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发表于 2008-3-28 20:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天看了下,有99人在线, 很多老外想听中国人的声音,但是看不懂中文啊。尤其 在主流媒体报道后。个人觉得如果是骂人的帖子就删, 制定好版规,比如不许骂人,不许人身攻击。 不管老中老外都一律执行。 还有就是要和版的主题有关,我们这里是anticnn,支持cnn的跟主题无关完全可以删除。 这可以说是私人俱乐部,只要member同意干什么应该都可以的。

我们要跟老外对话的啊。不对话自己在这里爽,没有用的。网络自由世界, 不同的声音很多,相信来这里的人都会理解的。 建议分配任务,个人写一篇有关中国的论文上去让大家讨论。 各位要写英文的啊。

这个是我刚刚写的。本来打算写10个但是要学习去了。英文的网站贴不上,先铁这里了。望酌情处理吧。其实大家英文不好也不要紧的。只要有观点。 很多老外尤其是学生很愿意交流听不同的声音的。 建议 英文thread要j经过基本审核才贴上去,而后面的发言就让大家自由讨论,但是删骂人的,和人生攻击的,

10 illusion created by western media about China

Illusion no. 1: Chinese people are brainwashed by CCTV and can not see western media.
Most Chinese can see CNN and BBC. One of my western friend living in ChenDu (成都) told me as long as you pay 50yuan to the service provider (i.e. CNN or BBC) you can get these channel at the home. ChenDu is not most open-up city in China. When I was in China 8 years ago, I used to listen VOA. (yes it is suppose to be banned but everybody can access it if they want, with some trouble) I used to think western media is so unbiased. Democracy is the solution to everything. I hated my government at that time and left. Now I know better. Common Chinese people actually are very good at spotting propaganda, thanks to the years training from CCP. We Chinese can tell the truth very quickly behind the propaganda. Hence if you see a mob of action is because we WANT and we know BETTER the TRUTH. We are here because we have eyes and heart. We want western people to hear the third voice – a voice from Chinese commoner.

Illusion number 2 : Chinese one-child policy inhumanly kill infants.

When I first came to UK, I was surprised how many people asked how inhuman is to kill children because of the one-child policy. I said I have never heard of it. Later I saw BBC, I knew where it came from.

Do western people know the principle of the one child policy? I don’t remember who said it that human kind the cancer of the environment. We human destroy the environment because we want food and shelter. Although most world environment activist know about this but nobody actually bother to take any action. We Chinese act responsibly and started one-child policy aim to control the population. Its benefit has been recognized by the United nation. Yet we have been accused inhuman. Ok here is the BBC manipulation:
BBC reported one force abortion, with conclusion that we Chinese are inhuman. But the fact is force abortion is illegal in China!!!
The cadre who forced abortion were sent to prison because of that!!! One-child policy is mainly maintained by the social levy and persuasion. BBC “conveniently” ignored that, and created an impression that we are barbarians. Thank you BBC!

(to be continue)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-28 21:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-28 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
very well!我支持你写完。
发表于 2008-3-28 22:28 | 显示全部楼层
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