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发表于 2008-12-7 14:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Thailand's monarchy
The king and them

Dec 4th 2008
From The Economist print edition
经济学人 12月4日  2008
The untold story of the palace’s role behind the collapse of Thai democracy
THAILAND’S tourism business, its export industries and its reputation have been wrecked by recent events. Crowds of royalists have occupied the government’s offices for months and then seized Bangkok’s airports. The police refused to evict them. The army refused to help. This week the siege was ended after the courts disbanded three parties in the ruling coalition. But the parties plan to re-form under new names and continue governing, so fresh strife threatens. It is as if a thin veneer of modernity, applied during the boom of the 1980s and early 1990s, has peeled away. Until recently a beacon of Asian pluralism, Thailand is sliding into anarchy.
The conflict began three years ago as peaceful rallies against corruption and abuse of power in the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. The protesters, wearing royal-yellow shirts and accusing Mr Thaksin of being a closet republican, got their way when royalist generals removed him in the coup of 2006. But on democracy’s restoration last year, Thais elected a coalition led by Mr Thaksin’s allies. The yellow-shirts of the inaptly named People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) revived their protests and adopted increasingly thuggish tactics, prompting Mr Thaksin’s supporters to don red shirts and fight back.
Speak it not
Throughout this conflict, the great unmentionable, not just for the Thai press but also for most foreign reporters, has been the role of King Bhumibol, his family and their closest courtiers. The world’s most ferociously enforced law against lèse-majesté (offending the crown) prevents even the mildest discussion of the palace’s role in Thai public life. Such laws are mostly in disuse elsewhere, but Thailand’s was harshened in the 1970s. Absurdly, anyone can bring a lèse-majesté suit. The police have to take seriously the most trivial complaints. All this makes the law a useful tool for politicians and others seeking a way to damage their foes. Often, the press is not allowed to explain the nature of any supposed offence against the crown, so Thais have no way to tell whether it really was so disrespectful.
在这场争斗之中,不仅是泰国记者,而且对于大多数外国记者,却恰恰忽略了国王普密蓬和他的近臣们所起的作用。泰国有着最严格的法律来制裁亵渎君主的行为,哪怕对王室在公共生活中的作用稍有提及,也被视为违法。这样的法律在世界其他君主制国家都已经被废除,但在泰国却从20世纪70年代以来愈加严厉。 可笑是,人们竟可以穿着王室的黄衫。警察对于最轻微的关于王室的抱怨也会严厉打击,这经常被一些政客所利用来打击其政敌。通常,媒体也不允许对王室受到的批评进行性质的分析,因此泰国人也不明白这些批评为何是大不敬。
The lèse-majesté law is an outrage in itself. It should not be enforced in any country with democratic pretensions. Worse is that the law hides from Thais some of the reasons for their chronic political woes. For what the king himself calls the “mess” Thailand is in stems in many ways from his own meddling in politics during his 62-year reign (see article). In part, the strife also reflects jockeying for power ahead of the succession. With the king celebrating his 81st birthday on December 5th, that event looms ever larger.

[ 本帖最后由 妩人少将 于 2008-12-7 15:55 编辑 ]




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