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发表于 2008-4-11 15:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEIJING (AP) -- Chinese authorities jittery about protests during the Mount Everest leg of the Olympic torch relay have abruptly reversed a decision to reopen Tibet to foreign tourists.

Foreigners have not received permits to visit the Himalayan region since deadly anti-government riots broke out in the capital, Lhasa. Tourism authorities announced last week that foreign tour groups would be allowed in on May 1, the start of a three-day national holiday.
Tour operators said Thursday, however, that the Tibetan Tourism Bureau told them this week to stop arranging trips for foreigners. They said the bureau cited the need for safe passage for the torch relay to the summit of Everest, as well as continuing safety concerns in Lhasa.
The torch was met by major demonstrations in San Francisco, London and Paris this week on its relay around the world. Thousands of protesters angry at China's human rights record, its harsh rule in Tibet and its friendly ties with Sudan scuffled with police and attempted to block the torch's passage.
"We received the emergency notice from the tourism bureau that, considering the safety of the torch, which will go to Mount Everest in May, agencies are not allowed to receive tourist groups and foreign tourists," said an employee at the Tibet China Youth Travel Service in Lhasa, who identified himself by his surname, Dong.
Dong said the government's decision will hurt Tibet's tourism industry, which accounts for a major portion of the local economy. Last May, his company arranged trips for 3,000-4,000 foreign tourists.
"This decision will affect our business, even the Chinese tourism market, a lot," he said.
A man who answered the phone at the Tibetan Tourism Bureau confirmed that the decision to reopen Tibet on May 1 had been changed. He refused to give his name.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said Thursday that the Tibetan government is working "to bring back the law and order." Yu added that "special measures are taken for special circumstances."
The torch relay is aimed at showcasing China's rising economic and political power. Instead, protesters have used it as a backdrop for criticizing China for its March crackdown on anti-government demonstrations in Tibet and nearby provinces.
Rallies have also been held elsewhere to protest the crackdown. On Thursday, thousands of Tibetans carried 154 shrouded effigies in New Delhi representing those they say were killed last month in Tibet. Chinese authorities say 22 people died in the riots.
China earlier this year banned mountaineering groups from getting permits to climb its side of Everest between March and June. It persuaded Nepal to enact a similar ban on the other side of the mountain.
The torch is to return to mainland China at the beginning of May and continue through dozens of Chinese cities, including Lhasa, in June. A side relay will take a second torch up Mount Everest in May.
Tibet's governor Champa Phuntsok said this week he had "no doubt" that Tibetan activists would seek to "create trouble" during the Tibet leg of the Olympic relay. China has repeatedly blamed the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan leader, and his supporters for fomenting the unrest.
On Thursday, the Dalai Lama said he supports China's hosting of the Olympics, but insisted nobody had the right to tell protesters demanding freedom for Tibet "to shut up."
[ 本帖最后由 储留乡 于 2008-4-11 15:45 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-11 15:43 | 显示全部楼层


北京(美联社) -- 中国当局紧张于在火炬登珠穆琅玛峰期间的抗议活动,突然推翻了对外国游客开放西藏的决定。自从在首府拉萨发生致命的反政府暴乱以来,外国人就不再允许前往马拉雅山地区了。旅游业当局上周宣布, 5月1 日, 一个连续三天国假开始的那天,外国旅行团将被允许进入(西藏地区)。然而,周四旅行社说西藏旅游局告诉他们这个星期停止为外国人安排旅行。他们援引旅游局的话说这是为在珠峰进行火炬传递的安全考量,也是对拉萨安全局势的持续关切。火炬在本周旧金山、伦敦和巴黎的环球传递中遇到了大规模的抗议示威。成千上万的抗议者愤怒于中国的人权纪录、它在西藏的残酷统治和它与苏丹的友好关系,他们与警察发生了冲突并且试图阻拦火炬的传递。 "我们接到了旅游局的紧急通知,考虑到火炬5月在珠穆朗玛峰传递的安全问题,旅行社不允许接受旅游团和外国游客,"一名在拉萨的西藏中国青年旅行社雇员说, 他自称姓董。董说政府的决定将损害西藏的旅游业, 这个在当地经济中占相当部分的产业。去年5月, 他的公司接待了3,000-4,000 名外国游客。 "这个决定将大大影响我们的业务, 甚至中国旅游市场。" 他说。一位西藏旅游局的人在电话的一端证实, 5月1日重新开放西藏的决定改变了。但是他拒绝透露他的名字。中国外交部女发言人姜渝周四说西藏政府正在致力于“恢复西藏的法制和秩序。”她补充说, "对于特别情况将采取特别措施。" 火炬传递是为了展示中国上升的经济和政治力量。但是, 抗议者却将其视为批评中国三月份在西藏和邻近省份镇压反政府示威的机会。抗议镇压的集会也在别处举行。周四,数千名西藏人在新德里集会,他们扛着154个被覆盖的肖像以代表上月在西藏镇压中被杀害的人。中国当局声称在暴乱中仅死亡22 人。中国今年初发布了禁止登山队在3月和6月间从中国一侧攀登珠峰的禁令。它劝说尼泊尔也制定一个类似的禁令以禁止从尼泊尔一侧攀登。五月初火炬将返回到中国大陆传递,并在6月经过拉萨。5月会有一支火炬经分支路线攀上珠峰。西藏的政府主席向八平措本周说他确信西藏活动分子将在西藏火炬传递过程中“制造麻烦”。中国不断指责dl喇嘛-- 西藏流亡政府领袖--和他的支持者挑起了暴乱事件。周四, dl喇嘛说他支持中国举行奥运会, 但坚持称没有人可以让要求西藏自由的抗议者“闭嘴”。"

[ 本帖最后由 储留乡 于 2008-4-11 15:44 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-11 15:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 18:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
搞清楚情况 收集好资料  告他去!
发表于 2008-4-11 18:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-11 20:52 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-11 21:12 | 显示全部楼层


http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORL ... tibet.ap/index.html
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