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发表于 2008-11-1 17:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The sequel to “the Emperor’s new clothes” has finally been taken up by German Media


Hans Christian Andersen, a Danish writer, would have never imagined his satirical fairy tales
would be world-widely recognized and immortal classics. More surprisingly, the rigid Fritzor Kraut took the famous fairy tales into real life and perfectly continued where Mr. Andersen ended more than a hundred and fifty years ago.

虽然默克尔大婶没有童话中皇帝那么愚蠢,但一向心存偏见的她也没有聪明到哪里去——当她将视施罗德为死敌的冯·克莱登选作头号军师更是对华关系的代言人时,一场谎言哄着德意志团团转的闹剧就开始了—— 不论冯·克莱登究竟是出于对施罗德的公仇还是私恨,不论是出于自己家族产业的保护还是默克尔的爱好,谁都可以想象——当都清楚老板和经理要做什么的时候,底层的小职员还能说什么?

Although Mr.s Merkel, the German Chancellor, is not as stupid as the emperor, the prejudiced German Chancellor is barely any cleverer. Her slapstick politics begins when Mrs. Merkel appointed Von Klaeden, who regarded Gerhard Schroeder as his archenemy, to be the CDU/CSU's foreign policy spokesman. No matter what kind of hatred Von Klaeden has towards Schroeder, or whether it’s out of a certain kind of need to protect his family enterprise or just out of a simple preference of Mrs. Merkel. Everybody can imagine when a clerk knows clearly about what his boss wants, what else can he say and expect.


It was only 9 or 8 years ago when the "Chinese fever" initiated by Mr.Schroeder was so prevalent in Germany that everyone seemed to believe that "everything Chinese is good".  Now it made us wonder, why suddenly the same Chinese hospitality and friendship have meant hostility and harm to the same Germans? So here comes the karma. After Mrs.Merkel came into power, she certainly would not be willing to use her own when the supply of milk is insufficient, so it became China’s fault; Similarly, would it be possible for Von Klaeden to sacrifice his own back garden when Christmas trees are in short supply? Certainly not. So it became China’s fault again. However, no matter how people wanted to blame China for everything, there had to be a bottomline. Kraut are Consistent but they aren’t consistent idiots. Mrs. Merkel clearly knew that it was Chinese people who brought hybrid rice to the whole world and fed her people, so she didn’t trouble China over food price issues. But unluckily, the Indians became the scapegoat.


The ministers in the fairy tale did have their suspicions, but strong inertia made it impossible for them to slow down, let alone speaking out their minds. Similarly, the logic of gangster like “bread and milk got eaten up by the Chinese people” seems ridiculous at first sight, but it can get blown deep into people’s hearts and take roots with the help of “the sinister Deutsche wind”. Thus, to the German minds, “Everything related to China is bad”, and “Everything related to Dalai is good”. The “conscientious” Kraut can make the world believe that one day when Dalai Lama delivers his nude photo albums, they would certainly get sold out on the first day in Berlin.

但是谎言终究是要被戳破的,迟早会。而制造谎言的人心里最清楚:这一天到来将要面对多么大的麻烦。所以达赖不会也永远不会昏头到拍全裸写真集。麻烦的是默克尔大婶和冯·克莱登似乎玩的过火了——本来只是国际政治上的转向,却变成了解决国内矛盾的理由,谁能想到八竿子打不到的中国暖风居然可以让日耳曼的锄头 生锈么?

But sooner or later, lies will certainly get exposed. Obviously, liars know clearly what big troubles he or she has to deal with when the day comes. Understandably, Dalai will never lose his head over nude photos. The problem is that Mrs.Merkel and Von Klaeden committed silly excesses in finding excuses for solving domestic contradictions in Germany, as it was just a mere change of direction in the International politics. Who can imagine that warm breezes from China would rust a Germanic hoe in Berlin?


The consequence of exploding lies is so grave that Mrs. Merkel has to use her “own” to feed her people when the supply of milk is insufficient and that Von Klaeden indeed has to sacrifice his back garden temporarily when Christmas trees are in short supply. The German media, which is a self-appointed guardian of  “democracy, freedom and human rights”, are certainly not willing to see this happening, so they continue to manufacture more lies about China understandably.


In the fairy tale, the child’s frankness almost made everybody sensible, but the general situation didn’t get changed. The journalist who got suspended for pro-China reasons can only blame herself for not reading the tale carefully in youth. She should have noticed that the emporer didn’t get dressed even after hearing the child’s words. Also Mr. Andersen didn’t assure the child’s not getting punished by the emperor, moreover, no reference to the end of the liars. Luckily, the German media managed to compensate these “pities”. Now we certainly know how the sequel to “ the Emperor’s new clothes” will be written with the help of the Kraut.
发表于 2008-11-1 17:59 | 显示全部楼层
哇~~被翻译成英文了啊 不错不错
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发表于 2008-11-1 18:10 | 显示全部楼层
吼吼 很感兴趣哦
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发表于 2008-11-1 18:28 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-11-1 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-2 22:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-3 10:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-3 10:31 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2008-11-3 12:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-3 16:32 | 显示全部楼层
强烈支持 绝对的赞一个 默克尔上台之后 这个转向真是非常夸张啊 不知道的以为她家方向盘出问题啦
大风吹后小雨飘啊 德国媒体跟进的速度真是令人赞叹啊
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发表于 2008-11-4 12:43 | 显示全部楼层
佩服 很唯美。
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