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发表于 2008-12-5 12:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Vietnam foster military cooperation with China


该协议是在越南人民军(VPA)总参谋长 ,民主党中尉,参议员中尉阮克Nghien将军。与中国的解放军总参谋长陈炳德上将在12月4日双方会谈来访上签定的。
在Nghien他在中国从11月三十日至12月4日访问,他礼节性访问了中国国家副主席习近平和国防部长,参议员中尉。梁光烈上将。他还会晤了广州军区海南岛的领导人,并参观了中国北方工业公司( NORICO ) 。 VOVNews /电
Vietnam foster military cooperation with China
Vietnam and China have agreed to step up their cooperation in doing research and transfering military technologies, training staff, organising search and rescue exercises, disarming mines and conducting joint sea patrols.

The agreement was made during the talks between the visiting Chief of General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA), Sen. Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Khac Nghien and Sen. Lieut. Gen. Chen Bingde, Chief of General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army of China on December 4.
The two military leaders briefed each other on the current political and socio-economic situations in their own countries, exchanged experiences and discussed a number of issues of mutual concern. They also agreed to increase the exchange of military delegations at all levels to develop and maintain military-related dialogues.
Regarding the East Sea, the two sides agreed to ask their respective Parties and States to intensify high-level discussions and enter into peaceful negotiations to seek long-term solutions to ensure stability in the East Sea area and maintain the healthy relationship between the two countries.
During their stay in China from November 30-December 4, Mr Nghien, who is also a Deputy Minister of Defence, and his entourage paid a courtesy visit to Chinese Vice State President Xi Jinping and Defence Minister, Sen. Lieut. Gen. Liang Guanglie. He also met with the leaders of the Guangzhou military zone on Hainan island, and visited the China North Industries Corporation (NORICO). VOVNews/VNA




发表于 2008-12-5 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
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