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Grass-roots’s diplomatical thinking in China

发表于 2008-12-11 18:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Grass-roots’s diplomatical thinking in China


      1. For some problems, we’d better solve them later rather than immediately. E.g. China didn’t take back Hong Kong in 1949, neither did her take back even a tiny island called Jinmen so close to mainland. Hong Kong later became a window between China and the world under the blockage of the west powers. Jinmen play a roll of umbilical cord connecting Taiwan and the motherland. No matter how the child cry, he can not walk away.


2. Some of the game cards can be looked on as our counterworkers’ possession, as well as ours, which depends on our need. For example the so called Tibet problem and RMB exchange rate problem. It will be their cards when they ask for rising the value of RMB and it will be our cards when we depreciate it. While the manipulating for appreciation and depreciation is our hands. Dalai will be their cards when they are kissing the chameleon’s ass and it will be our cards when we are kicking his ass. Of course, Tibet is ours instead of theirs.


3. Only one card never fails, the national power. With power, a nation can manoeuvre the world, without it you are just a puppet.


4. The fundamental of Taiwan problem is not whether to unification nor independence, but when and how to unification. We never let Taiwan go away even in those days when mainland was even weaker than Taiwan and under the surrounding of those powerfuls, needless to say nowdays when Taiwan can not be compared with some of other provinces of China and we are encouraged in knocking the west.


5. In some case, staying away from politics will help us to obtain better political effect rather than rely on it. E.g. given aiding Africa is a kind of benefaction, why not do it in a way that makes both sides happy?


6. Rising peacefully doesn’t mean promising discarding our right to use force. Without this right, are we really able to make it in peace?


7. Precondition of not using nuclear weapon first is letting ourselves to determine whether our enemy had use it, as well as letting ourselves to confirm whether we had it.


8. Declaration of having no interest in dominance doesn’t mean discarding dominance. E.g. our attitude to ASEAN is let them have the dominance and what we need to do is jut cast enough influence on this kind of dominance.


9. Are we the friend of US, or Russia? Neither. They share only one friend called Mr. Interest. So, if we want get on with these guys, we should also make friend with Mr. Interest.


10. West power beated us by using trade, then by democracy. Now, we fight back with trade, and one day in the future, with democracy.


11. Diaoyu island, southern Tibet and Nansha archipelago are 3 whips that alarm us the truth that those richer than us as well as those poorer than us can take advantages from us and we have no choice expect getting stronger than those forces behind them.


12. We will never seek for supremacy, nether will we require excessive things. What we want is the rights and benefits that fit the population. Meanwhile, we honestly hope no other country occupy more of those than fitting their populations.


13. It seems that is US instead of Russia is the biggest country in the world. US seem to border on every one in the planet and could you imagine the size?


14. Action or watching. When we are not qualified in economy, we emphasized on watching. When we are strong enough to go we prefer action. Do harmoniously and without conflict.


15. In the international games, we should let them know our aggregate when striving for rights and our average when considering obligations.


16. US are willing to fight for oils. OK, let them do it. Whatever they can’t carry all oils home and everybody else burn the same kind of thing.

17. You can not change yourself into a military giant by buying weapons, but you can make it by selling weapons.


18. Yes, thinking of history makes us go right, thinking of current situation makes us go smoothly. But only thinking is not enough unless we act more.


19. Be part of G8 we represent 1/9. Out of G8 we might be the 1/2.


20. The most valuable treasure we got after 30 years opening and reform is neither the development of economy nor the strengthened national power. It is learn to relying on fact, instead of relying on authority or relying on books. Only the fact and more fact.


21. Keeping a low profile does not lead to discarding sounding loud. We keep a low profile while not showing weakness and sound loud without arbitrariness. This is a great power should be.


22. For a country, the correct thing is to let its opponents do something wrong. Accordingly, sometimes something that our opponents dedicate to prevent us from doing is the right thing we should do, hard and insistently.


23. Value-diplomatism is just the G-string of interest-diplomatism. Some certain countries always act as a whore while make up like a virgin.


25. The basis of civilization crash, national crash, racial crash etc. is interest crash. The crash will be more than a crash without acknowledgement of this.


26. It is not sure whether our enemy’s enemy is our friends. But make sure that he will not become our enemy.


26. Be a leader lion with respect instead of a leader bird with first death. A man should be like this and so should a country.


27. Not only China has his own difficulties, but also the other countries in the world. There is no exception.


28. West people play poker, Chinese play chess. West people like boxing, Chinese like Taiji.


Everybody comes for benefits and every body goes for benefits, hustle and bustle. This is always the game theory between those great powers.


30. Concealing is not escape, Act should not be mishandled

[ 本帖最后由 wen98 于 2008-12-11 18:30 编辑 ]




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30. Concealing is not escape, Act should not be mishandled

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