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[08.03.27 香港 SCMP] 中国ANTI-CNN网站声讨西方媒体偏见(AC3)

发表于 2008-11-26 14:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
外文主流媒体对Anti-CNN.com 相关报道翻译贴(三)

China's website crusade against western 'media bias'
By:Raymond Li     

Rao Jin , a soft-spoken, baby-faced Tsinghua University graduate with gold-rimmed glasses, is an unlikely candidate to lead a crusade.

But angered by what he perceived as biased overseas reports of the Tibet rioting, the 23-year-old information technology entrepreneur has launched an online campaign against western media outlets with his bbs.m4.cn, a website aimed at exposing allegedly biased coverage of unrest in Tibet by western media.

Mr Rao's website, which was launched last Thursday, labels CNN the "world leader of liars", but he said the campaign targeted not only the US television network but all western media outlets airing blunders and biased views in their coverage of the Tibet rioting, which erupted on March 14.

Mr Rao said his decision to take on the western media came after an online chat with a Chinese friend overseas, and "we both felt offended by the blatant errors and biased views in some western media reports about the Tibet situation".

The anti-cnn.com venture has united more than 200 voluntary contributors worldwide, and Mr Rao said his team in Beijing had received more than 3,000 e-mails containing evidence against such western news organisations as CNN, the BBC, Fox News and The Washington Post.

Mr Rao said the site had received more than 200,000 page views in the first five days.

In an online statement, he called on all Chinese to send protest letters, faxes and e-mails to western media organisations, urging them to apologise for false reports.

Mainland media, including Xinhua and the China Daily, have also been quick to discredit western media, highlighting their blunders and accusing them of deep-rooted prejudice.

Official reports coupled with analysts' comments critical of overseas media groups have featured prominently on several major mainland-based news portals. The reports are believed to have been placed at the order of government authorities.

The fuss in the Chinese-language media over the alleged bias in reporting is unlikely to have an impact on mainstream views of Tibet and the rioting in the west, but the surprisingly strong public sentiment against western media has prompted fresh concerns over rising nationalism on the mainland.

At a media gathering in Beijing on Tuesday night, representatives from some overseas media outlets said they feared authorities might use any setback in the country's efforts to stage the Olympics to fuel nationalism, particularly among the young.

Mr Rao said he was aware of the nationalist sentiment and the government's control over the mainland media. But he said his crusade against overseas media organisations was "not an expression of nationalism, but a true reflection of a wide consensus in the Chinese-speaking world".

He added that the world should not underestimate the wisdom of the Chinese internet population because the internet provided many alternative sources of information about Tibet, not just the official accounts.

Mr Rao said he understood that foreign media organisations may have their own stance on reporting on China, but they had to uphold basic journalistic ethics and stay faithful to the facts.

But foreign journalists have complained that a lockdown of Tibet has made their job extremely difficult because it has limited information flow on what exactly has happened there.

Mr Rao countered that the restrictions on foreign media could not justify the factual errors and the biased views in their reports.

"The foreign media have had a problem remaining objective, so even if they are allowed to go there, their reporting would be no fairer."        

Raymond Li  





Anti-cnn 汇聚了来自世界各地超过200名的志愿工作者,饶谨先生称他在北京的工作小组已经收到了3000余封有实际证据的邮件反对西方媒体组织,诸如CNN、BBC、Fox News,以及《华盛顿邮报》












发表于 2008-11-26 15:07 | 显示全部楼层






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