji, is worth $10 billion.
The 4 richest people in India (Premji, The Ambanis, Sunil Mittal) are worth more than the top 40 richest Chinese.
印度4个最富有的人(姆吉,在Ambanis ,苏尼尔米塔尔)的总身价超过了中国前40名最富有的人的身价总和。(译注:这难道是件值得骄傲的事吗?)
*On the connectivity front, India lags far behind China with about 40 million Internet users and 116 million telephone subscribers.
However, I hear the word ‘democracy’ can be used freely at Indian chat sites :)
不管如何,'民主'这个词可用于印度任何聊天网站: )




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发表于 2008-10-28 17:13 | 显示全部楼层
“印度4个最富有的人(姆吉,在Ambanis ,苏尼尔米塔尔)的总身价超过了中国前40名最富有的人的身价总和。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 17:28 | 显示全部楼层


Chandrayaan-I enters deep space
Indo-Asian News Service
Bangalore/Chennai,  October 27, 2008  

India's first unmanned lunar spacecraft Chandrayaan-I on Sunday entered deep space after crossing 1,50,000 km from the earth on way to the moon, a space agency official said.


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发表于 2008-10-28 17:28 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 17:35 | 显示全部楼层


NASA scientists want ISRO jobs
Press Trust of India
Bangalore,  October 25, 2008

Several NASA scientists - of Indian origin as well as foreigners - are knocking the door of Indian Space Research Organisation looking for opportunities to work in future 'desi' space missions following the success of Chandrayaan-I launch, a senior ISRO official said on Saturday.



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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 17:37 | 显示全部楼层






[ 本帖最后由 noonoo 于 2008-10-28 17:40 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-10-28 17:51 | 显示全部楼层
• China has 100 million Internet users, second to the US’s 135 million users.

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发表于 2008-10-28 18:01 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-10-28 18:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-10-28 18:23 | 显示全部楼层
In September, there were 62 people jailed for violating Chinese Internet laws, up from three in 2001.

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发表于 2008-10-28 18:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 19:06 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
The term “savings rate” needs to be elucidated. The US savings rate of 2% does not count investments in the stock market. It also does not consider real estate ownership (including one’s home) as savings. It would be nice to know what the savings rate in India entails. It would seem that capital in the US is invested in productive assets rather than low interest savings accounts.

Also, the reason for India’s 4 richest being worth more than the 40 richest in China is the “Market” valuation of the assets owned by these men. Premji, Ambani and Mittal have built enterprises that the market puts a higher value on compared to their Chinese counterparts.

Comment by Vivek G — November 22, 2005 @ 7:45 am


同样,印度4个最有钱的人的总身份比中国前40位的都多的意思也是按照他们的市值来估计的。Premji, Ambani和Mittal的企业拥有比他们中国同行更高的市值。

Why is it that indians keep comparing themselves to china all the time?
China and India are similar in one respect only which is population.
I’m allways amused when indians look upto china.
Indians should look upto US Germany or South Korea rather than any of its geographical

Comment by Guru Gulab Khatri — November 22, 2005 @ 7:58 am

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 19:41 | 显示全部楼层
Ita always interesting to see comparisons between these two countries. I guess the main reason why we keep comparing, or are interested in, China, is because it is very clear that these two Asian countries are set to play a major role in the global arena for the next couple of decades. I recall a series of articles done by McKinsey earlier in the year that compared the two economies sector by sector.


In numerous core issues like the economy, population, pollution, democracy, free trade, government regulations [and so on], the two countries follow such very different policies [sometimes dichotomous].There are plenty of problems to go around, and it is interesting to see how each country handles them.


I’m sure some Chinese are having this same discussion right now …oh wait a minute - can they do that? :)

BTW, I just read something about a low budget documentary that elaborates how Wal Mart is ripping off the US. That’s almost become a tradition now, release these low-budget-critical-sometimes-hysterical-short-films on something popular. The people see it, rave about it, and promptly forget about it.


顺便说一下,我刚看了一个最近的预算文件,里面详细的提到沃尔玛是如何ripping off美国的(译注:高手帮忙翻译)。这几乎成了一个传统了,(译注:后面一段也是很难翻译)


Comment by Ram — November 22, 2005 @ 9:59 am
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 19:44 | 显示全部楼层
Re why we Indians keep comparing ourselves to China… see the note at the bottom of this post, subsequently verified by a journalist friend who was there recently… China doesn’t spend too much time thinking about India..


Comment by Prashant Kothari — November 22, 2005 @ 11:28 am

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发表于 2008-10-28 20:02 | 显示全部楼层
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