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【2008.11.25 美联社+法新社】中国网上屏蔽枪炮与玫瑰的新专辑

发表于 2008-11-29 10:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


China state media blast new Guns N' Roses album


BEIJING (AP) — A newspaper published by China's ruling Communist Party is blasting the latest Guns N' Roses album as an attack on the Chinese nation. Delayed since recording began in 1994, "Chinese Democracy" hit stores in the U.S. on Sunday, although it is unlikely to be sold legally in China, where censors maintain tight control over films, music and publications. In an article Monday headlined "American band releases album venomously attacking China," the Global Times said unidentified Chinese Internet users had described the album as part of a plot by some in the West to "grasp and control the world using democracy as a pawn." The album "turns its spear point on China," the article said.

China's Foreign Ministry did not respond to faxed questions about the article, although a spokesman speaking on routine condition of anonymity said: "We don't need to comment on that." Spokesmen for the Culture Ministry and State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, government bodies that regulate album releases and performances, could not be reached for comment.

The Global Times article referred only to the title of the album and not to specific song lyrics. The record's title track makes a reference to the Falun Gong meditation movement that was banned by China as an "evil cult" and warns "if your Great Wall rocks blame yourself," in an apparent message to the country's authoritarian government. Songs from the album could be heard on Internet sites such as YouTube and the band's MySpace page on Monday and it was not immediately possible to tell whether China's Internet monitors were seeking to block access to it. Monitors use content filters that highlight and sometimes block messages containing words such as democracy. That prompted some Internet users to combine English and Chinese characters in their postings about the album to skirt such monitoring.
《环球时报》的文章仅仅引用了该专辑的标题,并没有提及歌词。该与专辑同名的主打歌提及被中国列为“邪教”遭到禁止的法 功,并明显地向中国的执政当局警告说“如果你的长城摇动了怪你自己”。该专辑的一些歌曲周一还能从网上听到,比如Youtube和该乐队的MySpace网页,目前还难以立刻说中国的互联网监控机构是否准备屏蔽登录。(中国的)互联网监控机构用内容过滤方式标出或有时屏蔽掉包含一些像民主之类的信息。这项举措引发一些网民用中英文夹杂的方式在他们的帖子中谈论该专辑以绕开监控。

China approves only limited numbers of foreign films and recordings for distribution each year, partly due to political concerns but also to protect domestic producers. Live performances are also closely regulated, with bands forced to submit set lists beforehand. The Rolling Stones were asked not to play several songs with suggestive lyrics during their 2006 China debut, including "Brown Sugar," "Honky Tonk Woman," "Beast of Burden" and "Let's Spend the Night Together."
中国每年只批准很有限的国外电影和音乐发行,部分由于政治的考虑,也出于保护国内产业的考虑。现场音乐会也严格控制,乐队必须事先上报曲目清单。滚石乐队2006年中国巡演时曾经被要求不要演出几首包含影射内容歌词的歌曲,包括“Brown Sugar”、“Honky Tonk Woman”、“Beast of Burden”和“Let's Spend the Night Together”。

Earlier this year, bandleader Harry Connick Jr. was forced to make last-minute changes to his show in Shanghai because an old song list was mistakenly submitted to Chinese authorities to secure the performance permit for the concert. Authorities insisted he play the songs on the original list, even though his band did not have the music for them. That came just a week after Icelandic singer Bjork embarrassed authorities by shouting "Tibet!" at the end of a Shanghai concert, prompting stricter vetting of foreign performers.

Despite such restrictions, computer file sharing and pirating of DVDs, computer games and music CDs is rampant in China, meaning that much banned material is available through alternative channels.


China's censors cool on Guns N' Roses democracy album

SHANGHAI (AFP) — China's Internet censors appeared to be trying to block fans Monday from accessing websites related to Guns N' Roses' first album in 17 years, which is provocatively titled "Chinese Democracy". The album's official site www.chinesedemocracy.com was inaccessible in communist China and Internet portal Baidu.com blocked music-related searches for "Chinese Democracy". However, Chinese Internet users were still able Monday morning to listen to the album's 14 songs on MySpace.com, the band's homepage remained accessible and bloggers were allowed to have their voices heard.
上海(法新社)——中国的互联网监控机构在周一显示出试图阻止乐迷登录有关枪炮与玫瑰17年后的第一个专辑的网站,该专辑刺激性的标题是“中国式民主”该专辑的官方网站www.chinesedemocracy.com 在共产主义的中国无法登录,互联网搜索引擎百度阻止了与音乐有关的“中国式民主”的搜索。不过中国的网民周一早上依然能在MySpace该乐队的网页主页上听到该专辑14首歌,博客们还允许对此发表评论。

China's Ministry of Culture appeared to be immune to the global hype surrounding the album headed by Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose, 46, the only member of the band's original line-up involved in the recording. "This is the first time we've heard about it," a ministry spokeswoman said, when asked about the album and reports that it had been banned in China. "I don't know if they're banned or not," she said. "It might be a rumour."

The album's official website responded with a poll asking visitors if they thought the Chinese should be allowed to access it -- about 70 percent of respondents said yes. Like critics' reviews, reaction from Chinese music fans has been mixed. "I feel GNR has a mocking, misunderstanding and disdainful view of our country," an Internet user who identified herself as Tiffany in Guangzhou wrote on Douban.com, a pop culture social networking site.
该专辑的官方网站对于被禁之事用一个投票问卷来回应,它问访问者是否他们认为中国人应该被允许登录它的网站——大约70%的投票者说应该。与其他批评性评论一样,来自中国乐迷的反应不一。“我感到枪炮与玫瑰对我们国家有一种嘲弄、误解和鄙视的观点,”一名在一个流行的文化社会交友网站www.douban.com 上署名来自广州的Tiffany网民写道。

But many participants suggested an angry knee-jerk reaction was unwarranted. "You are judging it just from the album's name. Did you ever try to listen to it, understand it and think about it?" a male from Guiyang, calling himself Mr Lee, wrote on the same forum. Another music fan appealed to Internet users to show more sophistication. "Green Day could have an album named 'American Idiot', but if a band released an album named 'Chinese Idiot', whatever the content or motivation, Chinese patriots would be outraged," wrote Shippo7, a Beijing male.

Western rock critics have also shown little restraint. Rolling Stone described the album as a "great, audacious, unhinged and uncompromising hard-rock record" but the New York Times said it was the "Titanic of rock albums: the ship, not the movie."

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